Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 122 Gugu seeks death (please subscribe, please vote)

Turns Square, London, Tuesday night.

"Snape, how much do you know about this black market?"

"I never expected that the black market would be in such a busy square."


Lockhart followed Snape as he walked around Turns Square. While looking at the Muggles wandering around in the square, he asked Snape in a casual manner.

However, regarding Lockhart's question, Snape seemed like a piece of wood and didn't hear anything. He seemed to be trying to get rid of something and subconsciously increased his speed.

And Lockhart was not surprised, or rather he was used to it.

He casually added a concealment spell to Gugu, the ball escaper who was looking around, and continued to follow Snape's footsteps.

After a while, Snape stopped. Lockhart looked at the slender, dark black telephone pole in front of him, feeling the faint magic fluctuations in it, and a strange thought came to his mind.

I didn't expect the entrance to the black market to be so weird. Normally this pole wouldn't get an electric shock.

What if due to the Muggle shielding spell, no one maintains it and it falls into disrepair, resulting in a leakage of electricity.

Tsk tsk tsk, that would be very interesting - touch one and the other will die!

While thinking about it, Lockhart imitated Snape and reached out to touch a spot in the middle of the telephone pole, then pressed it hard. In an instant, the figure disappeared.

The scene changed, and in an instant, Lockhart found himself in a very noisy place, similar to Diagon Alley.

There were wizards wearing various colored wizard robes all around.

Many of them exude the aura of despair, darkness, and evil—dark wizards.

There is also a part of her that is as well-groomed and elegant as she is now.

If you guessed correctly, he should be a wizard from a pure-blood family or a wizard with orthodox education.

As for Professor Snape, although he seemed very clean, he had a cold face, wore a black wizard robe, and exuded an icy aura like a big bat.

At first glance, he looks like a black wizard.

Snape was a little unhappy when he saw Lockhart looking at him, and said coldly: "Lockhart, follow closely, otherwise you won't be able to enter the auction. You can wander around the black market by yourself!"

With that said, without waiting for Lockhart's reaction, he walked directly forward.

But Lockhart didn't care. Now that he was on the demand side and Snape was on the supply side, he naturally had nothing to say.

When he becomes the supply side and Snape becomes the demand side, then we will have the opportunity to play slowly.

Soon, Lockhart followed Snape into a hall.

A Squib who looked like a waiter came over, and Snape handed over an invitation.

Lockhart, who had sharp eyes, saw the dark green marks constantly swimming on the surface of the invitation, and he was thoughtful.

Then, I saw this dumb cannon saluting respectfully and then leading the way.

Seeing this scene, Lockhart felt a little emotional.

The status of Squib in the wizarding world is indeed a bit low, and he even looks humble because he wants to learn magic.

If you give them a chance, I really wonder what kind of potential they can unleash?

The thought flashed through his mind, and Lockhart followed Snape into a long corridor and passed through a black wooden door.

After entering, I was a little surprised to see that there was just a small box inside, but then I heard the waiter leading the way introducing Snape.

"Professor Snape, this is your box."

“Through the projection, you can quickly see the current auction items.”

“Just push a button and join the auction.”


Soon, the waiter introduced the functions of the entire box and left the box respectfully.

Lockhart looked at the entire box, cast a counter-spell on Gugu on his shoulder, and revealed his figure.

He touched Gugu's dark blue fluff and placed it directly on the table in the middle of the box - there were some magic snacks there.

"Gu Gu."

Watching Gugu tilt his head to look at the various snacks in front of him, he would scream out of curiosity from time to time, stretch out his wings and touch them cautiously. Feeling that there was no danger, he ate them one by one.

Lockhart glanced at it and didn't care. This delicious Gugu basically refused to accept food.

Its good instincts were blinded in vain. Look at Spider-Man, the other one is using it for chivalry, while Gugu is using it for exploring food.

Thoughts turn.

Lockhart walked straight to the opposite glass, looked at the large number of wizards sitting below, turned to look at Snape, and said with some emotion: "Snape, it seems that your identity is very useful."

"If it were me, I'd be sitting down there for the sale."

"Don't think about these useless things." Snape reminded lightly: "Look at how many gold galleons you have brought. Don't wait until the auction items come out and find that you have no money to buy them."

"Don't worry, I brought my family's wealth this time." Lockhart said he didn't care about Snape's reminder and seemed quite confident.

Today I went to Gringotts to collect all my belongings. I also visited the Travers family on the way, signed a contract for the supply of youth potion in the Marvel world, and took a deposit.

In addition, he prepared the magic items for auction in advance.

Lockhart said that tonight he had a very generous purse.

Snape was a little surprised by the confidence revealed in Lockhart's words and didn't think much about it anymore.

After all, this guy has found a lot of good stuff, and he might have a lot of gold Galleons hidden in his hands.

Immediately, he found a seat and sat down, closed his eyes and rested, waiting for the auction to start.

Lockhart, after looking at the entire box, took out a book, read it quietly, and waited for the auction to start.

"Dear gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the Blackstone Auction."


Hearing the voice in his ear, Lockhart came back from his book.

Looking at Gugu, who was tilting his head in the box and looking at Snape curiously, Lockhart's eyes twitched.

He didn't forget that Snape once mentioned that the brain of the ball escaper was a good thing.

Then, Gugu, who no longer cared about his own death, called Snape and looked attentively at the magic projection in front of him.

In the projection, a goblin stood on a high platform with a family of potions on it, shouting loudly: "Dream Soul Potion, this is a good thing that is prohibited from being sold by the Ministry of Magic."

"Dear wizards, do you want to improve your mental power? A set of Dream Soul Potions, 10 bottles in total, will help you feel the beauty of rapid mental power growth."

"The starting price is 50 gold galleons"


The familiar name made Lockhart look at it curiously, and then couldn't help but glance at Snape with his eyes closed.

Good guy, Snape was thinking the same thing and wanted to make a fortune at the auction.

This set of dream potions, including the bottles and even the markings, were exactly the same as those given to him by Snape.

Soon, the price of this set of Dream Soul potions rose to 100 gold galleons, and was finally purchased by a pure-blood family for a high price of 130 gold galleons.

When the price was determined, Lockhart was sure that he saw a smile flash across Snape's cold face.

Then, he stopped paying attention to Snape, pulled Gugu back with his hand, held him in his arms, and looked at the magic projection in front of him with Gugu.

One auction item after another continued to appear in Lockhart's eyes.

When he found one he was interested in, Lockhart spent gold and galleons to buy it.

Suddenly, the auction item appeared in front of him, which caught Lockhart's eyes. To be precise, Snape opened his eyes and took a look.

"Dear wizards, do you want to embrace the goddess of luck? You want to solve problems like God, yes"

A series of very tempting words spat out from the goblin's mouth.

Then, he shouted loudly: "Yes, what you have in front of you is the top magic potion in the wizarding world - Fuling Potion!"

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