Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 370 The Hulk’s Journey to the Vientiane World (Part 2)

Vientiane World, leisure area.

For the magicians of Karma Taj, leisure comes in many forms.

There are eating, drinking and having fun with friends, discussing magic together, and fighting together.

These are some of the ways that Karma Taj Master lets off steam.

However, the leisure area of ​​Vientiane World is roughly the same as the original book cafe.

A quiet environment, books within reach, and a cup of fragrant coffee or fragrant tea.

Every mage who comes in will feel at peace, and the pressure in his heart and the anger of the battle will slowly dissipate.

Of course, to achieve such an effect, the environmental atmosphere does help to a certain extent, but the most important thing is that the entire leisure area is equipped with a magic circle, which has the ability to purify the mind and eliminate negative emotions.

For many mages, the trading area in Vientiane World is indeed very good, helping them obtain the items they want more quickly and reducing transaction costs.

But coming to the leisure area to have a cup of coffee, read books, or chat with friends may be what every Karma Taj Master who comes to the world of Vientiane will do.

And when Bruce Banner and Natasha slowly came to the rest area.

They found that the recreational area was the polar opposite of the trading area.

If we say that the number of mages in the trading area is sparse, a little deserted, and they come and go in a hurry.

The leisure area is visible to the naked eye, and its popularity has suddenly increased. There are mages wearing various styles of clothes sitting everywhere.

Some were sitting alone, reading books and sipping coffee.

Some were chatting and laughing with their friends, and seemed to be talking about some interesting things.

Others closed their eyes and seemed to be meditating or taking a nap.

At this moment, Bruce Banner has just entered the leisure area.

It just feels like the whole person has traveled through a whole world, and the whole person's heart seems to be baptized.

Taking a deep breath, the cool air enters the heart, and the original impetuousness and anxiety are transformed into inner peace and calm.

Bruce Banner was shocked to find that because of the Hulk's existence, there was an unknown anger in his heart from time to time.

But now, although this anger still exists, it has been weakened to a minimum.

With just a slight thought, the anger is easily suppressed.

When he discovered this, Bruce's inner excitement was self-evident.

Now, he wishes he could live in the leisure area of ​​Vientiane World in the future.

"Shana, what should I pay attention to in the leisure area?" Bruce asked Shanna, the elf flying in mid-air.

After he, Natasha and Coulson separated, after a brief discussion, Shana followed Bruce, while Coulson and Rumlow followed another elf to continue completing the tasks assigned by the director.

"Mr. Banner, any guest in the leisure area who holds a magic card can enter."

"The magic circle is arranged in the leisure area, which can help the mage meditate to a certain extent, remove inner distractions, and purify the soul."

"The following are the precautions for the leisure area."

"First, please try to keep it as quiet as possible in the leisure area. After selecting a seat, the soundproof magic circle will be automatically activated."

"Two, enter the leisure area and consume a little magic power for an hour."

"3. Seat cost, corresponding magic points are consumed according to different levels. A table of 2 people consumes 100 magic points per hour, a table of 4 people consumes 300 magic points per hour, and a table of 6 people"


"Sixth, with the magic card in the leisure area, you can borrow regular books for free, regular drinks are free, magic drinks, magic books, etc. need to be paid."


"Twelve, the leisure area is equipped with a special box"


Bruce Banner took the paper handed over by Shana with 18 notes on it and read it carefully.

The more I read, the more I feel emotional.

He originally thought that the Wizarding World Trading Place might be similar to a bar, or as noisy and lively as a gathering.

After all, many myths and stories, including movies, describe it this way.

However, after truly entering the world of Vientiane.

It was really beyond his expectation and completely opposite to what he imagined.

He can only use one word to describe his impression of the world of all things, that is.


Yes, it is very civilized.

All aspects of the entire Vientiane World are very detailed and specific. From the reception elves to the various layouts of the trading area and leisure area, they all have a formal, systematic and complete atmosphere.

Perhaps, this is the true embodiment of a magical civilization.

Rather than that kind of cobbled-together feeling.

Although it was his first time to come to the world of Vientiane, his trust in the world of Vientiane suddenly rose to a higher level.

Seeing through the lens, he became more and more admired and curious about Professor Lockhart.

Then, he walked to the bookshelf in the leisure area and looked at the names of the books on it curiously.

There are a wide variety of books on the bookshelf, including various literary works, social science books, and even some scientific and technological theories.

However, it is obvious that there are fewer books on science and technology, and most of them are about stories, mythology, or social science books.

Maybe for the wizarding world, technology just needs to be understood.

Bruce thought silently in his mind, and then continued to wander through other bookshelves.

However, after wandering through most of the bookshelves in the leisure area, Banner frowned.

"Shana, where are the magic books on the bookshelf?" Banner asked softly.

When he knew that there were a lot of books, especially magic books, he suddenly became excited.

He didn't understand magic, and was even completely unfamiliar with it.

But I can still read the words.

There's nothing better than learning about magic through magic books.

However, after walking for a long time, he was disappointed.

It seems like I haven't even seen the name of a magic book in it.

They are all books that you can see in your normal library.

"Mr. Banner, because magic books themselves have magical power, only mages and people with mage potential can read them. Reading them by ordinary people will only have negative effects."

"So, if you don't see it, maybe you don't have the potential to become a mage."

Bruce Banner was speechless after hearing Shana's explanation.

There is really nothing wrong with this statement.

At this moment, suddenly.

"Shana, may I ask, is this a magic book?"

Natasha held a thick book with a dark green cover and asked Shana, who was waving her wings in the air.

Bruce Banner looked sideways and found that under the cover of the book, there was a picture of a man holding a package, seemingly about to travel far away, and the title of the book - "Phyllis's Travels in the Nine Realms" was written on it.

"Yes, Miss Natasha." Shana glanced at it and said sweetly: "This is a travel diary written by Master Felice, which records some interesting things while traveling."

"Including Asgard, Vanaheim and other interesting humanities."

"The borrowing price of this book is 1 magic point per hour. It will be automatically deducted after reading and returning it. If you are the mage of Kama Taj, you can read it for free."

Bruce heard what Shana said, walked up to Natasha and asked, "Natasha, where did you get this book?"

Natasha pointed to a location on the left front and said, "Dr. Banner, it's right here. There is a book next to it called "Beware of Mephisto's Fraud."

Bruce looked in the direction Natasha's finger pointed and fell into silence.

In his eyes, the place Natasha pointed to was empty.

But what made him feel even more amazing was that such an empty location should be very noticeable.

But if Natasha hadn't pointed at it, he wouldn't have noticed it at all, as if it didn't exist.

Hey, it seems that he really has nothing to do with magic.

In fact, this is a Muggle shielding spell transformation cast by Lockhart. It has no blocking effect on mages and will only have an effect on Muggles or ordinary people.

For the Master of Karma Taj, the books in the Karma Taj Library are free to borrow, so except for some very critical books, he basically does not charge any fees.

But for ordinary people, unless they have the potential to become a mage, they will not let magic knowledge spread.

Especially for an agent organization like S.H.I.E.L.D., although it will not completely prevent the other party from accessing the magical world, it will definitely limit the other party's access to it.

After all, his stance is still firm.

As a wizard, his butt sat on this side of the magic side.

As for S.H.I.E.L.D. on the technology side, it will be fine if everyone maintains distant cooperation.

Bruce turned back in disappointment, discussed it with Natasha, and then picked up the magic book in Natasha's hand to read.

However, when he just opened page 1, he was about to read.

But he found that his eyes were blurred and his spirit was sluggish. The darkness was swallowing him up. There were many shadows and figures shaking, which was very strange.

At the same time, the anger in his heart seemed to be aroused.


After Bruce reacted, he immediately closed the book, closed his eyes and meditated, suppressing the rising anger in his heart and the tendency to transform.

However, Bruce's expression changed, and the anger in his heart seemed to have been suppressed for a long time. Now it was seduced and it was difficult to control it.

Natasha, on the other hand, immediately became alert when she saw that the skin on Bruce's face was starting to turn green, his clothes were tight, and his body seemed to be swollen.

At the same time, his right hand took out a needle filled with liquid from his waist.

This is a weapon developed by SHIELD to deal with Bruce's out-of-control state. It contains the essence extracted from the potion to help him quickly return to reason.

Just as she aimed at Bruce's neck, preparing to insert the injection.


There was a flash of black light, and a familiar figure appeared next to Bruce.

None other than Gilderoy Lockhart.

At the same time, Natasha saw Lockhart's right hand on Bruce's shoulder.

At this moment, Bruce Banner, a very gentle and kind voice suddenly appeared deep in his heart.

"Be still, concentrate, take a deep breath, and do as I say."

"Let me help you regain your sanity!"

Continuing with three updates today

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