Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 321 Space Rebellion, Dumbledore’s Request

Space is in chaos!

The top space magic of Kama Taj requires the call of at least 10 Kama Taj wizards. With the help of the power of Emperor Weishan, they jointly outline hundreds or even thousands of runes to disrupt the space and render all space abilities ineffective.

It is a typical group magic.

The more mages there are, the more runes are outlined, and the effect becomes more obvious.

Generally used in dimensional invasion wars.

The main effect of this magic is to limit the opening speed of dimensional cracks, and it can reduce or even interrupt the dimensional demon's use of the power of dimensions.

A single person can also do it, but obviously, the power that one or two people can summon is limited.

When Lockhart realized that the other party's wizard talent was related to space.

He immediately knew that if there was no way to limit the opponent's spatial ability, everything would be ineffective.

The power of space can be advanced or retreated, which is very tricky. No wonder Voldemort didn't attack the Council of Elders before. There is no way to do it.

After knowing that the other party controlled the power of space, Lockhart immediately thought of Kama Taj's top magic - Space Reverse Chaos.

Although space rebellion requires the help of Emperor Weishan's power.

But Lockhart's own wizarding talents were not empty.

Rewriting reality, in Lockhart's idea, reaches the top level, and can even rewrite concepts, time, space, and destiny.

Of course, his current ability to develop talents is still limited.

But simulating energy is not difficult to do.

In particular, his magic power itself has the space-time attributes of Weishan Emperor's power, making it even easier to simulate.

As for group performance, the effect is the best.

But that was against the invasion of dimensional demons, and against a wizard who controlled the power of space, even if the other party had awakened the talent of space.

Lockhart thought he still had it within his grasp.

At this moment, in front of Lockhart, large strands of the simulated power of Emperor Weishan continued to gather together, outlines into runes and lines.

As Lockhart's hands slowly rotated, visible to the naked eye, the surrounding space began to fluctuate, twist, and vibrate.

Immediately afterwards, the space vibration became more and more obvious, the frequency became faster and faster, and it continued to spread to the surroundings.


As if a gust of wind had blown by, all the wizards present felt a chill in their hearts, and their skin felt like needles pricking them.

A twinge of pain flashed through and then disappeared in an instant.


Everyone suddenly found out.

The magic power in his body seemed to be restricted. It was not as active as it was at the beginning, and even looked a little lifeless.

Some wizards tried to cast magic spells, but found that a simple floating spell required at least three times the usual amount of magic power to cast.

This is the simplest effect of this magic.

When faced with the invasion of alien dimensions, or the invasion of alien energy, an environment that favors Emperor Weishan is created through space chaos.

Amplify your own magic and suppress the opponent's combat power.

When all the wizards noticed their own changes, their expressions suddenly changed, feeling something bad, and they focused their attention on Vlad at the front.

At this moment, Vlad, relying on his wizard talent, was very keenly aware of the changes in space.

Chaos, shock, even a strange, raw feeling.

Of course, knowing that the Phantom Transfer could not be carried out as usual, his expression darkened.

Then he looked at Lockhart's expression across from him, smiling and looking down, as if watching a monkey show.

I sighed internally.


As expected of fighting Grindelwald, the opponent's awakened talent was indeed powerful.

Well, in Vlad's knowledge, there is no magic that can achieve such an effect.

Naturally, one would think that this is the other party's awakened talent.

At this moment, Lockhart looked at Vlad across from him, his voice expanding outward with the magic power.

"President Vlad, being able to control space is truly extraordinary."

"Join me, I know your desire for longevity. As long as you join me, immortality is no longer a fantasy."

Well, after learning that Vlad controlled the power of space, Lockhart's love for talent suddenly rose.

In the past life, there was a saying that time is the emperor and space is the king.

With the opponent's talent, there is definitely a bright future for him.

Even if he truly surrenders later on, he may have the opportunity to become the best fighting force next to himself in the Marvel world.


When Vlad heard it, he saw that the other party seemed to have taken control of him.

Some scoffed and said in an indifferent tone.

"Lockhart, it seems it didn't take long for you to awaken your wizarding talent."

"Our talents are not limited to magic."

The moment he finished speaking, a cruel look flashed in Vlad's eyes.

He doesn't want to use it. The price he needs to pay to touch the concept of the lowest level in the world is enough to make him

Nowadays, it is not possible to use it.

The thoughts turn, the talent is activated, the space is called, and the concept of the deepest space is touched.

In an instant, in Lockhart's eyes, Vlad, who had been staying where he was, disappeared.

There was no energy fluctuation at all around it.

It was as if Vlad had never been there.

Lockhart's face darkened when he felt this, but he also sighed softly in his heart.

He should have thought that the wizard's magic was already so magical.

The talent that awakens wizards should be even more wonderful.

Like his talent - rewriting reality and even breaking the conservation of energy

The other party's control space can naturally break through the general space restrictions.

Sure enough, more attention should be paid to the development of wizard talents.

Well, otherwise he wouldn't know that Grindelwald could even peek into the Marvel world through his own talents.

If he knew it, he would probably pay more attention to the wizard's talent.

While thinking about it, Lockhart didn't care about Vlad's escape.

You can escape the monk, but you cannot escape the temple. The wizarding world is so big, and sooner or later it will fall into his hands.

Do things for him, work for him, and contribute your strength, knowledge, and wisdom.

Unless he doesn't eat, drink, resources, or even extend his life.

Then, Lockhart set his eyes on the Frank family wizard opposite.

Looking at the panicked and even pale expressions of most of the wizards across from them, a trace of indifference flashed in their eyes.

Immediately, with a light step, his body rose into the air and soon landed in front of everyone.

At the same time, Lockhart's voice reached the ears of all wizards.

"Your helpers have escaped."

"Since you resisted, the previous conditions must be changed."

"Now I give you two choices:"

"Surrender, live!"

"Resist and die!"

After the words fell, Lockhart once again released his mental intimidation.

For a moment, most wizards felt as if their hearts were being hit hard by a hammer, and they felt dizzy.

The strength is slightly weaker, and there is a trace of blood flowing from the corner of the mouth.

And Justo Frank, who was standing at the front and the strongest, also felt as if the air was thin and he couldn't breathe.

Wave after wave of pressure kept coming to my heart.

In this way, he seemed to have returned to more than ten years ago and saw Voldemort again.

"Professor Lockhart, we agree to all your previous conditions and help you build a wizard school."

Justo said with a somewhat jerky voice.


Lockhart seemed a little dissatisfied with the other party's answer, and his voice was slightly cold.

At the same time, he focused his attention on Justo at the front, and the deterrent of his transformed soul gradually increased.

This made Justo feel more and more strenuous, his thoughts began to become disordered, and he even had hallucinations.

Even the magic power was out of control, as if it was about to riot.

"Sir, surrender, we surrender."

The contemporary Frank patriarch, Dustin Frank, standing behind Justo, saw his grandfather's state and said quickly.

After hearing this, Lockhart glanced at him, his cold gaze hitting the other person's mind like a heavy hammer.


In an instant, Dustin Frank groaned, and most of his body's breath suddenly faded, and his face became paler.

At the same time, Lockhart also loosened his grip on Justo.

When Justo felt slightly relaxed, he seemed to recall what his grandson had just said and said quickly.

"Surrender, surrender, we choose to surrender, sir."

Hearing this, Lockhart nodded slightly.

Everyone was relieved to take back the mental intimidation they exuded.

At the same time, Ian, who was behind Lockhart, seemed to feel that the overall situation was decided, and he quickly came over and said with joy: "Mentor, congratulations, please help me."

He naturally knew that the surrender of the Frank family meant the enmity of his parents, so there was no problem in embracing him.

Sure enough, Lockhart's own mentor patted himself gently, and then gave a calm order to Justo Frank and Dustin Frank in front of him.

"You, hand over all the wizards who were involved in the death of my apprentice Ian's parents."

"If one is missing, one of you will die. You can choose who lives and who dies."

"From now on, when I am away, you will follow the orders of my student Ian."

As he spoke, Lockhart waved his hand gently, and in an instant, Justo Frank and Dustin Frank felt as if their arms were being branded.

A twinge surfaced, but disappeared quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the two people opened their sleeves and saw a golden dragon magic mark appearing on their arms.

At the same time, a lot of relevant information about the golden dragon's magic brand emerged in their minds.

Immediately afterwards, both of them had bitter looks on their faces.

It’s heartbreaking to kill people!

The hatred between one's own family and the other's parents.

I'm afraid it will fall into the opponent's hands.

At the same time, Ian, who looked excited, was thinking about how to deal with the Frank family.

Suddenly, the voice of his mentor appeared in his mind.

"Ian, you hate yourself and avenge it yourself. The Frank family is the first force I give you. You can deal with it yourself."

"I won't even ask."

After the voice disappeared, Ian immediately raised his head and looked at his mentor Lockhart, gratitude flashed in his eyes, and then he nodded heavily.

But Lockhart didn't care.

He had known about Ian's knot in his heart before, and he brought him here today just to relieve this knot.

Of course, Lockhart asked Ian to handle it on his own, which also meant that he wanted to see what Ian could do.

I want to see how he will treat his enemies after this period of training.

All I know is that anger ends up at the bottom.

Real revenge, that is

Afterwards, Lockhart gave Ian a few instructions and turned to leave.

Since the power of the Frank family has been handed over to Ian, he will naturally not take care of it.

The top combat power and key figures have all been taken down, and the rest are just ants.

The Council of Elders, Vlad's secret chamber.

Although it is a closed secret room, around the edges of the walls, fist-sized luminous pearls emitting magic fluctuations are carved around the walls.

Not only does it emit soft light, but it also forms strange ancient runes.


Just like breathing, the light emitted by the night pearl alternates between bright and dark, and the magic power fluctuates accordingly.

A large number of luminous pearls gathered by magic power dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, in the middle of the entire secret room, a looming figure emerged.

As the magic power continues to be consumed, the figure gradually solidifies.

Soon, a clear face emerged, it was Vlad Travers.

At this moment, Vlad's face looked as usual, but the magical aura emanating from his body had dropped significantly.


After a week of forgetting the secret room, especially when he saw the dim night pearl, Vlad sighed heavily.

This time, I didn't get any benefit at all, and it was really a loss to my grandma's family.

The space is limited, and he can only use his talent to transform himself into an existence similar to the concept of space to escape.

To escape is to escape successfully, but you want to transform into your own body again.

Not only does it require a large amount of energy, but also the vitality, mental power and even soul potential have been reduced.

When he thought of this, Vlad had a sad look on his face.

Then, he walked to the desk on the left side of the secret room, waved his hand gently, and several potions appeared on the desk.

After taking it once, Vlad felt the changes in his soul and vitality.


After a long time, Vlad let out a breath of turbid air, feeling that although his body had not reached its peak state, at least most of his heart had recovered, and he still felt a little satisfied.

Then, but thinking about where the Presbyterian Church will go next.

Is it like how he faced Voldemort more than ten years ago, using his space talent to build a space barrier, staying hidden and watching the situation develop?

Or let’s continue to the end!

His thoughts turned, and he recalled Lockhart's talent of affecting space, and his eyes flashed with thought.

Then, sitting at the table, a quill appeared in his hand.

I wrote silently on the white paper on the table.

"Your Excellency, the Dark Lord."


Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office.

"Snape, I heard that you went on a global trip during this period. How do you feel?"

Hearing Dumbledore's teasing, Snape said angrily: "What do you think?"

"How about you try it and feel like being transported to all over the world."

After hearing this, Dumbledore laughed and said, "If you have time, you must try it."

"I haven't planned a global trip for many years."

I saw the old man in front of the table smiling in an awkward manner, and even his white beard was swaying.

Snape was a little speechless, but he still reminded him lightly.

"Albus, this time, our enemies have certain influence in various magic ministries around the world."

As he spoke, Snape waved his hand.

A triangle appeared in mid-air, with a circle and a horizontal bar running through it.

It is the witchcraft party, or the mark of the saint.

"I've investigated. This is the symbol of your old enemy, the Wu Cui Party."

"When I was teleported, I often saw people wearing it."

Hearing this, Dumbledore also suppressed the smile on his face.

After a moment of silence, he slowly said, "Snape, you don't have to worry about this matter."

"I want to ask."

"Is there anything unusual about the Death Eater mark on your arm?"

After hearing what Dumbledore said, Snape's face suddenly darkened.

His eyes were gloomy, as if he was thinking about something, and he said, "No, there's nothing unusual."

"You mean him."

Before Snape could finish speaking, Dumbledore nodded and said, "Yes, he has reappeared in the wizarding world, and has even cursed and killed several wizards."

Hearing this, Snape fell silent. Did he know what Dumbledore meant?

After a moment, he said: "I'm going to contact Lucius, Kain and the others."

"If I have any news, I'll let you know."

In response, Dumbledore nodded slightly, and then continued to speak.

"Snape. There is one more thing I need to trouble you with."

"you say."

"Lockhart recently wants to open a wizard school. Please help me find out which wizards he plans to recruit as teachers."

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