Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 199 Coulson was robbed (first update, please subscribe)

Morning, Lockhart's villa.

Magic luggage interior space, artificial grass.

On the lawn, a large number of deaf-mute people wearing dark blue clothes and pale faces stood in a square formation.

They all looked at Lockhart at the front, with a hint of gratitude in their eyes.

Thanks to the handsome blond man at the front for saving them from hell and restoring their consciousness.

When they think of their previous experiences, they only feel that there is darkness in front of them, and despair continues to arise in their hearts.

Immediately afterwards, a white light flashed slightly in my mind, and the negative emotions were gradually sealed. The mood changed, and the negative emotions gathered around one point, and all turned into hope for the future life.

It's as if you only long for heaven after knowing the pain of hell.

At this moment, Lockhart looked at the performance of these deaf-mute people and nodded slightly.

Ignoring them completely is equivalent to sending them to hell again.

If you send them to a place similar to a police station.

Lockhart had only two words to comment on the police department in the United States: Haha.

Based on their urinary properties, it is impossible to tell how deep the degree of collusion is. Giving it to them is not equivalent to giving it to the hands and the hands.

Then he might as well not bother, just stay where he is and let the Hand take over.

Therefore, Lockhart immediately threw these thoughts behind him as soon as he rose up.

As for letting him accept this group of deaf-mute people.

He made it clear he didn't want to.

The number of this group of deaf-mute people has reached hundreds.

If he accepts them all, what's the use?

Not only do I have to be responsible for eating, I also have to be responsible for drinking. I want to arrange work later, but I don’t know how to arrange it.

After all, there are so many people, and they are not wizards. They cannot even come into contact with some things.

This shouldn't be too much trouble for Lockhart.


Leave professional matters to professionals.

It is most appropriate to leave the handling of such a large number of people to a national agency like SHIELD.

Whether they digest it internally or transfer it to a professional institution similar to a school for the deaf.

It's a small thing for them.

And for their own sake, they didn't dare to mess around.

It's so easy and doesn't require any effort.

Well, the S.H.I.E.L.D. miscellaneous office!

Now just wait for Coulson to come over and receive these people.

Lockhart looked down at his watch. At 9 a.m., Coulson was expected to arrive at the target location.

Thoughts flashed, Lockhart stretched out his wand and drew a graceful curve in mid-air.

In an instant, a red flame-colored circular portal opened.

Opposite, there is an open space. On the open space, there are three buses and some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

Coulson stood at the front. Lockhart saw this and stepped forward.


Buzz! Buzz!

Lockhart noticed the vibrating sound of his phone, took it out and glanced at it briefly.

unknown number?

Lockhart turned it off immediately. It might be another advertising call. In his previous life, he was annoyed by these junk calls.

After answering, not only is it a waste of time, but you also have to be bombarded with messages from the other party, which is simply provoking your anger and wasting your life.

Therefore, in order to save trouble in the future, the advertisements will be turned off when phone calls without names or showing scams.

Well, except for express phone calls,


Buzz! Buzz!

The phone rang again, Lockhart glanced at it again, saw the same number, and turned it off again. At the same time, he tapped the screen lightly with his fingertips, and a weak magic power surged out - magic power was blocked!


Although Lockhart felt that something might really happen, he still felt that it was troublesome. He had something to deal with now. If something really happened, he would naturally call again later.

Then, Lockhart waved to the deaf-mute people behind him, while conveying his meaning to them through his mental power.

Seeing them stepping through the portal in an orderly manner, Lockhart walked towards Coulson.

At this moment, Coulson was carefully observing the scene on the other side of the portal. Maybe this was the wizard professor's base camp.

He remembered the lawn and the vague partial appearance of the house in his mind, and prepared to go back and see if he could find out some information.

Well, at least I can write another report.

"Professor Lockhart, according to your instructions, we have made arrangements. The Deaf-Mute Association will be responsible for the placement of these deaf-mute people."

Coulson looked at Lockhart walking towards him and said quickly and gently.

Lockhart responded with a polite smile and said righteously: "My student accidentally encountered a group of extremely vicious drug dealers. They actually cut out the tongues of ordinary people, pierced their eardrums, and artificially created deaf and mute people. Making poison.”

"My students have always had a strong sense of justice. I dealt with this kind of illegal and disciplinary behavior directly. Saving these deaf-mute people can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is a national agency, and these rescued people are just handed over to you."

"You don't need to mention my students' names for any news later, just talk about what your SHIELD did."

Hearing this, Coulson looked strange. Naturally, SHIELD had heard a little bit about the Hand, but it was not closely related to SHIELD's responsibilities, so they didn't pay too much attention.

However, after hearing what Lockhart said, he didn't know how to answer. It sounded like it was for SHIELD's benefit, and SHIELD wanted to accept this favor.

Although I was complaining in my heart, I could only smile gently and said, "Okay, Professor Lockhart, thank you and your students for your hard work."

Immediately afterwards, Coulson heard Lockhart's words.

"By the way, Colson, it just so happens that three of my students don't have official status yet. Can you help me with it? I'll pay how much."

Hearing Lockhart's almost explicit words, Coulson quickly said: "No, no, SHIELD will handle the identity matter. This is SHIELD's thanks for your student's heroic behavior."

Hearing this, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction. It was a good thing to resolve the deaf-mute's matter today and also resolve the identity issue of Ian and the three of them.

It will be easier for the three of us to handle things in New York from now on.

Then, Lockhart looked at the hair on Coulson's head, which was still sparse but at least thicker, and teased: "Colson, how was the effect of the shampoo I gave you last time?"

Hearing this, Coulson felt helpless. After getting the shampoo, the director asked for half of it and said he would do research.

Then he only used it once, not much, and the result was...

The really bald people in the scientific research department went crazy and snatched away his shampoo, saying they would use it for research.

This made him angry. Even taking half of it was not enough. Are you planning to rob him all?

He only used it once, okay!

Haven't used much yet.

Later he complained to the director, and the result was that

The director expressed his sincerity and said that his scientific research department is likely to find a new source of income for SHIELD.

He also said that he should be patient and wait for the product to appear, and he could be the first user.

What could he say to that?

He could only express his agreement with a polite yet embarrassed smile.

I hope those scientific research experts say they can do it.

Well, he was skeptical at heart about these people.

If it was Tony's move, he would still have some confidence. As for the people in the scientific research department, he recognized their professionalism, but they just didn't have any actual results.

Lockhart sensed Colson's thoughts, smiled, reached out and found another bottle of Potter family shampoo in his hand.

Colson played with the shampoo in his hand, and Colson's eyes moved accordingly, full of surprise and desire.

Lockhart raised the corners of his mouth and said softly: "Colson, this bottle of shampoo is a personal gift from me. I hope it will be helpful to you."

Apart from anything else, Coulson has a good ability to do things. He remembers that SHIELD will be destroyed later, and he can win over Coulson to do things for him.

I believe that with his ability, he can solve a lot of troubles for himself.

At this moment, Coulson had no idea that Lockhart had taken a liking to him. His face was full of surprise and he quickly said gratefully: "Thank you, Professor Lockhart, for your shampoo."

Just as he was about to continue expressing his gratitude, suddenly

Buzz! Buzz!

Coulson frowned and found that his phone started to vibrate continuously.

His mobile phone was different from Lockhart's. It was specially customized so that ordinary calls could not come in at all.

He simply took it out and glanced at a string of unknown numbers.

After thinking for a moment, he guessed that it was Jarvis's phone number. Only artificial intelligence calls would appear like this.

Most probably Tony had something to do with him, and it was a bit urgent, otherwise he wouldn't have called him directly.

Usually when something happened, he would send an email or a text message, and he would have to call Tony back specifically. He rarely called directly.

He turned around and gave Lockhart an apologetic look.

After seeing Lockhart nod to him, he turned and walked aside and picked up the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Coulson, I am Jarvis, Mr. Stark's artificial intelligence assistant."

"One thing is needed."

Coulson looked strange when he heard what artificial intelligence Jarvis said.

After a while, he walked up to Professor Lockhart, handed him the phone in his hand, and said at the same time.

"Professor Lockhart, Tony is looking for you."

Thank you guys, the matter is almost over. 3 updates today, 5 updates tomorrow, and the same 5 updates the day after tomorrow.

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