Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 355: The Battle of SHIELD, Pierce’s Revenge (Second Update)

S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters, Trident Building.

Inside the office of Director of Intelligence Sitwell, next to the glass of the building.

Bald agent Sitwell stood next to the glass, looking into the distance and holding a smartphone, as if listening to someone's orders.

"Sitwell, has there been any change at SHIELD? Has Nick Fury taken any action?"

"No sir, everything remains as is."

"Nothing has changed since Rumlow came back."


"Is there any new information from Professor Wizard?"

"Sir, there has been no new information since Sokovia returned."

"Sir, where are you now? Is there anything you need me to do for you?"

Just as Sitwell finished speaking, there was silence on the other side of the phone.

After a moment, a gentle voice sounded.

"Sitwell, there is one thing you really need to do. There is an underground base in Houston. You and Rumlow go there to get a 084 item."

"I'll contact you when I get there."

"Okay, sir!" Sitwell said confidently.

"Long live Hydra!"

"Long live Hydra!"

Sitwell whispered solemnly.

The next moment, the call was hung up and Sitwell put away his phone.

Returning to his desk, he closed his eyes and seemed to be calling for something?

Soon, a red halo appeared in the middle of the office, and Lockhart walked out of it.

"Master, I just received news from Pierce."

"The other party should still be in the United States, but he just gave me a task to go to Houston and find a 084 item."

"Master, I believe that through this medium, we may be able to obtain other clues about Pierce."

Hearing this, Lockhart nodded, thoughtfully, always having some guesses in his mind.

Soon he did not choose to continue asking, but asked other questions.

"You're sure there's nothing wrong with Nick Fury, right?"

"Yes, the director seems to be focusing all his energy on a place called the Insight Project. Is there any other unusual behavior besides this?"

Tsk tsk tsk, the Insight Project, if he remembered correctly, seemed to be closely related to Hydra.

It seems that these gophers really dig into any hole they can find.

Even if there is nothing, a hole must be drilled.

But as long as you catch the leader, a series of gophers can be pulled out.

Hydra underground base.

Pierce, who had just hung up the phone, suddenly turned dark.

What does Nick Fury do for food?

His men were under control, and there was no gap at all.

Well, from the conversation with Sitwell just now, he had already confirmed that Sitwell was probably brainwashed and enslaved by Lockhart.

There is no abnormality, which is the biggest abnormality.

"Pierce, I just received the news that Lockhart's apprentice was picked up by Lockhart's apprentice again in the underground base in Sweden this morning."

"We have to fight back."

Mrs. Hydra's cold and stern tone came to her ears, Pierce did not answer and remained silent.

Seeing Pierce's attitude, Madam Hydra was a little annoyed and asked.

"How much power can you use in SHIELD's arrangement?"

"We have to teach Lockhart a lesson, otherwise we can only watch our bases being destroyed one by one."

Hearing this, Pierce said in a calm voice: "SHIELD's power cannot be used for the time being."

"I suspect that Lockhart has taken control of some of the people I have placed in SHIELD."

"What?" Madam Hydra was a little surprised, her face a little ugly.

But as if she thought of something, Madam Hydra said fiercely: "In this case, let's just move the trouble eastward and let Nick Fury and Lockhart bite each other."

"No." Pierce refused directly: "Nick Fury has started to launch the Insight Project under my guidance. This is a powerful weapon for us to deal with Lockhart. We cannot fail in our efforts."

"And if Nick Fury is controlled by Lockhart, then our arrangement with SHIELD will be completely over."

Hearing this, Mrs. Hydra sneered: "Why don't you think about it, since Lockhart controls the people arranged by your SHIELD, wouldn't it be easy to control Nick Fury?"

"I've thought about this, but it's impossible." Pierce said with certainty: "Based on the information I've collected so far, Lockhart seems to have some concerns."

"He probably wouldn't take action against Nick Fury without a good reason."

"Not to mention, Nick Fury holds a kind of power in his hands. I don't know exactly what it is, but there is no doubt that it is very huge. It is said to be related to the alien incident more than ten years ago."

"That's how he got the chance to become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"In the back, we need a Nick Fury. He cannot die or be controlled."

At this point, Pierce sneered: "Besides, you said we all have substitutes to save our lives."

"Is it possible that Nick Fury doesn't have similar means?"

"Now, don't think about your arrangements with SHIELD. If you delay any longer, your people will become Lockhart's." Madam Hydra said coldly: "Now give Lockhart some teachings to stop His action of destroying the base is the most important thing."

Upon hearing this, Pierce flatly refused.

Well said.

But if he has to use the power he has spent in SHIELD for many years, if anything happens to him, it will be his own fault.

If he is exposed, then he is really finished.

You know, Lockhart has not revealed his identity yet.

The high possibility is that he wants to receive the power he arranged in SHIELD.

And he got respite.

As long as Lockhart dies, everything will return to normal. He will still be the former director of SHIELD and one of the directors of the World Security Council.

But as long as he chooses to fight Lockhart, his identity will definitely be leaked.

In the end, Lockhart lost.

That's when others are doing well, but I'm betraying my relatives.

Sacrifice yourself to help everyone!

Isn't this Pierce's style?

Just kidding?

But rejecting it directly is not an option.

Now in the eyes of everyone, he was the culprit responsible for the heavy losses suffered by Hydra this time.

If he hadn't angered Lockhart, Hydra wouldn't have suffered such heavy losses.

The anger in these people's hearts must also be vented, otherwise, they will definitely be in danger.

With his thoughts turning, Pierce said, "Actually, if you want to teach Lockhart a lesson and stop his actions, you don't have to target Lockhart."

“His students are a great choice.”

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Hydra's eyes lit up, and Pierce continued.

"It just so happens that I leaked the location of a Houston base through channels before."

"Lockhart will definitely not let it go. He will definitely treat our base as a training ground for his students just like before."

"This time, we can teach Lockhart a hard lesson, so that he dares to send his students to invade our base."

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