Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 118: Instilling new ideas into the little wizards (please subscribe, please vote)

Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

"Tom, these three research projects are left to you."

"If you don't understand anything, take a look at my research notes."

Lockhart wrote in his black notebook.

Soon, a line of text appeared in the notebook, replying: "Okay, Professor."

Seeing this, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction and placed the Horcrux notebook and his thick research notes in the box again.

From now on, the Horcrux who signed the contract will serve as his first full-time worker.

With Voldemort and Tom's magical talent, Lockhart believed that the other party would be his right-hand man.

Hogwarts, second year Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

"The Defense Against the Dark Arts course is mainly about teaching everyone how to protect themselves."

“As for the definition of protecting yourself, many people don’t have a clear concept.”

Lockhart stood on the podium, waved his wand, and two shining golden words floated in the air - "Protect yourself"

Looking at the little lions and little snakes with confused eyes below.

Lockhart pointed his wand at Harry Potter sitting in front: "Harry, come and talk about how you understand protecting yourself."

Harry was stunned for a moment, stood up quickly, thought for a moment, and said, "Professor, I think protecting myself means being able to fight back when others bully me."

Hearing the Gryffindor-style answer, Lockhart stretched out his hand to sit down and continued: "What Harry said is correct."

"Many people's understanding of protecting themselves is to defeat their enemies."

"But it's not nearly enough."

With that said, Lockhart pointed his wand at Malfoy and said, "Malfoy, do you have any other understanding?"

Malfoy stood up and said directly: "Professor, I believe that protecting yourself is actually improving your own strength."

"As long as you are strong, you are not afraid of any threats."

Well, this reply also has a Slytherin style.

Lockhart nodded and said, "What Malfoy said is correct, but what we are talking about is the definition of protection, not the method of protecting yourself."

"Does anyone else have a different answer?"

Lockhart asked, looking at the group of second-year wizards below.

Most of the little wizards looked at me and I looked at you, but there was no reply.


"Hermione, tell me what you think."

Looking at Hermione with her hands raised high, Lockhart named her.

"Professor, I think protecting yourself can be divided into many situations." Hermione stood up and replied loudly: "For example, when we are exploring, we must prepare in advance to prevent some unknown risks."

"This is to protect yourself."

"Also, when facing dangerous magical creatures, we must escape in time. This is also to protect ourselves."

Hearing Hermione's answer, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction and praised: "Hermione gave a good example, very specific, and the answer is very correct."

"Five points for Gryffindor."

Then he reached out and gestured to sit down, and saw Hermione sitting down with an excited look on her face.

Lockhart, spoke up: "Protect yourself, if we want to define it."

"According to my personal experience, they are divided into three major categories."

"They are: protect your physical safety, protect your reputation, and protect your property."


As Lockhart spoke, he waved his wand, and the three types of words he said floated in the air.

"Keep your body safe, also known as protecting yourself, as Harry said."

"It is very important to protect one's reputation. Even people who are not famous need to pay attention to their reputation."

Having said this, Lockhart waved his wand, and a picture of a wizard being thrown rotten vegetable leaves by all the wizards around him floated in the air.

The introduction said: "When a person's reputation is smeared, even if you know it is false, people around you will not believe you. They will think you are a bad person. Abuse, isolation, violence and other behaviors become the norm."


Seeing the scene floating in mid-air, the little wizards around him couldn't help but shudder.

Seeing this, Lockhart made a few casual introductions.

Then he waved the wand again, and the scene changed, with a large number of gold galleons appearing.

After seeing it, the little wizards exclaimed in low voices. It was the first time they saw so many gold Galleons.

"It is also very important to protect the safety of your own property."

"Think about it, if you have worked hard to save gold galleons for most of your life, and then someone else stole it, or you were cheated."

"What would you do?"

As he spoke, the scene of waving the scepter changed again, showing a wizard who was hungry and cold, living alone in a shabby hut.

The little wizard shivered when he saw such a scene.

It was as if all their Galleons had been stolen - even though they didn't have any Galleons.

"Professor, how can we protect ourselves?"

A little Gryffindor girl asked timidly.

"This is what I will teach you in the future." Lockhart waved his wand, disappearing the picture in the sky and replacing it with the original two words "Protect yourself."

"In the future, I will not only teach you how to avoid fighting, but also teach you how to protect your reputation and protect your property!"

"Now, which one do you want to hear first?"

As soon as Lockhart finished speaking, many young wizards started shouting.

But it is clear that the last one to protect property is the loudest.

It seems that the little wizard still cares about money.

Seeing this, Lockhart nodded, reached down and saw all the little wizards quiet down.

Lockhart began to instill his ideas subtly.

"Protecting your property, that's a big concept."

"First of all, we need to know how our currencies such as "gold galleons", "sikos", "nuts" and other properties were born?"

As he spoke, Lockhart waved his wand, and a golden Galleons appeared in the air.

"Golden galleons are refined by fairies. Initially, fairies served wizards as losers."

"Contracts were signed such as not being able to hold wands, so the wizards at that time were very reassured about it."

"But the ancient wizards, because they were few in number, chose to delegate the management rights to the goblins who refined gold galleons. And with their miser-like character, the management was very stable at first."

"But as time went on, the overall strength of wizards began to weaken, while the goblins slowly grew stronger because of peace."

"Although they still abide by the contract, they have begun to demand, to be precise, to expand their rights to gold Galleons and other wizard currencies."


"Like Gringotts, it didn't exist at all originally, but later."


"Gradually, the goblins began to have more control over wizard currencies such as gold galleons, and even formulated certain currency rules."


"If we want to protect our property, in addition to preventing it from being robbed, we must also understand the rules of currency."


Lockhart still followed his usual habit of lecturing, waving his wand while teaching, showing various pictures, analyzing to them the origin and current situation of wizard currency, as well as ideas for protecting their own property.

Subtly inculcate the concepts that goblins = threat, defeating goblins = gaining monetary sovereignty, etc.

Because the little wizards are still young, unlike wizards in fifth or sixth grade, they can think deeply alone.

Therefore, Lockhart did not explain too deeply, but tried to give some interesting stories and pictures to attract all the little wizards.

But what he didn't pay attention to was.

Dumbledore stood quietly outside the classroom, listened for a while, and then quietly left.

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