Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 428 The Dean of Slytherin House is preparing to run away (two-in-one)

Dusk, Godric's Hollow.

Godric's Hollow is named after Godric Gryffindor, the founder of Hogwarts.

It is also a well-known gathering place for half-wizards in the British wizarding world.

It is inhabited by wizards and a large number of squibs.

Of course, there are also a few Muggles.

Perhaps due to Muggle or secrecy laws, Godric's Hollow is a very peaceful gathering place.

At this moment, in a small square in the center of the valley, wizards dressed in different clothes were scattered around.

Some were reading newspapers in their hands, some were exercising in the square, and some were playing with their children or grandchildren.

In the center of the square stands an obelisk with names engraved on it.

Of course, this is what Muggles see.

If a wizard looks at it, he will find that the obelisk has turned into a statue of three people.

They are a man with disheveled hair and glasses, and a beautiful and kind-looking woman with long hair.

Another is a baby boy being held in a woman's arms.

These three statues are the family of the savior who once saved the wizarding world.

James Potter, Lily Potter, Harry Potter.

At this moment, an old man with a big belly was sitting on a seat not far from the statue.

He was dressed in brown clothes, with a walrus-like beard, a kind face, and shrewd brown eyes.

He was the former Head of Slytherin House at Hogwarts.

Horace Slughorn!

At this moment, Horace frowned and looked at the Daily Prophet in his hand.

The title above reads "Sirius declares that Death Eaters will be caught and peace restored!" 》

Read the full article praising Sirius and his confidence in him catching the escaped Death Eaters.

Horace couldn't help but shook his head slightly and smacked his mouth.

Although the report depicts very little about the Azkaban escape.

But as the former Dean of Slytherin and the founder of the Slug Club, he naturally has his own channels for information.

The real situation is completely opposite to what is portrayed in the reports.

Almost all the Aurors were killed, while the Death Eaters and a large number of dark wizards successfully escaped from prison, but the Ministry of Magic didn't even have a clue.

No, there was another Sirius, to be precise.

However, based on his understanding of Sirius, he really couldn't believe the image in the report of someone who had endured humiliation and been undercover for many years.

Is this something that a fool can do?

Rather than saying that he was lurking, it would be better to say that he wanted to atone for his actions and voluntarily entered Azkaban.

This was in line with his impression of Sirius.

Alas, the current Ministry of Magic really disappointed him.

At the thought of this, Horace looked up at the statue of the Potter family.

I couldn't help but feel a sigh in my heart, Lily, the peace you sacrificed for may be gone.

I also have to hurry up and escape.

The Death Eaters cooperated internally and externally and successfully escaped from prison.

Only a fool would believe such a thing.

The only possibility of a successful jailbreak is for a powerful dark wizard to take action.

The most likely thing is that Tom returned successfully.

Knowing Voldemort's biggest secret, Horace naturally knew that Tom was not truly dead and did not know when he would return.

Therefore, he has been consciously covering up his traces in recent years.

But now it seems that he needs to hide further.

Otherwise, your life will be in danger.

With his thoughts turning, Horace stood up from his chair, left the square, and walked toward the valley.

Over the years, in order to hide his traces, he arranged several safe houses for himself.

Now I see the newspaper news, plus possible speculation.

He decided to leave England to escape the limelight.

It's a pity that most of his connections and resources are in the UK. After leaving the UK, except for some gold galleons potions and other resources, he has almost nothing.

However, saving your life is important.

Go back to the safe house first, retrieve the hidden resources, and prepare to run away.

Horace thought silently.

Running away is absolutely impossible without money.

Especially in a foreign country, gold galleons are the hard currency.

I have to say that these fairies still have their strengths.

A lot of thoughts emerged from his mind. Slughorn quickly collected his thoughts and walked quickly towards his house in Godric's Hollow.

Soon, Horace walked into a black stone street with various houses on both sides of the street.

Horace walked into the house on the right, took out the key, touched it lightly, and the door opened quietly.

After entering, Horace waved the wand in his hand and cast a concealment spell, covering his house.

After finishing the work at hand, Horace quickly walked into his bedroom and opened a closet on the right.

There is a small, but extremely secret, safe deep in the closet.

Huelas took out his wand and touched the surface of the safe, and a subtle magic flowed into it.

With a very subtle click sound, the safe opened quietly.

Although the safe looks small on the surface, the space extension spell cast inside actually covers a large space.

Then, Horace was seen twisting his figure, and in an instant, he transformed into a porcupine covered with spikes.

The top transformation technique in the wizarding world - Animagus!

Porcupines are not huge, but rather small and exquisite, and even have a hint of cuteness highlighted by their fat bodies.

I saw the porcupine directly enter the safe, and the space suddenly opened up.

At the same time, Slughorn's body shape changed again, returning to his human form.

Then, Slughorn stared at the cabin in the space.

No hesitation, just walked in.


With the sound of the door opening, what came into view was a variety of potion materials, as well as a large number of potions of different colors.

Of course, gold galleons and magic items are indispensable.

Look at the pile of gold Galleons piled high on the right side.

This brought a small smile to Slughorn's face.

As a top potion master, he also has close ties with the upper echelons of the British wizarding world.

The wealth he accumulated cannot be underestimated.

This is also the guarantee that he is confident that he can still enjoy life abroad.

After a brief glance around, he found that just like in his memory, Horace's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

Then transform back into a porcupine and walk through the safe door again.

Soon, Horace's figure appeared outside the closet. He took out his wand and tapped the safe again.

In an instant, the wardrobe around the safe began to change rapidly.

The safe began to protrude outwards on its own initiative, and soon, in Horace's eyes, it transformed into a magic suitcase.

Later, Horace carried the magic suitcase and looked at the surrounding bedrooms nostalgically.


Walked out of the bedroom.

I've got my stuff and it's time to leave quickly.

The official path cannot be taken, and the only way is to take the smuggling path.

Well, I hope I can feel better this time. Long-distance phantom movement is really not for people.

With his thoughts turning, Horace walked into the hall and walked towards the door.


"Professor Slughorn, long time no see."

After hearing a slightly hoarse voice from behind, Horace Slughorn froze, swallowed, and slowly turned his head.

In front of the tea table in the hall, stood several dark wizards wearing black wizard robes and exuding a dark aura.

The leader, the one who spoke out just now, was none other than Death Eater Yaxley.

"Yaxley, what are you doing here?" Slughorn pinched his wand and said vigilantly: "If nothing happens, I'll leave first. I still have things to do."

As he spoke, his figure began to slowly retreat towards the door.

However, the vigilant look on his face still did not relax, and the wand in his hand was placed in the most convenient position for fighting.

It seemed that he was ready to break up and start casting spells.

"Professor Horace, the master has invited me." Yaxley said with a somewhat fanatical look: "The master also asked me to tell you."

"He is also back, so he can naturally ensure the teacher's safety."

Slughorn's face turned ugly when he heard Tom's seemingly well-intentioned but actually threatening words.


Without hesitation, Slughorn immediately cast the spell and left.

But then, the black light flashed slightly.

Slughorn remained in the hall, not moving.



"Everything is petrified!"

"The soul is out of body!"


Seeing Slughorn preparing to escape, the Death Eaters would naturally not be polite.

But it's because of the master's order to live.

They directly cast various restrictive spells.

And Yaxley, who was in the lead, also directly cast the Imperius Curse.

boom! boom! boom!

Although Slughorn is a bit fat, he is extremely flexible and his reflexes are even more amazing.

With skilled combat experience, quickly avoid the laser spell.

Really gonna get caught.

Not only is his old face in disgrace, but he may be doomed later on.


"Shattered to pieces!"

"Everything is petrified!"


Slughorn also waved his magic spells one after another, casting his own magic spells on the Death Eaters.

In an instant, the red and gray magic beams collided with each other.

The house seemed unable to withstand the fierce fighting inside. The glass was broken and cracks appeared on the walls.

It seems a little unbearable.

"Professor Horace, give up." Alex slowed down the speed of casting spells. He advised: "Master said that after you come, the future will never be worse than the present."

"The master has now stepped onto a new level."

"His wisdom, courage, and structure are unmatched."

"If you join us, you will be able to share in the master's future glory."

At the end of the sentence, the enthusiasm in Alex's words became more and more intense.

He seemed to have no doubts about what he said.

After Slughorn heard this, his expression became even more ugly.

He knew Tom's state better than Dumbledore.

At the beginning, Tom had learned that the other person's personality was a bit extreme during his school days.

After splitting the Horcrux, his character became more cruel and his temperament became more extreme.

Under such circumstances, even if he is resurrected, he will not be much better.

With such a person, the future may be dark.

Otherwise, if there really was a bright future, his character would have been a part of it already.

Moreover, for someone like the King of the Black Magic Array, the best way to protect secrets is through death.

He didn't have the guts to put his life on the line.

"Yaxley, go back and tell your master." Slughorn cast the Iron Armor Curse on himself to defend himself, and said again: "I will not do anything that violates the agreement."

"And I will leave the UK immediately without disturbing any of his plans."

Hearing Slughorn reject his master, Yaxley's face became angry.

He waved his wand fiercely, and dangerous black magic was unleashed one after another.

The same goes for other Death Eaters.

"The soul is out of body!"

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

"Cut your throat with a sharp blade!"


Facing a large number of highly destructive spells, Slughorn tried his best to block them, but felt increasingly difficult.

At this moment, suddenly.


"Shattered to pieces!"

"All petrified!"


Behind Slughorn, at some point, several Aurors emerged, led by Sirius.

They all waved their wands and cast spells to attack and block.

"Professor Horace, this is Lockhart."

In front of Slughorn, a pale golden barrier quietly emerged.

At the same time, Lockhart appeared next to Slughorn and said gently as he cast a defensive spell.

"We have received information that the Death Eaters may be targeting you."

"So I rushed here in a hurry. Fortunately, I arrived in time."

Hearing what Lockhart said and sensing the mighty magic in the defensive spell in front of him.

Slughorn breathed a visibly relieved sigh.

Then, he seemed to think of who Lockhart was, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Lockhart, long time no see."

"I've heard about you. You are indeed the most outstanding student in Hogwarts."

"I have also studied the meditation method you proposed. It is not an exaggeration to say that it opens up a new era. We need to communicate more when we have time."

Hearing Slughorn's series of compliments, Lockhart had a smile on his face.

Of course he said humbly: "No, Professor Horace, this is just a temporary inspiration, just a lucky break."

Then, as if he sensed that the Auror had not gained the upper hand in the face of reality, Lockhart's tone became serious: "Professor Horace, you get behind us first."

"We'll talk after we deal with these Death Eaters."

As he finished speaking, Lockhart took a step forward, waving his wand at the same time, infusing it with magic power, and casting powerful spells one after another.

boom! boom! boom!

Visible to the naked eye, a large number of light beams of different colors intertwine with each other.

There were traces of fragmentation everywhere in the room, a large amount of magical energy spread rapidly, and even the air had a faint smell of burning.

When Lockhart joined, almost every spell he cast easily defeated the opponent's attack, and he even had the energy to continue attacking.

As a result, the Death Eaters who felt the pressure involuntarily stepped back.

The leader, Yaxley, seemed to sense the huge danger posed by Lockhart, and his eyes shone brightly.

He opened his sleeves, held his wand, pointed lightly at the Death Eater mark on his arm, and chanted softly.

"Great Dark Lord, your faithful disciple Yaxley calls to you."

"Pray for stronger power to repel the invading enemies."


As Yaxley began to call the Dark Lord with the help of the Death Eater mark, everyone present felt a deep dark aura.

At the same time, dark green runes began to appear on Yaxley's face.

"Dammit Lockhart, die."

"I curse your soul to decay!"

"I curse, your body will rot!"

"I curse, your magic is silenced!"

"I curse"


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