Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 198 Tony Stark’s Radiation Jammer

"Seal your throat with a sharp blade!"

"Seal your throat with a sharp blade!"


Deep in the abandoned factory, Lockhart watched his three students waving their wands and chanting spells at the petrified thugs lying on the ground, trying to cast the first black magic he taught them - slit throats. curse!

However, it may be the first time to learn black magic. Everyone has cast spells more than ten times without success.

The best time was just that the tip of the wand glowed red, and the spell disappeared as soon as it left the wand.

Lockhart was not annoyed when he saw this. He knew that this was normal.

For them who have just been exposed to magic for less than 2 months, although they are extremely talented. With great hard work, coupled with my own resources, I have mastered a lot of magic spells.

But the black magic they teach is obviously more difficult. Moreover, this is the first spell they have mastered that has a certain fatality. It takes time, which is normal.

As the three of them continued to cast the Throat-cutting Curse, Lockhart explained slowly beside him.

"The reason why black magic is criticized in the wizarding world is that every time you cast black magic, you need to be filled with malice."

"It can be said that if you use too much black magic, it will affect your soul and you can't help but be malicious to others. It manifests on the outside that you are impulsive, irritable and cruel. Therefore, black magic is criticized in the wizarding world. "

"And the black magic that I transformed, or in other words, the black magic that the new wizard cast, does not have the above shortcomings."

"Although emotions are still needed as guidance initially, they are very weak. Just generate relevant thoughts, and rely more on the power of runes."

"In the course of the future battles, you will continue to come into contact with the following evil people, and even the evil ones are even worse. During the Dark Lord's period, those Death Eaters were, to be precise, members of the pure-blood family, and their methods were better than those of you. What I just saw was even worse.”

"Not only was the body humiliated, but the soul was also tortured. Even the corpse was not spared. It was trained into an Inferi for them to drive. The soul was restricted in the body. I saw myself killing relatives and friends, but there was nothing I could do."

"Don't think I'm exaggerating. What I'm saying is very likely to happen."

"Because their anger, self-blame, and guilt are exactly what the dark wizards want to see. These emotions will provide stronger energy to the Inferi, which they will do, and in order to further torture the soul and obtain the energy they need, other The methods are far more cruel than you can imagine."

Hearing the teacher's calm tone, Ian and the other three seemed to have certain images in their minds, especially when they thought of themselves or their friends being trained into Inferi.

Each wave of their wands became stronger and stronger, the runes in their minds became clearer and the spells became more and more rapid.

"Seal your throat with a sharp blade!"

"Seal your throat with a sharp blade!"


Soon, under Lockhart's gaze.

The tip of Ian's wand emitted a dazzling red light, shooting towards the neck of a black thug below.

There was a flash of red light, and a blood-red thread appeared on the black man's neck. Then, his body and head were separated, and blood flowed.

Soon, a pool of blood appeared on the ground.

Ian stared at this scene blankly. This was his first time killing someone, even though the other person was a villain and wanted to kill him.

But seeing this, I still felt a little uncomfortable.

After Lockhart saw it, he walked next to Ian, stared at the pool of blood in front of him like him, and said softly: "Ian, you need to gradually adapt to this scene."

"In the future, you will encounter more enemies than you think. They are more cunning and cruel."

"And they will never give up the idea of ​​destroying the new wizards, and they will never be merciful to us. They will only try their best to kill us like mad dogs."

"For such an enemy, we can only resist with violence. In the process of the birth of the new magic system, bloodshed and fighting cannot be avoided."

After hearing these mentor's words, Ian nodded slowly to express his understanding.

In fact, he had been mentally prepared before, but he still felt a little uncomfortable after seeing it for the first time, but he just adjusted.

After all, if he wanted revenge, he would have to kill someone.

What Lockhart said to Ian was heard by Vera and Remy next to them, and they became even more determined.

Soon, both men successfully cast the throat-cutting spell.

When Lockhart saw it, a look of relief appeared on his face.

Then, watch as they prepare to continue working their magic and take out the remaining thugs.

Lockhart nodded slightly, then turned to look at the deaf-mute people around him.

Since they had cast the spell in advance, their emotions were relatively stable, but they were a little overwhelmed by the habit of working for a long time.

They didn't dare to run away, maybe because those who had escaped before were punished, which frightened them.

Seeing this group of people, Lockhart had a headache.

Lockhart considers himself a person with a very flexible moral bottom line, but if he doesn't care about anything, he still feels a little guilty.

After thinking about it, Lockhart still had a plan in mind.

Then, waving the magic wand, a transparent ripple spread around, gradually changing the memory, cognition, and consciousness of all deaf-mute people.

For these people, long-term torture has caused them to lose their ability and desire to live, like slave machines.

It is still necessary to seal up their emotions and memories and activate their desire to live.

This is relatively simple for Lockhart, who has studied deeply in the fields of memory and cognition.

After a while, Ian and others successfully eliminated all the thugs.

Looking at the corpses of these thugs, Lockhart gently clapped his hands to his three students and praised: "Congratulations, you have completed your first practical project."

"Now, tell me about your future."

Early morning, Stark Villa, 2nd floor, fitness hall.

tread! tread! tread!

Inside the fitness hall, the regular sound of footsteps continued to sound.

At this moment, Tony Stark was running on the treadmill. At that time, his eyes were looking through the glass at the ocean in the distance and the beautiful sunrise on the sea.

The sun was so red that it seemed like an agate plate with dazzling flames, moving upward slowly. Surrounded by the red sun, the glow is completely dyed, and complements the sapphire-like color emitted by the ocean, creating a beautiful picture.

"Jarvis, increase the speed." Tony ordered the artificial intelligence Jarvis while admiring the beautiful scenery.

"Okay sir, but let me remind you again, according to past data analysis, the current running state can be the most effective way to exercise physical strength and improve physical fitness."

"Increasing the treadmill speed will only greatly increase physical exertion and shorten training time, and will not help."

"Excuse me, do you want to continue to improve?"

Jarvis reminded in a very gentle voice.

"Continue to improve." Tony said directly: "Also, Jarvis, report on the completion progress of the new armor."

After finishing speaking, Tony continued to train on the treadmill.

After almost losing his life twice in a row, he felt it was very necessary to improve his physical fitness and develop stronger armor to arm himself.

Although Jarvis said he had some mild anxiety disorder, didn't he understand his condition?

This is a real problem, not a mental illness or an anxiety disorder.

"Sir, your new armor has been installed with the latest radiation jammer, and the anti-Lockhart armor is on standby at any time."

Tony, who was running, raised the corner of his mouth when he heard Jarvis's voice in return. It would be nice to have a radiation jammer, but he would still dare to be so arrogant in the future.

After thinking about it, Tony said with a smile: "Jarvis, make an appointment with Lockhart for me. The place will be at my house and tell him that there has been a major breakthrough in the wizard gold coin project."

"Okay, sir."

After Jarvis finished speaking, a wave of radio waves instantly crossed half of the city, as if he was looking for a certain place.

But strangely enough, there was no destination found across the city.

As a result, the radio waves continued to spread, covering the entire city, as if waiting for a certain signal.

Once the signal appears, contact the target immediately. ·

Sorry, everyone, the update is late. It is expected that things will be over tomorrow. There will be 3 updates tomorrow and 5 updates the day after tomorrow.

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