Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 106 The four major deans are all in the bag (first order requested 15/20)

Chapter 106 The four major deans are all in the bag (please order 1520 for the first time)

Sunday, Duel Club.

Sunlight shines through the glass, making the spacious hall-like classroom even brighter.

There are some human-shaped alchemy puppets placed near the walls of the classroom. The bookshelves are not filled with books, but filled with a large number of bottles and jars of potions.

A large number of young wizards were having heated and lively discussions around the long high platform in the middle.

"Professor Quirrell's course last year didn't include any dueling lessons, but it seems that this year we finally got the chance."

"I'm really looking forward to it. Professor Lockhart will explain to us how to duel?"

"Who says it's not? I heard from my parents that generally speaking, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors are responsible for organizing the classes. But who told the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors to change every year? As a result, the dueling classes are sometimes offered and sometimes not."

"I hope this year's Professor Lockhart can stay longer and break through that curse."


"Have you heard? Professor Lockhart will have a fierce duel with other professors today."

"Really? With which professor?"

"I think any professor is fine, as long as it's not Professor Snape."

"Actually, I think Professor Snape can do it too. I kind of expect him to be defeated by Professor Lockhart."

"That being said, it seems pretty good."


At this time, Harry stood in front of the high platform, stretched his neck vigorously, and looked into the depths of the high platform with some expectancy.

The same goes for other little wizards.

They all heard that not only Professor Lockhart but other professors would also participate in this dueling course.

There's even an exciting duel between professors waiting for them.

It can be said to be full of gimmicks, which instantly ignited their melon-eating mood.


boom! boom! boom!

All the little wizards raised their heads, looked at the colorful magic fireworks blooming over the classroom, and exclaimed softly.

next moment!

Lockhart appeared silently on the high platform, and beside Lockhart were the four deans of the academy.

Seeing the surprised expressions of all the little wizards, a smile appeared on their faces.

Reaching out and pressing down, the little wizards' exclamations began to decrease.

Lockhart held his wand and pointed it at his neck—in a loud voice.

In a flash of light, Lockhart's voice spread throughout the classroom.

"What is a duel?"

"A duel is different from a battle."

"Battle symbolizes the struggle of life and death, while duel symbolizes civilization and progress."

"The purpose of a duel is to stay away from death and to protect yourself."

"Welcome to join the Duel Club. Here, we will help you understand the secrets of duel, and also teach you how to protect yourself and refuse death."

As he spoke, Lockhart walked in front of the four professors and introduced to the young wizards: "I believe everyone will be familiar with the teacher who teaches you duels."

"That's your dean. Each of them is a duel master."

As he spoke, Lockhart pointed gently at Filius Flitwick, Dean of Ravenclaw, raised his voice, and introduced: "Dean Flitwick, won multiple duel championships when he was young."

"It took a lot of effort to convince him to come and teach everyone."

As he spoke, Lockhart winked at the young wizards, as if to hint how rare this opportunity was.

"Wow, Professor Flitwick is so amazing."

The little wizards also exclaimed in cooperation.

Filius Flitwick heard the exclamations of the little wizards. Although he was small, he still smiled widely.

Then, Lockhart continued to introduce: "Of course, our Slytherin Dean, when he was young, he lurked among the dark wizards and made great contributions to defeating the Dark Lord."

"I have a lot of experience in dueling, and I know the dark wizard's methods very well."

"If you want to know how dark wizards fight, then Professor Snape will definitely give you a feast for your eyes."

Hearing Lockhart's praise, especially seeing the adoring expressions of some of the little wizards below.

A stiff smile appeared on Snape's originally cold face.

Well, originally he felt a little dissatisfied with Lockhart's pursuit of a sense of ritual.

But seeing some young wizards worshiping him, he still felt a sense of pride in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Lockhart began to praise Professor McGonagall for her rich combat experience with dark wizards and her superb transformation skills.

Professor Sprout praised his rare, ingenious and miraculous use of magical plants to fight.

These two professors were invited by Lockhart after Flitwick and Snape.

He was planning to catch all the Hogwarts professors in one fell swoop, so he tried to make sure that none of the four deans were left behind.

Professor McGonagall was easy to talk to. She was a little reluctant at first, but after hearing that it was Dumbledore's request, she directly chose to join.

As for Professor Sprout, Lockhart easily convinced her once he said that all three deans had joined the dueling club.

Therefore, all four heads of Hogwarts entered Lockhart's dueling club.

As for how to get these deans to work together for the cause of the new magic system, Lockhart has been planning for a long time.

Seeing the expressions of surprise and admiration on their faces by the young wizards, even the usually serious McGonagall and the indifferent Snape had a smile on their faces.

Seeing this, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction.

Unless you are extraordinary, no one can refuse the praise and praise of others.

Praise and compliments are more likely to make people feel good, and it is also easier for these professors to integrate into the duel club.

Especially when his own students praise and admire him, no professor can refuse.

After introducing the four deans, Lockhart waited for the young wizards' voices to gradually lower their voices before Lockhart introduced himself.

"Everyone is familiar with the four professors. As for me, there should be no need to say more."

"I will teach everyone my experience in using spells, timing, and other duels."

"At the same time, I will also share some practical new spells. I believe that after you learn them, your dueling abilities will be significantly improved."

Lockhart briefly introduced what he would teach everyone, but Lockhart didn't say much.

But what he didn't notice was that when Snape heard him talking about the new curse, he obviously looked at him with something wrong.

It's like looking at...a scourge!

At this moment, the little wizards below began to discuss in low voices early.

However, something was obviously wrong with Harry's expression.

He hated Snape from the bottom of his heart.

But today I heard Professor Lockhart praise Snape, especially the Dark Lord who killed his parents.

And Professor Snape made a lot of contributions.

After all, Snape has become his benefactor?

Such thoughts made him feel extremely awkward.

However, his attention was soon attracted by Professor Lockhart's next words.

"To give everyone a better understanding of the fight."

"I will start a duel with a dean to show everyone what a duel is?"

With that said, Lockhart extended an invitation to the four professors: "I wonder which professor I would be lucky enough to have a real duel with?"

Lockhart had just finished speaking, and within a few seconds, Snape spoke first.

"Professor Lockhart, here I come!"

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