Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 119 The Philosopher’s Stone, the Word of Magic (please subscribe, please vote)

Morning, Hogwarts, eighth floor corridor.

Lockhart strolled leisurely down the corridor, looking at the tapestry of Barnabas beaten silly by the troll in front of him.

In the past few days, while he had some free time, he explored the Room of Requirement in Hogwarts.

I found that the various room scenes I imagined can indeed be transformed.

However, what made him feel a little regretful was...

Lockhart once imagined a room filled with all kinds of magical books, but after entering, he found that there were only a large number of bookshelves but no books.

Although he was a little regretful, Lockhart also expressed his understanding.

Some material things, such as bookshelves, tables, and even some simple alchemy puppets, can be simulated well by the Room of Requirement.

But when it comes to some intellectual or technical items, such as books, magic potions, etc., everything is available if you ask for it.

If it can really be simulated

Lockhart thought it would be more appropriate to call it the Wishing House.

However, broad daylight is not the time to enter the Room of Requirement.

He came to the corridor on the eighth floor today mainly to go to the principal's office to help Dumbledore complete his autobiography.

Well, it's mainly to find out Dumbledore's attitude, and it definitely has nothing to do with gossip about Dumbledore when he was young.

Dumbledore's gossip, when he thought of this, the fire of inquiry in Lockhart's heart burned brightly.

"chocolate ball!"

Lockhart skillfully spoke the command to the stone blob in front of him, and with a 'boom', the stairs leading to the principal's office opened to him.

"Lockhart, just come in. The door is unlocked."

Hearing the voice coming from above, Lockhart quickly responded and entered the principal's office.

"Good morning, principal."

Lockhart saw Dumbledore who had just put down his quill and greeted him directly.

"Morning, Lockhart."

Dumbledore nodded in response and began to seal the letter in his hand.

With his sharp eyes, Lockhart saw the name of the recipient - Nico Mellor.

Thoughtfully, he remembered that Nico Mele was the leading alchemist in the entire wizarding world, and his representative alchemy item was the magic stone that extended life.

Extending life is not difficult for Lockhart to travel between two worlds.

What interests him most is Nico Mele's hundreds of years of alchemical experience.

You know, besides studying magic spells, he spends the most energy on alchemy now.

Naturally, he is full of curiosity about the master in the field of alchemy.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart tentatively said as if chatting: "Headmaster, I started writing a letter so early."

"You can tell at a glance that he is your most precious friend."

Dumbledore raised his head and said jokingly: "I delayed writing this letter for a whole week."

"I believe that if Nico knows what you said, he will definitely complain that I am not a friend enough."

"Nico, Headmaster, could your friend be Master Nico Mellor?" Lockhart pretended to exclaim.

"Of course." Dumbledore nodded and said gently: "Nico and I have known each other for almost a hundred years."

Lockhart nodded and said with some envy: "I would also like to have a friend who is an alchemist master like you. If I can communicate with top masters like Nico Mellor at any time."

"I believe my alchemy level will improve by leaps and bounds."

"Don't underestimate yourself, Lockhart." Dumbledore joked: "I have seen your alchemical magic works before."

"Using runes and ancient runes to refine magic items is your personal creation."

"I believe that if I write it into a paper, it will definitely be selected into "The Philosopher's Stone"."

"The Philosopher's Stone" is the top journal on alchemy in the wizarding world. It is named after the alchemist's thousand-year-old ideal creation, the Philosopher's Stone, and the Philosopher's Stone is its imitation.

In contrast, there are the top journals in Charms, "Words of Magic", the top journals in Potions, "Golden Crucible", etc.

Hearing Dumbledore's praise, a faint smile appeared on Lockhart's face, and he said modestly: "The headmaster is so complimentary. I just hope that the paper I wrote on runes can be successfully published in "The Word of Magic" "superior."

"Oh!" Lockhart's words seemed to arouse Dumbledore's surprise, and then he blessed: "Then I hope I can see your paper in the latest issue of "Magic Words"."

Lockhart also looked forward to it and said: "I also hope to see my name in "The Magic Word" next month."

Well, I’m afraid I’ll have to wait until the next time I travel back to the world of Harry Potter.

But even if there is no article of his in "The Word of Magic", he is not in a hurry.

When he was doing research, he wrote a lot of relevant papers. Finally, he sorted it out and submitted more or less papers to major top journals.

And the topics are different, some are about the healing spells of runes, some are about alchemy based on runes, and some are papers about how runes lower the learning threshold.

He even vaguely revealed an idea, that is, being able to study systematically as a squib can also be expected to cast magic spells.

All this is to pave the way for the subsequent promotion of the magic system.

He does not seek to gain much fame, but he must make Rune Rune into the eyes of all wizards.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart collected his thoughts and began to complete today's plan. He said gently to Dumbledore: "Headmaster, regarding the autobiography, last time we talked about you teaching at Hogwarts."

"Which of the following do you think is worth writing about?"

Hearing Lockhart's question, Dumbledore shook his hand slightly and said, "We will talk about the autobiography later."

"Last time you and I talked about Rune Fu Wen, I thought about it and hoped that my old bones could be of some help."

"Headmaster, is it true?" Lockhart suddenly felt as if he had been hit on the head by a surprise and was a little confused.

Previously, I had been thinking about getting the principal to join me in my magic research, and I tried my best to release various baits, but in the end, I didn't take them.

Unexpectedly, now he actually said that he wanted to join.

Could it be that his luck has reached its peak recently? Not long after he hired a full-time worker, Dumbledore chose to join him again today.

This made him really unhappy.

Seeing Lockhart's surprised expression, Dumbledore nodded slightly.

Well, he had always had a good idea of ​​what Lockhart was thinking.

It’s just that he wants to use his own strength to promote research, and even endorse the subsequent promotion of runes.

It is normal for young people to always be obsessed with fame and profit.

He was also influenced by these things when he was young, but as he got older, he took them lightly.

Initially, because of Tom's affairs, he had no interest in getting involved and wasting his energy.

But now it's no longer possible. The impact of Lockhart's research is getting more and more far-reaching. He no longer interferes. I'm afraid if he wants to interfere again, he will be in trouble.

At least after joining, he could guide Lockhart from going astray.

Seeing Dumbledore confirm again, Lockhart said quickly: "Headmaster, I will compile the latest research information and give it to you in a moment."

"I believe that the future potential of Rune will definitely live up to your expectations. I am full of confidence in this."

After hearing what Lockhart said, Dumbledore waved his hand slightly and said gently: "Lockhart, don't be in a hurry."

"Before research"

"I want to share a story with you, also about my best friend - Grindelwald."

PS: An additional chapter will be added at 6 o'clock tonight, if all orders are over 1,000, an additional chapter will be added.

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