Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 369 The Hulk’s Journey to the Vientiane World (Part 2)

"Notes on the Vientiane World Trading Area."

"Article 1: Transaction supports two modes: barter and magic point trading."

"Article 2: You can sign a transaction contract through magic points, and the Vientiane World is the guarantee."


"Article 9: Spending magic points can identify materials and redeem magic potions."


Bruce Banner looked at the 18 notes with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Professor Lockhart really spared no effort in promoting magic points.

Based on what we have seen so far, as long as you have magic points, you can purchase most items in the Vientiane World.

He even saw from inside that magic potions, magic items, etc. could be customized through magic points.

In this way, can my own problems be solved through magic points?

Once the thought came to mind, Bruce Banner's inner desire was suddenly ignited and expanded rapidly.

Then she turned her head and asked Natasha Colson.

"Colson, I saw a reminder above that you can use magic materials and items to exchange for magic points. How many magic points does our SHIELD have?"

Regarding Bruce Banner's question, Coulson's eyes unconsciously showed a hint of bitterness.

The Vientiane World serves as a trading place in the magical world.

For them to be able to come in, it is undoubtedly a big opportunity for them.

But the problem is that the currency here requires magic points, and the dollar has no role.

What is needed is magic resources, and technological weapons are useless.

As for whether they have anything of high value, they do.

The Cosmic Cube is very valuable, but can it be traded? No.

For an organization like S.H.I.E.L.D. in the field of science and technology, it really doesn't have much experience in magic.

The Vientiane World is a trading place that is typically biased towards the magical world.

Everything is based on magic.

This is very unkind to S.H.I.E.L.D.

But there was no other way. In the end, I could only trade some 084 items.

When Coulson thought about 084 items, he couldn't help but feel angry.

Damn it, Hydra!

If they hadn't re-examined it again, how would they have known that a large number of 084 items had been stolen.

When Coulson saw that some of the takers had his own name, and even Director Nick Fury's name, he was furious, but in the end he could only sigh helplessly.

Maybe they would have been better off if it hadn't been stolen.

When Bruce Banner saw Coulson's expression, he seemed to know that SHIELD didn't have many magic points in reserve.

There was no further questioning.

Instead, he continued walking into the trading area.

According to elf Shana's introduction, the trading area is mainly divided into 4 parts.

Each of them has its own theme.

Some are specialized in selling magic potions, some are alchemy items, some are trading magic resources, and there are also some services, such as divination, customized magic potions, etc.

However, it may be that they came early, or that most of the mages had very clear goals, and there were not many people.

On the street, Bruce saw some mages wearing robes or strange costumes. He glanced at them and walked directly towards a store.

He didn't seem to be in the mood to hang out.

And Bruce also looked at the items sold in the surrounding stores.

Perhaps the nearby area was mostly for alchemy items. The items for sale that Bruce Banner saw through the glass included long sticks, boots, some iron pieces engraved with strange runes, and some jewelry.

Of course, he knew that what he could sell was definitely related to magic.

"Colson, I'll take a look everywhere. You guys are busy first. We'll meet and chat later."

Bruce spoke to Coulson and walked towards an alchemy shop. He was ready to chat with the real mage.

A store owner, even a mage, should be able to communicate better if he wants to sell something.

After Coulson heard it, he looked at Natasha.

Afterwards, Natasha followed Bruce Banner towards the alchemy store.

Coulson and Rumlow walked away. This time, he actually had something to accomplish.

Through experiments, researchers found that the power of the Cosmic Cube resonated with a magical metal.

He needs to buy more for experiments.

At this moment, Bruce Banner glanced at Natasha next to him, nodded slightly, and continued to move forward.

When he walked to the door and was about to knock on the door and enter, the door opened quietly.

At the same time, a figure appeared.

"Welcome to Kain's Alchemy Shop."

Seeing the figure in front of him, Bruce's eyes flashed with disappointment.

Because the opponent has obvious characteristics of a robot. Although his appearance is roughly similar to that of a human, his eyes are dull and his voice has an obvious mechanical flavor.

In fact, it's just a flaw Lockhart deliberately created, and it works.

"Hello, is the boss here? I want to discuss something with him." Bruce Banner asked gently to the robot in front of him.

"I'm very sorry. The boss is not here. I will take care of the daily shop. Just tell me what items you need."

"Or if you tell me your needs, I will also search for related items."

In fact, most of the mages in Karma Taj have their own things to do.

Especially in the recent period, the situation has been a bit tense, so they generally will not stay in Vientiane World for a long time.

The role of the robot is to help the wizard sell products.

For most mages, robots with appropriate flaws make it easier to gain the other party's trust.

After Bruce Banner heard this, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes. He also wanted to communicate with a real mage.

Especially mages who know how to refine magic items.

Finally, after thinking for a while, he glanced at Natasha next to him and asked in a low voice: "I would like to ask if there are any high-strength stretchable clothes in your store."

As a Hulk, although his body is very strong.

However, the explosive clothes were definitely his unspeakable secret.

Well, he actually wanted to ask about underwear. This was the most important thing.

But Natasha was nearby and it was difficult to speak.

After Natasha heard this, a strange look flashed in her eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Hello, we currently don't have high-strength stretchable clothes in our store." The store guard robot replied: "However, you can make an appointment and I will pass your needs to Master Kain Alchemy."

"As long as you meet the conditions, Master Kain can personally refine it for you."

Refining underwear?

This thought flashed through Bruce Banner's mind, and then he shook it away with a chill, throwing the thought away.

"Understood, in this case, we don't need it for the time being." Bruce declined politely, then turned and left.

When the guard robot saw Bruce Banner's leaving back, he turned back to his position, and at the same time, the store door slowly closed.

"Dr. Banner, if you need high-strength stretchable materials, SHIELD can provide them for you." Natasha. As he walked, he said to Bruce Banner: "We have corresponding scientific researchers."

Hearing this, Bruce Banner nodded, indicating that he understood, but did not continue to say anything.

The two then continued walking along the street.

Entering the potion area, Bruce Banner also saw a large number of magic potions.

However, just like the alchemy tools, the shop owners are basically absent.

All are authorized service robots to help with sales.

Still, there are plenty of deals on the trading floor.

After all, the robot knows the store situation very well.

What Lockhart has to do is actually very simple. His current situation is that he already has all the information about the buyer.

Now it’s just a matter of matching the appropriate buyers.

The guiding elves in the teleportation square can understand the needs of the mages to the greatest extent.

Naturally, it is convenient to match, or give some suggestions.

This is the impact of technology or big data.

Relying on this, many mages came here because of its reputation.

Of course, there are also more alchemy masters, potion masters, etc. who choose to open stores in the world of Vientiane.

This is a positive cycle.

Still, in Lockhart's opinion, this was a false prosperity.

If it goes on for a long time, a trading area that relies purely on robot sales will bring negative perceptions and even turn into a bubble, which will collapse at some point.

There will only be more traffic and more mages settling in.

Only then can the world of Vientiane be further expanded and falsehood turned into reality.

And this is what Lockhart has been thinking about.

When Bruce Banner and Natasha were almost done wandering around and found that they didn't gain much, they left the trading area and walked towards the leisure area.

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