Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 197 The good we do to evil people is our evil

Facing the mentor's problem.

The three of them looked hesitant. They wanted to kill them all. Wouldn't that seem a bit too cruel?

After all, they had only killed a chicken at most before. They had never experienced killing so many people in one go.

Seeing the hesitant expressions on the three people's faces, Lockhart certainly knew their mentality.

After all, it was the first battle and the first time they saw blood. It was indeed a bit difficult for them to decide to kill these twenty or so thugs.

They have to straighten their mentality again.

Thoughts turning, Lockhart did not urge them, but continued: "Ian, Remy, Vera."

"How do you three feel about this battle?"

Hearing the instructor change the question, the three hesitant people breathed a sigh of relief. Remi said excitedly: "Instructor, I feel great about this battle."

"There were indeed some problems in the front, but the plan I came up with later worked very well. Everyone was knocked down by Vera."

Speaking of this, Remy suddenly thought of something, and added with some resentment: "Except for the thug who was killed by his mentor."

Well, he had a feeling that if the mentor hadn't said that, they wouldn't have let their guard down.

Exploring carefully, the other party will definitely not be able to escape.

Of course Lockhart knew what Remy meant, and said encouragingly: "Remy, the plan you came up with is very good."

Then, he turned to look at Vera and said, "Vera, tell me your opinion."

Vera thought about it and realized that she seemed to have no other contributions except for constantly casting spells.

The plans were all listened to by Ian and Remy, and he was only responsible for executing them. Although he also proposed plans, some loopholes were found and rejected.

Then, after thinking for a while, he slowly said: "Mentor, I feel that if we were stronger, it would be easier."

At the same time, looking around, some deaf and mute people died and were seriously injured due to the initial chaotic shooting of the mob.

He said in a low voice: "The number of deaths of these deaf-mute people will be less."

Hearing this, Lockhart didn't say anything, just comforted him.

Then he turned around and asked Ian: "Ian, how do you feel?"

Ian, who had already thought about how to answer, immediately replied calmly: "Mentor, our initial plan was a bit taken for granted, and some details were not thought of at all."

"As a result, we died for the first time. Later, I used a confusion spell to plunge everyone into darkness. This was originally a plan we gave up because doing so would cause the scene to fall into chaos and cause a large number of deaf-mute casualties accidentally."

"So is reality."

When he said this, Ian looked at the deaf-mute people around him who were covered in blood due to bullets, and some had even lost their breath of life.

He looked a little remorseful. He felt that although the thugs were dead, many of the rescue targets died because of his actions, and it was all his responsibility.

Immediately afterwards, Ian, who calmed down slightly, continued to comment: "The subsequent success was mainly due to Remy's plan and Vera's high-intensity magic attack. The effect was really good."

Hearing Ian deny himself and praise the two of them.

Lockhart raised his eyebrows and did not continue, but smiled and asked, "Do you want to hear my evaluation?"

"Of course, mentor." The three replied expectantly.

They all hope that their efforts will be recognized by their mentors.


"Your mission can be said to be a success, but it can also be said to be a failure." Lockhart said calmly.

Looking at the incomprehensible looks of the three people, Lockhart said calmly: "What is the purpose of this operation?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the three people to reply, he continued: "Destroy the gangsters and rescue the deaf and mute people."

"am I right?"

After hearing the teacher's words, the three of them nodded subconsciously.

"Tell me, why do I set these two goals for you?"

After hearing the instructor's question, the three of them recalled the scene they saw just entering the factory, and anger rose in their eyes again.

Cruel thugs, artificially deaf-mute people who are like slaves, and the continuous production of white powder.

It arouses their anger towards 'evil' all the time.

Immediately afterwards, I heard my mentor Lockhart say: "I told you before that these deaf-mute people had their tongues cut off and their eardrums pierced."

"Became mute and deaf. If they didn't need their eyes to see, they would have become blind now."

Hearing the instructor's serious voice, the three of them fell silent.

"So, we need to save the deaf and mute people and give them a brighter future."

"However, we need to wipe out this group of thugs and even the forces behind them, in order to prevent such a tragedy from happening again."

Lockhart looked at the three people who were deep in thought, and said in a slower tone: "The black man just now is Johnny who shouted loudly before. He calmed down most of the thugs just now with just one sentence."

"Do you know how he did it?"

After the three heard this, they shook their heads at the same time.

Seeing this, Lockhart looked at the deaf-mute people around him, waved his wand, and shielded his sight while continuing to stabilize his emotions.

Then, he walked up to Johnny, pointed the wand at the other person's temple, and slowly pulled out a white mist-like gas like a white ribbon. This was to extract memories from the other person's mind or the remaining soul.

With this part of his memory in mind, Lockhart walked up to the three of them and looked at the eyes of Ian and others.

The wand tapped the memory, and instantly, the picture appeared in front of Ian and the three of them.

In the scene, Johnny and the thugs brutally slaughtered their enemies, maliciously fed some children white powder, and then took pleasure in their drug addiction.

Beating ordinary people is considered a trivial matter, even killing a lot of them.

What disgusted the three of them the most was Ian.

He was the one who abused defenseless young girls, even raped a deaf mute in front of everyone, and competed with everyone to see who could hold on the longest.

These ugly scenes had a great impact on the three people's hearts.

I know they are really evil people, but to do such evil is a bit beyond their imagination.

At the same time, the three people looked at Johnny with murderous intent in their eyes.

At this time, the gentle voice of the instructor also came to my ears.

"Sometimes, the good we do to evil people is actually our evil."

"Being soft to evil people will not earn their gratitude. On the contrary, it will only intensify the evil in their hearts."

"Especially for people like Johnny. As long as he is alive and given a chance, he will always think about how to hunt you as revenge."

"So, you didn't find him alive this time. Do you know what he would do?"

The three of them shook their heads subconsciously. Seeing this, Lockhart said in a cold tone: "The first thing he needs to do is to escape from here, and then find their boss."

"Tell them all about your appearance and abilities."

"Then, your address and information will be searched throughout New York."

"Finally, if you have family members or relatives, they will brutally kill them, and at the same time, they will use all their power to kill you, or capture and torture you."

The three people's expressions darkened as they heard Master Lockhart describe the entire enemy's revenge plan step by step.

Because what the instructor said is completely true. Based on the information seen in the picture just now and the things they have encountered, it is very possible, no, it should be 100% possible.

Seeing the changes in the expressions of the three of them, Lockhart nodded slightly and said gently.

"Today, I give you the first black magic modified by me - Throat Seal with Sharp Blade!"

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