Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 107 The Ring of Sealing (First order requested 16/20)

Chapter 107 The Ring of Sealing (please order 1620 for the first time)

Lockhart was a little surprised to hear Snape's quick answer, but he didn't think much about it. He nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, I also want to see Professor Snape's methods."

At the same time, Lockhart and Snape walked towards the middle of the platform, and McGonagall and the other three professors also began to walk towards the bottom of the platform.

The little wizard below opened his eyes wide, looking forward to the exciting duel between the two professors.

Lockhart and Snape were one step apart, facing each other, raising their wands and bowing slightly in accordance with duel etiquette.

At the same time, he put down the wand in his hand, turned around, walked back, walked five steps in a row, and turned around.

Looking at the indifferent Snape across from him, Lockhart looked cautious and shouted loudly: "Three, two, one"



"Armor protection!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Snape recited the spell loudly and quickly.

A dazzling red light flashed and flew quickly in front of Lockhart.

At the same time, Lockhart turned his wand and quickly released an iron armor curse. White light shone, and a magic barrier quickly emerged, deflecting Snape's curse away.

"Bright and bright!"



"All petrified!"


Seeing that Snape's curse was deflected, Lockhart raised his wand lightly, and the Bright Curse emitted a dazzling white light to obscure Snape's sight.

At the same time, he also cast several disarming spells to fight back.

Although Snape subconsciously squinted his eyes because of the dazzling white light, he reacted very quickly and cast several petrification spells on Lockhart according to the location in his memory, while dodging sideways.

Seeing this, Lockhart subconsciously turned sideways, and three dim lights passed him by.

All this only takes two or three seconds.

Snape attacked first, while Lockhart defended and counterattacked.

The little wizards below saw this scene on the high platform and subconsciously held back their breath.

They saw the two professors releasing magic spells at extremely fast speeds and dodging, although they could not see them clearly because of the white light shining in the middle.

But it still felt a bit shocking.

Because, the two professors began to release a large amount of magic spells again, and the colorful light of magic spells appeared in their eyes.

Buzz! Buzz!

Although Snape has been in the academy for nearly 10 years, he is still uneasy about the future and has never let him give up his exploration of combat.

As Lockhart cast several offensive spells, he was too lazy to cast defensive spells.

Just dodge sideways and attack with attack at the same time.

Crushing spells, disarming spells, petrification spells, all kinds of magic spells kept flying around, piercing the air and making sharp whistling sounds.

While the two were casting the spell, they continued to move their positions slightly to avoid the spell.

Lockhart faced a large number of offensive spells coming towards him. While dodging, he couldn't help but slow down the speed of casting spells.

Sighing slightly, Snape was once a dark wizard and had rich combat experience. This pure attack really caught people off guard.

Then quickly increase the speed of casting spells.

"Shattered to pieces!"

"Confinement quickly!"


"All petrified!"


A large number of curses were shot at Snape as Lockhart kept waving his wand.

Snape, on the other hand, cast more spells and quickly counterattacked.

Bang bang bang!

In the eyes of the little wizard.

Accompanied by bursts of rapid bursts, a large number of red, black, gray, and white magical lights flashed alternately.

A large number of spells canceled each other out, but at the same time, some spells were also shot at the two professors.

It's just that the professors dodged quickly with light steps.

At this moment, Lockhart's heart sank slightly.

He secretly sighed that Snape was indeed a dark wizard with rich combat experience. He was currently suppressed by Professor Snape's large number of spells and was at a disadvantage.

Sure enough, he had only traveled through time for a few months. Although he had been trained continuously, he was not as good as a wizard who had experienced hundreds of battles.

But he didn't have much to worry about.

Having been prepared early, he directly waved the hanging ring in his hand, made a strange gesture, aimed at the magic spell in the air, and gently stretched out his hand to press it.

"Sealing Ring!"

Click! Click! Click!

In an instant, with a sound like a mirror breaking, a red flame-colored halo suddenly appeared.

Circle all the magic spells and quickly squeeze to the middle.

All the little wizards opened their eyes wide and saw that the large number of spells released by Professor Snape were controlled and imprisoned by a ring, and gathered into a ball of light.

Then, with a wave of his hand, Lockhart controlled the sealing ring and rushed directly towards Professor Snape with a large number of magic spells.

Snape's eyes flashed with surprise at this scene. He had never seen such a curse before.

However, there was no time to think deeply. Faced with a large number of magic spells coming towards him, he continued to cast various defensive spells to resist the attacks.

Just as a large number of magic spells and defensive spells collided with each other, a dazzling white light was produced.

Lockhart took this opportunity and shook his right hand slightly, and a long magic rope of red flame appeared quietly.

Then he quickly rushed towards Snape.

The two deans, McGonagall and Flitwick, who were standing not far away, were also a little surprised when they saw this scene.

In their memories, both the spells Lockhart cast and his fighting behavior were very unfamiliar.

There is no battle that involves waving a wand.

As a result, Lockhart seemed to have given up the most advantageous wand in his hand and held a long rope condensed by magic power, as if he was going to start a close combat with Snape.

At this time, Snape was somewhat embarrassed after resisting a large number of spells. When he saw Lockhart holding a magic rope, he was a little confused.

But with his keen intuition, he sensed the smell of danger.

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

With a strong wave of the wand, he subconsciously cast his most convenient offensive spell.

In an instant, a transparent blade struck Lockhart.

Naturally, Lockhart was already prepared. He quickly moved the hanging ring, and a circular portal suddenly appeared.

Opposite the teleportation gate is the Forbidden Forest Lawn, which engulfs Shen Feng without a shadow and then disappears immediately.

But Lockhart did not stop his attack. After the portal disappeared, he immediately waved the magic rope in his hand and tied Snape's right hand holding the wand tightly.


Lockhart controlled the magic rope to dissipate, smiled at Snape, bowed slightly, and put away the wand in his hand.

When Snape saw this, his face turned dark, but he followed the rules and bowed slightly to Lockhart.

But the look he looked at Lockhart held a hint of inquiry.

I had heard that Principal Dumbledore wanted to pay more attention to Lockhart's magical research, but now I have seen his magical achievements that are different from ordinary spells.

The other party's way of casting the spell and the form of the spell were obviously different from the known spells.

Moreover, the other party actually wanted to fight with him in close combat, which was beyond his expectation.

At this time, Lockhart's heart was also full of luck. If he fought Snape purely through the spells of the Harry Potter world, he would definitely lose.

After all, Snape had been with the Dark Lord before and had experienced countless battles. He was directly at a disadvantage just now.

Later, only with the help of Karma Taj's magic and Snape's unfamiliarity with it, he could win this duel.

Well, the fighting method just now is actually based on the previous battle with Casillas.

How Casillas wins himself.

And he won over Snape.

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