Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 121 The weird attitude of the goblin (please subscribe, please vote)

The goblin named Turner looked at Gilderoy Lockhart in front of him and felt a little bad.

During this time, he often heard other goblins discussing, and he even received Lockhart in front of him.

Recently, I don’t know why I’m crazy, and I keep withdrawing money.

Just don’t put money into it.

You know, Lockhart originally had about 30,000 gold Galleons in his vault.

As a result, I have been taking more and more, and now I only have less than a thousand pieces.

These are all living golden galleons. They can only come out but not come in. What kind of goblin can bear it?

But given his basic literacy, he could only hide his disgust in his heart and look at Lockhart in front of him expressionlessly.

"Mr. Lockhart, what business do you wish to transact?"

Of course, Lockhart didn't know about the disgust in the goblin's heart.

But regarding the goblin's question, he still reached out and took out an envelope, handed it to the goblin in front of him, and said calmly.

"Take my royalties, a total of 2,745 gold galleons."

"Also, take me to my vault."

Well, the amount of royalties this time was a bit beyond Lockhart's expectations.

I originally thought that the manuscript fee this time would be more than 1,000 gold galleons, but I didn't expect that by using my identity as a Hogwarts professor to make a small hit, it actually broke the circle.

Originally, my books were only sold in the UK, but I didn't expect that a group of readers abroad also bought my books, and because of the interestingness of the stories, it even felt like it was becoming more and more popular.

Lockhart made a fortune for no reason.

I have to say that the identity of Hogwarts professor is really easy to use. It is worthy of being the number one school in the entire wizarding world.

Now that the royalties have come out, Lockhart naturally has to spend them for tonight's auction.

When Goblin Turner heard the reply from the wizard in front of him, his expressionless expression suddenly darkened.

Hearing Lockhart's answer requires another gold galleons.

But due to contract and responsibilities, he still replied, checked the envelope handed over by Lockhart, and stamped it.

Not far from the future, a young goblin called and said, "Mr. Lockhart, he will take you to your treasury and collect royalties."

Then he couldn't help but ask again.

"If you want to put the royalties into the treasury, don't go to such trouble, we will arrange it."

Lockhart shook his head and said calmly: "No need to bother, I want to go to my treasury to get some things first, and then take away my royalties."

When the young elf standing nearby heard this, it was probably the first time he saw Lockhart. He looked at Lockhart repeatedly, with a trace of pity on his face.


Lockhart coughed lightly and motioned for the other party to lead the way.

After the goblin reacted, he quickly turned around and walked forward.

Lockhart followed the young elf through a door and entered a rough grotto.

The grotto is a little cramped, but due to the large number of torches placed in various locations, the brightness is not bad.

Lockhart walked through the grotto and walked to a place similar to a cliff. He looked at the iron locks and railways that appeared in front of him.

There were no surprises, just waiting quietly for the goblin in front of me to start performing.

call out!

The young goblin whistled, and not long after, a small cart slid along the railway in front of them.

Lockhart followed the goblin into the car, and the cart began to speed along the maze-like corridor.

However, I felt the oncoming wind.

Lockhart waved his hand slightly, and a defensive shield appeared in front of himself and the goblin.

"Thank you, sir." The goblin driving the cart in front thanked him.

In response, Lockhart nodded slightly, said politely, and said nothing more.

Soon, the cart began to slow down and stopped next to a vault.

The goblin began to introduce: "Sir, we have arrived at vault No. 1273."

With that said, he stepped out of the cart, holding a series of keys in his hand, leading the way and inserting them into the keyholes.


The vault door opened, and there was a roar.

After entering the vault, Lockhart looked at the small number of magic items and the gold galleons scattered on the ground - only a thin layer.

A flash of embarrassment flashed across his face.

The gold Galleons spent during this period was indeed a bit ruthless, especially since I had just traveled through time and in order to save my life, I spent a lot of money to buy various magic items to save my life.

But fortunately, the source of wealth has been found now, and just from today's auction, I can make a fortune.

Well, now that I know there is an auction tonight.

Then he would naturally prepare some things in advance and put them up for auction through Snape's channels to collect some funds.

He waved his wand and put all the gold galleons and scattered magic items in the vault into the space extension bag on his waist.

Looking at the empty vault, he nodded secretly.


Standing behind Lockhart, the young elf Nott, who had a panoramic view of this scene, asked with a heartbroken look on his face: "Sir, do you really want to take away all the gold Galleons?"

It was as if Lockhart had taken his Galleons.

Seeing the expression on Goblin Nott's face, Lockhart almost couldn't help but laugh, suddenly recalling what happened in the bank in his previous life.

In his previous life, he had heard that some banks really treated depositors' money as their own money and could use it as they pleased.

Then something really went wrong.

Later, in order to prevent depositors from withdrawing their money, various methods were frequently used.

I just don’t know if fairies would do such a thing.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart nodded solemnly, without answering directly, and said calmly: "Let's go, take me to collect my royalties."

When Elf Nott heard this, he held his chest with some heartache, and walked out with Lockhart dejectedly.

Then, Lockhart watched the somewhat dejected goblin close the vault door, then whistled to summon a trolley, which took him along the railway track.

Soon, we arrived at a spacious platform - the general layout was the same as the marble hall in front.

Behind the scattered counters, a small number of goblins sat on high stools.

However, there are very few people here and there are very few counters. The overall environment is much darker. It is not as bright and clean as Marble Paradise. There is even some dirt on the ground that has not been wiped clean.

This left Lockhart speechless.

Even if you don't want people to withdraw money, why do you want to make the environment so disgusting?

He now has a deeper understanding of the nature of these goblins.

It simply brings the characteristics of the miser and Grandet to the extreme.

The lobby in front is for services. People come here to deposit money, open a vault, etc.

Maybe in their eyes, it's just sending money.

So it is very clean and bright, there are many service windows, and the service attitude is quite good, at least that's how I remember it.

But in the lobby at the back, many people came to withdraw money just like themselves.


Shaking his head slightly, gathering his thoughts, he walked to a counter and handed out an envelope, showing the seal that the goblin in the hall had clasped before.

He said calmly to the goblin: "I want to get my royalties."

Then he said all the emphasis: "A total of 2745 gold galleons."

He is a little worried now. If he doesn't emphasize it, these goblins will do some tricks to him.

After all, the nature of these goblins is really unreliable.

The process of withdrawing gold galleons went smoothly without any surprises.

After taking it, he turned around, took out three gold galleons in his hand, and handed them to the young elf Lott in front of him.

Lockhart gently patted Elf Nott on the shoulder and said calmly: "Two gold galleons will be used to keep my treasury, and more gold galleons will be sent in later."

"The remaining one is your tip."

"Thank you sir, thank you"

After Fairy Nott took his tip, he swept away his previous dejection and thanked him with excitement.

But what it didn't notice was that when Lockhart patted his shoulder just now, a pale golden mark quietly appeared, and then disappeared in an instant.

Thanks to book friend 20190603132928751 for the 100-point reward, thank you for the dawn of my life, turn around and dream, book friend 20220513130557618, book friend 20220407211124734, book friend 151207082521291, book friend 20210301105262095138, reader 15 Monthly ticket of 30020397913776128.

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