Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 423 The only remaining Death Eater—Sirius?

Azkaban, deep.

At this moment, the originally silent and dark cell began to become a little more lively, as if it had received some kind of stimulation.

"The master is here."

"We are saved."

"Those damn Aurors, Master will take us to take revenge."


Sirius stayed in the corner of the cell, raising his head slightly, as if he was disturbed by the noisy scene around him.

But then, he lowered his head again, closed his eyes, and huddled quietly in the corner.

If you observe closely, you will find that his eyes are dull and his body is not even moving.

If it weren't for the slight rise and fall of his breathing, he might have been mistaken for a dead body.

It may have been too long ago, and his distant memory began to be a little blurry.

But one thing he never forgot.

He is guilty!

He deserves to die!

Since his revenge was successful, he should stay in this cage until his death.

As for the outside, it has nothing to do with him.

Sirius huddled in the corner and continued to fall into his dream.

His dreams were full of bitter, tragic tones.

Because even a little bit of joy will be devoured by dementors after being discovered.

So, he got used to it.

In the dream, he saw his friend James and Lily's family died because of his mistrust of the villain.

Despite revenge, death remains a reality.

All this is his fault.

So, he deserves to die.

boom! boom! boom!

In the alleyway between cells, spells and spells clashed.

Hot flames, shattered walls, constant roars, and a lot of dust falling.

Sprinkled on Sirius's body.

However, this may be because grief is greater than heartbreak. He doesn't care and still huddles in the corner.


"Death Eaters, no, the Dark Lord is here."

"Death Curse, use the Death Curse to resist and kill the intruder."


"Avada Kedavra!"

"Haha, these damn Aurors are finally dead."


As the Aurors resisted and struggled, the miserable shouts became smaller and smaller, and the prisoners' excited cheers became louder and louder.

It seems to indicate that the prison of Azkaban has been breached.

"I am the Death Eater Addas, my master's loyal subordinate. Let me out quickly."

"I have admired the Dark Lord for a long time, and I would like to ask all my friends to let me out so that I can have the opportunity to join the ranks of Death Eaters."

"I, Bellatrix, help me out quickly. I want to meet the master."


Azkamen was breached, and the victorious Death Eaters wandered back and forth in the cells, seemingly looking for their former companions.

At the same time, the former Death Eaters and imprisoned dark wizards shouted loudly, trying to gain freedom.

"Quiet, anyone who wants to go out, shut up!"

"Who's here?"

Death Eater Horsman put his wand against his throat and shouted loudly.

Suddenly, all the shouts stopped.

Seeing this scene, Horsman nodded with satisfaction, and then said loudly again: "You would have stayed in this dark cell until your death."

"And now, the great Dark Lord has given you a chance."

"Exchange loyalty for freedom and future glory."

"Tell me, are you willing?"

As soon as the words fell, the entire underground cell was deafened by the sounds of willingness.

Many prisoners had just arrived at the door of their cells, waving their arms outwards, as if to express their excitement and urgency.

However, Hosman also discovered that no one appeared at the door of some cells, and no sound came from them.

But he didn't care, the master had clearly told him.

Recruit dark wizards who are willing to surrender. As for those who are unwilling, don't waste any time.

Let them rot in their cells until they die.





boom! boom! boom!

Thunderbolt curses were cast one after another, and the iron bars of the cell were shattered.

A large number of dark wizards and former Death Eaters came out one after another and stood spontaneously in front of Horsman and others.

They now don't have wands, and their long life in captivity has weakened their bodies.

It can be said that he is defenseless.

If you want to recover, if you want to regain the ability to cast spells, you have to rely on the Dark Lord.

Afterwards, Horsman took the former lion figure and the dark wizards in the same city and walked upwards.

He completed the task assigned by the Dark Lord.

Now, it's time to take people to meet the great Dark Lord.

Each one is branded with the Death Eater mark.

Loyalty is not just words.

It needs action and magic to ensure it.

At this moment, Sirius was huddled in the corner of the cell.

Of course he heard the words of the Death Eaters just now, but he didn't care.

Even if the other party offers freedom as a temptation.

Let him stay here as long as he can to atone for his sins.

After an unknown amount of time, silence returned to the underground cell again.

I don’t know how long it took, but the Dementors came again, and the familiar coldness and despair came over me again.

Following his instinct, Sirius' body trembled slightly, but returned to normal.

As for the Dementors, it seemed that they couldn't get what they wanted from Sirius, so they left and chose new targets.

Although some prisoners were unwilling to join the Death Eaters, this great change brought them some hope.

These are all delicious foods.

When the Dementors left, Sirius didn't care and continued to huddle in the corner, falling into a bitter, miserable dream.

He is atoneing for himself!

He didn't know how much time passed, but Sirius only knew that the Dementors came several times and then left.

tread! tread! tread!

Rapid footsteps sounded.

"These Death Eaters deserve to die, and all the Aurors guarding them are dead,"

"Quickly investigate, which prisoners are still there?"

"Dumbledore and the Minister are coming, hurry up and prepare."


The noise again caused Sirius to open his eyes slightly, then close them again.

"Hey, why is he still here?"

"Yes, isn't Sirius a senior Death Eater? Didn't he escape with him?"


Several Aurors stood outside Sirius's cell, looking at the only remaining Death Eater in Azkaban with some surprise.

You know, when the Dark Lord broke into Azkaban, it was a huge commotion.

Almost all Death Eaters and a large number of Dark wizards chose to surrender to the Dark Lord and leave.

Most of the remaining ones are wizards with shorter sentences, or wizards who have conflicts with Death Eaters.

There is only one Death Eater, Sirius.

"No matter, take him out. This is the only Death Eater left, so it is necessary to review him."

"Yes, take him to see Dumbledore and the minister. You might be able to get valuable information from him."

Several Aurors chatted for a while, seemed to be sure of something, waved their wands, cast the levitating spell, and rushed to the interrogation room with the weak Sirius.

Sirius, on the other hand, did not struggle, floating behind like a lifeless puppet.


The door closed, and the bright light made Sirius subconsciously close his eyes.

However, he could feel that he was already sitting on a stool.

Then, right after, a voice that seemed somewhat familiar sounded.

"Sirius, tell me, why are you staying in Azkaban?"

This voice is so familiar and kind, but who is it?

Time had passed a little long, and the memory was a little blurry. After thinking about it for a while, Sirius seemed to have no answer.

He slowly opened his eyes and gradually adapted to the bright light.

What caught his eye was a familiar old man.

Headmaster of Hogwarts - Albus Dumbledore!

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