Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 356 Attacking the Hydra Base

"Wizards are gods! Magic is miracles!"

14-year-old Pietro stood in front of the window, murmuring to himself while looking at the magical animals moving on the lawn, his eyes full of envy.

Every time I think back to the discussion about magic between Professor Lockhart and Professor Snape some time ago.

Especially what Professor Snape mentioned.

Pietro's heart seemed to be ignited. Originally, he just had a curiosity and a sense of freshness about magic.

Now, it's more of a fanaticism.

However, a hint of helplessness, regret and envy soon appeared in his eyes.

He is not like his sister Wanda, who Professor Lockhart said had excellent magical talents.

Regarding him, he only said that his talent was average, and nothing else was mentioned.

Later, if his sister Wanda hadn't asked for help, or because of his sister's talent.

Let Professor Snape develop his abilities.

Well, that's right.

He also has his own extraordinary abilities.

Thinking of this, Pietro put his right hand in front of his face.

Soon, visible to the naked eye, the right hand moved at high frequency, and a phantom began to appear repeatedly.

call! call! call!

As Pietro began to circle in a circle, waving his right hand quickly, and with a sound similar to the wind, a weak whirlwind began to emerge.

next moment.


With the bang of the door, Piccolo's figure in the house disappeared instantly.

At this moment, Pietro felt as if he had entered another world. He felt that everything around him had become very slow, but he was still normal.


With a whoosh, Pietro's figure appeared in front of the door of the magic training room.

This is his ability, called - extreme speed.

The whole person can enter an extremely fast state. It only took him one or two seconds to cover the distance of nearly half a kilometer.

But it is a pity that he has just awakened and has limited use time. After the warm current in his body is exhausted, he will need a long time to rest and recover.

At this moment, Pietro briefly recalled the feeling of the slow world just now, then gently opened the door and walked into the magic training room.

He saw some wizards standing together in twos and threes in the spacious training room.

Some waved their wands and practiced spells, while others gathered together and communicated with each other.

"Pietro, you're here." Wanda called to Pietro who was not far away.

The next moment, there was a whoosh and Pietro ran to Wanda.

"Wanda, your brother's ability is very powerful." Vera looked at Pietro, who appeared in front of her instantly and was a head shorter than herself, and joked to Wanda: "It would be great if we could cast magic so quickly. ”

"Sister Vera, don't say that." Pietro said sweetly, but his words still contained a hint of envy: "No matter how fast I am, you just need to cast a magic spell and I will fall."

"And I think that with Sister Vera's excellent talent, she will definitely be able to develop magic that increases speed."

"Haha, Wanda, your brother has such a sweet mouth, I like it."

Hearing Pietro's compliment, Vera laughed and praised Wanda beside her.

As he spoke, he stretched out his wand and tapped it gently, and a bronze magic amulet appeared in front of Vera.

Immediately afterwards, the talisman moved and landed in front of Pietro.

"Pietro, take this, this is a defensive magic amulet given to me by my previous teacher. It's not of much use to me now."

"But you have just awakened your ability. Although your speed is faster, your defense is no different from ordinary people. With it, you can save your life at critical moments."

Pietro was a little surprised when he heard what Vera said.

At the same time, Wanda on the side also thanked: "Vera, thank you."

Pietro smiled sweetly and said quickly: "Thank you, Sister Vera, you are the best person to me besides my own sister."

Hearing this, a faint smile appeared on Vera's face.

Vera is very clear about the importance that Master Lockhart places on Wanda. In all likelihood, Wanda will have to shoulder the same important responsibilities as herself.

The gift given to Peter was actually a gesture of goodwill to Wanda.

Sending a favor is an easy thing for Vera, who is known as the king of connections.

"By the way, Wanda, how much magic do you have now?" Vera said to Wanda standing aside.

"I have mastered some common magic and some small evil spells taught by my tutor." Wanda thought for a while and replied: "I have also mastered three black magic for combat."

"The Throat Cutting Curse, the Crushing Curse, and the Invisibility Curse that Professor Snape taught me."

Having said this, Wanda added again: "My mentor said that he did not recommend that I get into too much contact with black magic at first."

"There are also spells that Snape taught me. They are a bit difficult and the probability of success is relatively low."

"Wanda, that's good." Vera praised: "You are worthy of the tutor's attention. Your learning speed is much faster than ours."

Vera will not be stingy with her praise because she has studied with Teacher Peggy before.

Praise is the only magic weapon to bring people closer.

Sure enough, after Wanda heard this, her face turned a little red, as if she was shy.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Vera ask again: "Wanda, are you interested in actual combat? There are a lot of actual combat projects recently."

"Compared with your current magic level, the battle may be a bit difficult, but it will still be helpful for you to experience it in advance."

Well, as a woman like herself, Vera is more inclined to win over Wanda, at least the relationship should not be too bad.

Naturally, Wanda would not refuse Vera’s invitation.

During the six years of wandering, she had fought and killed people. She had already understood the principle of the jungle and the strong, and naturally she would not refuse.

After Pietro heard this, he quickly asked: "Sister Vera, can I participate?"

"I also want to experience fighting, and I don't want to hold my sister back."

Vera had some doubts about Pietro's request.

Looking at Pietro, who was only 14 years old and in his third grade at Hogwarts, he said hesitantly: "Pietro, be good and obedient. In two years, my sister will take you to actual combat."

"When we fight, we will bleed, and even more, people will die."

"You are too young now and are not suitable. Now you should practice your abilities."

After hearing this, Wanda on the side also refused seriously: "Pietro, be obedient and practice your abilities. Now is not the time to show off."

If it was during the previous wandering period, she would not refuse the opportunity to train Pietro.

Because the situation was precarious before, and she was not sure whether she would be in danger, so Pietro needed to grow up quickly.

But it's different now, such a safe environment.

Pietro is just 14 years old now, and most children of the same age are in school.

How could she let her brother join the battlefield?

"Okay!" Seeing his sister Wanda's serious expression, Pietro nodded helplessly.

Then, he asked with some expectation: "Sister, has the matter of me learning magic been settled?"

We were chatting for a long time and almost forgot the purpose of coming today.

But seeing Wanda's silent expression, Pietro added: "I know that my talent is average, I just need to master some magic."

Hearing this, Wanda hesitated, and finally nodded: "Okay, I'll talk to Teacher Lockhart."

In fact, she asked Mentor Lockhart before.

But Lockhart gave the answer - no.

On the one hand, Pietro's talent itself was not suitable for magic.

He has his own abilities, and his potential isn't too bad. He just needs to develop his own.

On the other hand, he now has dozens of wizards. These students he selected have good talents and can realize combat power through resources at a relatively fast speed.

Therefore, a large number of resources are constantly tilted every day, and the resources themselves are somewhat tense.

And Pietro is different from Wanda.

Wanda was born with the seed of chaos magic, or her soul is very strange, and can easily influence concepts to achieve the same effect as the wizard blood, or even better.

Therefore, Wanda learned the magic of the Harry Potter world very quickly.

If Pietro wants to learn magic, he must either sign a contract with some gods, or transplant the blood of a wizard to Pietro.

Doing so will undoubtedly consume a lot of resources, and even if it is done, the harvest will be very average.

Although he does not lack my resources, it is really unnecessary.

He, Lockhart, was not a man who took advantage of others.

Wanda would remain silent only after she understood this. She understood very well that this was just like investing. No one would be willing to invest a lot of money even though she knew it was a loser.

Unless she becomes really strong in the future and uses her own resources to train her younger brother.

After hearing sister Wanda's promise, Pietro nodded with satisfaction.

Then he didn't bother his sister.

With a whoosh, he turned and left.

Wanda watched her brother leaving without saying anything, but asked Vera beside her: "Vera, when will we set off?"

Vera didn't want to interfere with the affairs between the two siblings.

Therefore, after Wanda asked the question, Vera immediately replied: "I will apply to the professor, and we will start the practical course in the afternoon together."

"When the time comes, stay with me. Don't run around. Safety is still guaranteed."

In response, Wanda nodded to express her understanding.

Afternoon, spell training room.

More than 20 wizard students formed a square formation.

The three of them, Ian Villaremi, stood at the front of the phalanx.

Snape and Steve stood in front of the group of students.

Steve carried his shield and said in a deep voice: "We received news that another evil organization's base has been discovered."

"It's very suitable to be your sparring target."

"Next, you have to apply the methods and skills you learned in class before in actual combat."

“Don’t be a giant in theory and a dwarf in action!”

Then, Steve asked Snape in a low voice: "Professor Snape, do you have anything to say?"

Regarding the students' practical courses, the two of them were appointed by Lockhart as instructors and were responsible for the safety of the students.

After hearing this, Snape nodded and took a step forward.

Looking at this group of young wizards, most of whom were in their late teens, he said coldly: "What your teacher Steve said just now was very nice."

"But, I'm going to tell you."

"Every battle will inevitably have accidents. Don't be careless, otherwise your life will be the price you have to pay."

"In the next battle, trust your classmates, trust your friends, don't show off as a personal hero, and don't show off your skills to me."

"have you understood?"

"I understand!"

All the students said loudly and their expressions became serious.

Seeing this, Snape said to Ian, Vera, and Remy in front: "Open the portal!"

After hearing Snape's order, the three of them took a step forward and took out their wands.

One after another red lines were outlined in mid-air, eventually forming three circular teleportation gates.

Maybe the place was carefully chosen and there was no one on the other side of the portal.


Buzz! Buzz!

"Alarm, alarm, there is an enemy invasion!"

"Alarm, alarm, there is an enemy invasion!"


Snape heard the constant sirens and flashing red lights coming from the other side of the portal. He raised his eyebrows disdainfully and said directly: "Let's go!"

Hearing this, Ian, Vera, and Remy waved their wands again very skillfully.

On the opposite side of the portal, three defensive shields glowing with golden light appeared to resist possible dangerous attacks.

Immediately afterwards, all the wizard students spontaneously formed three teams and ran quickly towards the portal.

Ian, Remy, and Vera stood aside and watched everyone's actions. If anything unexpected happened, they would take action immediately.

The three of them are Lockhart's first batch of students, and they are also the students of this batch who are similar to monitors and captains.

Steve and Snape, on the other hand, said nothing and watched everyone's actions quietly.

In actual combat courses, unless their lives are in danger, they will not take action easily, and they will not even speak, relying entirely on their instinctive reactions.

They still have confidence in this group of students.

There are ample resources to enjoy, the teachers are top-notch, and even the practical projects are carefully selected.

Everything is trained towards the elite.

In Snape's opinion, Lockhart's treatment of these students was basically comparable to that of a pure-blood family, or even better than the treatment of his heirs.

USA, Los Angeles, Hydra underground base.

"Warning, there is an enemy invasion in the Houston base, and the enemy is the wizard professor's students."

Pierce stood in the central command room of the base, looking at the base distribution map on the huge screen in front of him and a bunch of red dots appearing in the left area, with a sneer on his lips.

On both sides of Pierce, there were five people standing. These five people were men and women. Some looked like young people in their 30s, and some looked as old as Pierce.

However, all five of them have one thing in common, that is, they have a breathtaking temperament, like a lion.

These are the snakeheads of Hydra.

"Pierce, my base in Canada has been taken over by them. Don't let us down this time."

"It's time to teach them a lesson, otherwise we, Hydra, will be treated like a soft persimmon."


Hear the words of these Hydra heads.

Pierce's eyes were dark and he said lightly.

"The wizard professor comes in person, I can't guarantee anything."

"But these students and subordinates of his, don't even think about leaving this time."

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