Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 422 The Fall of Azkaban (First Update)

An isolated island in the North Sea, Azkaban.

call! call! call!

The deserted island is constantly being buffeted by strong winds.

A large area of ​​gray appeared on the island, with very little green, making it look increasingly desolate.

But in the center of the island, large black stones formed a huge building.

And around the building, from time to time, there will be some human-shaped black mist wearing tattered cloaks, exuding a cold and dark atmosphere.

They seemed to be alive, patrolling near the island in groups.

When ordinary people see them, they will feel shuddering, as if their whole body is paralyzed, and the whole person will fall into the abyss of despair.

They are the notorious dementors.

He makes a living by sucking other people's excitement, hope and other positive emotions. If he doesn't control it, he will suck other people's souls.

This is Azkaban, the prison where prisoners are imprisoned in the wizarding world.

"Damn it, why haven't the rotating Aurors come yet?" Azkaban guard Auror Liman Bilic and several companions stood in front of the port, staring at the deserted sea, cursing.

Who knows, he had received news that new Aurors were coming to Azkaban to replace them.

How happy I was.

This place really wasn't brought by a wizard.

It was simply torture.

"Liman, don't be anxious." Rudolf, the guarding Auror captain next to him, said in a deep voice: "The Ministry of Magic informed me that it will definitely arrive today, just wait patiently."

"Don't let me go wrong at the last moment."

At the end of the sentence, his tone became cold and stern.

Do you think he doesn't want to leave early?

No matter how good of a person you are, you can't stand being with a dementor every day.

This time I finally have the opportunity to leave, and there must be no problems.

At this moment, suddenly, a black spot appeared on the sea level.

"Captain, here we come, people from the Ministry of Magic are here."

"finally come."


The excited voices of several Aurors rang out, and captain Rudolf also looked forward to it.

As the black spot gets closer, the figure of the wooden boat becomes clearer and clearer.

Rudolph waved the magic wand in his hand, shooting a red flame in the sky to guide the direction of the wooden boat.

After a while, the wooden boat approached the tiny port.

However, what made him feel strange was that at the top of the wooden boat stood a young and handsome wizard full of elegance and nobility.

According to his judgment, the other party is likely to be a pure blood.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to come to a place like Azkaban with a pure-blood relationship.

Maybe the family failed in the struggle and was dismissed?

Thoughts flashed through his mind, but Rudolph didn't think deeply about it.


As the wooden ship entered the port, the wizard on the deck stood up gently and landed on the port with one step.

Immediately afterwards, a dozen wizards wearing different clothes appeared behind them.

This made Rudolph's expression freeze. It seemed that the person facing him was not an Auror - he could still identify the Auror's temperament.

However, there is nothing wrong with the boat, it is a magical wooden boat from the Ministry of Magic.

"Hello, I am Rudolf, Captain of the Azkaban Guard. Please state your identity."

Rudolph held the wand in his hand and said warily to the group of wizards approaching.

The young wizard walking at the front seemed not to have heard anything and continued to move forward in obscurity.

The Death Eaters behind looked at each other, saw their master's movements, and followed closely behind.

"Stop, I ordered you to stop." Rudolph shouted loudly.

He sensed something might be seriously wrong.

But when Tom Riddle heard it, he kept walking.

This stirred up the tense nerve in Rudolph's heart, and he waved the wand without hesitation.

"Everything is petrified!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

Just after Rudolph cast a Petrification Curse, Tom Riddle, or Voldemort, cast a Death Curse almost at a faster speed.


With a bang, the green Death Curse directly defeated the red-glow Petrification Curse with a crushing force.

When he saw the death curse entwined with the breath of death, Rudolph was instantly horrified. Without hesitation, he jumped and hid aside.

"Avada Kedavra!"

As if he had expected it, Voldemort did not stop and casually cast another killing curse.

In an instant, the green death curse directly hit Rudolph's body.

The breath of life disappeared instantly.


At this moment, Voldemort still did not stop.

"team leader!"

"team leader!"


When the team members nearby saw it, they shouted in horror.

Some waved their wands and pointed them at Voldemort, who was walking forward.

If there are, they start to run away backwards.

"Shattered to pieces!"



Facing the curse that was directed at him, Voldemort showed no expression, and even a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

He didn't cast a defensive spell, just waved his wand.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Avada Kedavra!"


One after another, the life-killing curses exuding the aura of death were like crushing, directly defeating the attacking curses.


boom! boom! boom!

Even though the Auror tried his best to dodge, the subsequent death curse seemed to be alive and easily hit the attacking Auror.

Then, one after another, lifeless corpses fell on the wooden planks of the port.

At this moment, Voldemort still did not stop, passing through these corpses without any care, and continued to move forward.

It was as if these were all ants, unable to even make him stop.

The Death Eaters behind them walked up to these dead Aurors and looked at their pale faces.

Some swallowed, panic flashed in their eyes, and followed the master in front of them towards Azkaban.

And some, feeling the life-killing curses remaining on these corpses, seemed to smell something delicious, and took a deep breath, their eyes filled with fanaticism.

As expected of their master, the life-killing spell he cast was so wonderful.

tread! tread! tread!

Voldemort took the lead and walked towards Azkaban along the dirt road in front of him.

At the same time, the huge spiritual power in his body was emitted, covering the entire island, vibrating along a strange frequency, and calling out.

Almost at the same time, the dementors patrolling the island stopped one after another, as if they sensed something?

Flying towards Voldemort and his party.

The Death Eaters who followed also felt the cold and desperate atmosphere coming from all around, and shuddered involuntarily, with a look of horror in their eyes.


Voldemort, who was walking in front, felt the panic of his men behind him, and a trace of dissatisfaction appeared on his face.

This group of Death Eaters still needs a lot of training.

Then, he waved his wand, and with the help of the hellfire deep in his soul, magic power surged out.

"The flames are blazing!"

In an instant, dark red walls of fire appeared on both sides of the road.

The wall of fire spread and covered the entire road.

The Dementors flying over from the side just touched him, but immediately stepped back in horror as if they had been burned.

These flames can actually hurt them.

Seeing this scene, Voldemort took a deep look at the burned dementors and continued to move forward.

This hell fire is really powerful.

It can actually have an effect on dementors, and it's not small at all.

You know, Dementors are directly immune to many spells. Only soul spells can cause certain damage, but they are not fatal.

Only the Patronus Charm can cause severe damage or even annihilation.

At this moment, he was even more afraid of Lockhart planting hellfire in the depths of his soul.

In his line of work, he kills Aurors and breaks into Azkaban without restraint.

The core purpose is to establish prestige.

To deal with those Death Eaters with different intentions, it is very necessary to show unrivaled combat power.

Simply using fear will not lead to long-term success.

At this moment, the surrounding Death Eaters saw this scene and wiped away the panic in their hearts.

The master's strength gave them enough confidence to look at the dementors surrounding them with their heads held high.

Voldemort walked along the road to the end and looked at a dementor leader whose body was larger than the surrounding dementors and whose whole body exuded a powerful dark aura.

A faint smile appeared on his face.

"Alix, I, in the name of the Dark Lord, ask you to fulfill your promise and surrender to me."

"I will lead you out of the island and enjoy endless souls."

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