Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 322 I declare: The Squib Wizard School bill is officially passed

Ministry of Magic, Wizengamot Room.

The Wizengamot resembles a combination of the British Court of Justice and Parliament.

When encountering difficult cases, the Wizengamot will be approached. At the same time, some major decisions also require joint decision-making by Wizengamot members.

At this moment, a large number of Wizengamot members wearing red wizard robes and their friends were sitting on the seats on both sides of the stairs.

Behind the seats on the stairs are mostly junior members or magic researchers.

In the middle, most of them are pure-blood families.

Sitting at the front is a pure-blood family or wizard who is famous in the wizarding world.

For example.Dumbledore!

Opposite the many Wizengamot members, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge stood on the podium.

With a smile on his face, he looked at the Wizengamot members on both sides, listening to their discussions without making any answer.

At this time, a large number of Wizengamots were communicating in low voices, and from time to time their eyes were on Dumbledore, who was sitting in the front.

They came to the conference room today and naturally knew what today's topic was.

I also know who the protagonist is today.

One of the protagonists is Albus Dumbledore, the world's great white wizard.

And the other person is also the protagonist of recent hot topics in recent years-Gilderoy Lockhart, the founder of meditation.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Rudy, how many years have you said that no wizard has dared to propose the establishment of a wizard school? The school went bankrupt. I remember it was about 500 years ago. It lasted less than 10 years and was disbanded."

"Yes, the pen of acceptance and the book of admission are the guarantee for Hogwarts to monopolize the British wizarding world's students. Without students, the school would be meaningless."

"But this time, Hogwarts may really be in trouble. It seems that the Squib is not within the detection range of the Pen of Acceptance and the Book of Access."


"What do you think Lockhart is thinking about? Opening a school will cost money. Most Squibs don't have much gold galleons at home. How many years can he last?"

"Don't believe this. If Lockhart saves more this time, he can last at least five years without any problem. I heard that this time he has received a lot of resources from the Malfoy, Parkinson and other families."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you guys said, why did Lockhart do this?"


"Albus, what do you think? Does the Hogwarts professor know the news?"

"Do you need me to vote to reject the proposal?"


In the conference room at this moment, everyone had different expressions and was noisy.

After Cornelius Fudge saw it, he paid special attention to Dumbledore's expression sitting in front.

Seeing the other party's expressionless face, as if falling into silence, an inexplicable feeling of joy arose in my heart.

With Professor Lockhart opening a school, I believe it will distract Dumbledore a lot.

Even if the two later compete with each other, don't they have to rely on themselves, the Minister of Magic, to be the referee in the end?

Sure enough, the emperor's art in the East is good. If you want to control your subordinates, balancing the power is the key.

When he thought of this, Cornelius Fudge felt a sense of pleasure deep in his heart, as if he was in control of everything. It was like an addiction, making him obsessed.

However, Fudge's expression remained calm.

clang! clang! clang!

As almost all the Wizengamot members arrived, the time reached 9 a.m., and Cornelius Fudge rang the small bell in his hand.

All members of the Wizengamot fell silent.

"Good morning, distinguished members of the Wizengamot."

A loud, solemn voice came from Fudge's mouth, echoing throughout the conference room.

"As the decision-making body of the English wizarding world, the Wizengamot makes every decision and will profoundly affect the development of the wizarding world."

"According to convention, a comprehensive meeting will be held every three years to discuss the future direction of the Ministry of Magic and all walks of life."

"Members of the Wizengamot, please make your choice carefully. Every vote you make will affect the future development of the entire wizarding world."

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

After the solemn words fell, all the Wizengamot members gave their warmest applause.

Fudge also bowed slightly to show respect.

The future, including his tenure as Minister of Magic, is also within his scope of decision-making within the Wizengamot.

Therefore, it is necessary for him to show a good impression to everyone present.

As the applause became sparse, Fudge's voice sounded again.

"Members of the Wizengamot, let's move on to our first motion."

"I would like to ask His Excellency Rudy Entello to elaborate on the motion."

After the words fell, a red-robed wizard sitting in the back stood up, walked off the stage, and stood in front of everyone.

Bowed to the Wizengamot members on both sides.

All attention is focused on this person.

Rudy was no stranger to this, and said directly: "Everyone, the bill I brought today is about Gringotts."

"I think Gringotts, as a wizarding bank, should be allowed to provide a certain amount of loans to wizards in order to activate the economy of the wizarding world,"

"First, this can be a source of livelihood for a wizard during hard times."

"Second, I think that when the wizard has gold galleons in his hands, it can further stimulate the economy."

"Third, I think it's gold galleons."


Soon, this Rudy wizard spoke out a bunch of reasons, as if to emphasize the justice of increasing the loan.

at last.

"So, I suggest that in order to better ensure the issuance of loans, wizards should be allowed to enter Gringotts to supervise and guide the issuance of loans and the direction of operational development."

Fudge felt a little touched by Rudy's suggestion.

If wizards can be arranged to enter Gringotts, there is no doubt that his rights as Minister of Magic will be further expanded.


"Wizengamot members, do you have any questions about the motion proposed by Wizard Rudy?"

As soon as Fudge finished speaking, some Wizengamot members started talking.

"No, we must not let laypeople lead experts."

"Goblins have always managed Gringotts. If wizards are forced to enter, it will easily intensify conflicts."


Fudge saw strong opposition from many Wizengamot members.

My inner anger suddenly dropped.

He felt that he should take control of the things in his hands first, and then look at other things.

You must first defend the inside before you can attack the outside.

At the same time, the wizard on the side watched his friend continue to raise objections and remained silent without speaking.

Rudy was not surprised when he saw this.

He had proposed a similar motion three years ago, but the last time it was more obvious, directly proposing that wizards enter Gringotts.

This time, I got a loan to cover up the surface.

But there are still many people who oppose it.

This made his inner speculation stronger and stronger.

The next process quickly entered, allowing many Wizengamot members to vote.

As expected, only a small number of people agreed, and most people either abstained or simply refused.

Seeing this, Fudge naturally made a decision.

"After everyone voted, motion No. 1 will not be passed for the time being."

"Wizard Rudy, you can go back to your seat."

Seeing this, Rudy walked up the steps silently and returned to his seat.

And Fudge said loudly again: "The next motion, No. 2, I would like to ask Aegon Thornton to explain."

Soon, a Wizengamot wizard sitting on the left came out.

Same process.

Speak your own explanation, listen to and answer everyone's opinions and questions, and finally vote to decide whether the motion is passed.

Bill 2 is about certain restrictions on some minor and harmless banned potions in the potion industry.

Although there were many people who opposed this time, in the end, there must be a slight advantage and the motion was passed.

Next are Article 3, Article 4, and all the way to Bill 25.

Among them, the proposals include various industries in the British wizarding world, magical creatures, curse research, magical plant shapes, and even the Order of Merlin.

It is worth mentioning that someone proposed to give Gilderoy Lockhart, the founder of the Meditation Method, a first-class Order of Merlin.

However, a large number of members chose to abstain with a tacit understanding.

It seems that he is afraid of something.

It may be related to the fact that recipients of a medal in the Order of Merlin will automatically join the Wizengamot.

In the end, it ended in failure.

Soon, it was time to move to the 30th bill.

Many members of the Wizengamot paid attention, seeming to know what was going to happen next.

"Next, let's ask Wizard Dustin Frank to explain motion 30."

Soon, Dustin Frank, who was sitting in the front position on the right side, stood up.

Walking to the open space in the middle, he bowed slightly to the Wizengamot members on both sides to show respect.

Then he said loudly: "Everyone, the bill I brought is related to the establishment of a wizard school."

"As we all know, due to some misunderstandings, the Squib demonstrations caused a lot of noise some time ago and affected the lives of many wizards."

"And this all stems from the meditation method invented by Professor Lockhart."

"Meditation can give Squibs the ability to become a wizard. This will undoubtedly help promote the development of the entire wizarding world."

"However, we also need to consider our attitude towards squibs."

Having said this, Dustin Frank paused and observed the expressions of the wizards around him.

As if to use this to adjust his next expression.

"In the past, most wizards treated Squib with contempt because he did not have the ability to cast spells."

"But it's different now. Squib has the meditation method and can have the ability to cast spells. He is already one of our kind."

"We have to have a fair attitude towards him."

"Otherwise, the Squib Parade some time ago was a typical negative case."

"For the peace and development of the wizarding world."

"I suggest"

"Establish a school for squib wizards specifically to train squibs and teach them their conduct as wizards and their spellcasting abilities."

"And the school principal, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart, the founder of the Meditation Method, is the most suitable person."

Dustin Frank finished speaking.

The entire conference room was silent.

Everyone, including Fudge, set their sights on Dumbledore, as if wanting to see his reaction.

At this moment, Dumbledore did not directly stand up and raise objections as everyone thought.

But remain silent.

His expression didn't even change at all, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Seeing this, Fudge said with some regret: "Members of the Wizengamot, do you have any questions about the motion proposed by Wizard Dustin?"

He was also prepared to see Dumbledore's strong opposition and final disappointment.

As a key partner with Lockhart.

He knew very well that in recent months, Lockhart had first convinced the Frank family through duels for this proposal.

Then every three days, he would challenge a pure-blood family.

Let them crush them completely under the premise of being extremely prepared.

A total of about four companies were challenged, but the remaining companies could not stand the pressure, and the Presbyterian Church did not provide any support.

No, he could only choose to agree to the conditions proposed by Lockhart.


What they never expected was that although Lockhart took a lot of resources from them, he also brought them huge benefits.

Such as the light of life, new magic potions, etc.

In an instant, these pure-blood families forgot their previous hatred and stood firmly behind Lockhart, waving flags and cheering.

In the process, Lockhart's combat power has spread to the entire British wizarding world and even other countries.

Other members of the Wizengamot, or pure-blood families, also enjoyed what is called gold coin tactics during this period of time.

Being hit by Lockhart with a large amount of resources, his head was a little dizzy.

So far, there have been few objections.

And some people were also looking at Dumbledore's attitude.

They seem to know that their role is almost very small, and even if they voted against it, it would have no effect.

Only Dumbledore, the Chief Wizard of Wizengamot, could refuse this proposal.

As Chief Mage, he can reject any proposal as long as there is a valid reason.


At this moment, Dumbledore's mind was not on the conference room.

He is currently thinking about one thing in his mind.

That is.

Where were Voldemort's Horcruxes hidden?

Because, just two weeks ago, Lockhart walked up to him with a golden crown.

And this is the long-lost Ravenclaw Golden Diadem.

According to his introduction, this is a Horcrux found in the Room of Requirement.

The discovery of the Horcrux relieved a lot of doubts in Dumbledore's mind.

During these two weeks, he kept exploring Tom's life, trying to find more Horcruxes.

The Horcrux is immortal and Tom is immortal!

If you want to kill Tom, destroy the Horcrux first!

This is the most important thing for him in recent times.

As for Lockhart's Squib Wizard School.

He didn't have the mind to care about it now. The threat of Voldemort was right in front of him, and he couldn't let go of Lockhart's combat power.

What's more, he is very confident about Hogwarts.

As long as the Book of Admission and the Pen of Acceptance are not destroyed, Hogwarts will never fall.

Some members of the Wizengamot who originally wanted to express their rejection suppressed their inner thoughts after seeing that Dumbledore remained silent and did not reply.

During this period of time, they had seen Lockhart's influence.

Through the light of life, new potions and other technologies, coupled with the opponent's strong strength, an interest alliance with Lockhart as the core was formed.

Fudge saw no reaction from everyone, and there was no surprise.

He is now also in Lockhart's alliance of interests.

Even with Lockhart and the pure-blood family behind him, his position became more secure.

at last.

"After everyone voted, Dustin's proposal to establish the Squib Wizard School was officially passed, with Gilderoy Lockhart as the principal."

"The Ministry of Magic will invest a certain amount of funds every year and provide certain support in terms of policies."

"It is expected that the school will start in September next year and the first batch of squib wizards will be recruited!"

It’s time to return to the Marvel world. This time the Avengers plot is officially added, and the battlefield is even grander.

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