Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 429 Voldemort turned into ashes

evil! decay! Fall!

Dark green light flashed on the body, and a curse filled with dark death filled the surroundings.

Sirius looked solemnly at the Death Eater Yaxley opposite.

Especially when he noticed the skeleton Death Eater mark that started to swim back and forth on the opponent's arm, he couldn't help but pursed his lips secretly, as if to relieve the tension in his heart.


"Armor protection!"

"Magic protection!"


Although the Death Eaters were targeting Lockhart, Sirius and the other Aurors cast defensive spells on themselves.


Sirius tentatively cast a thunderbolt spell at Yaxley.

As a result, the thunderbolt curse, which flew into the air and glowed red, began to bend and twist as if affected by some kind of force.

Finally, it fell to the ground, leaving scorched black marks on the brown floor, but there was no other damage.

"I curse"


At this moment, Yaxley used the Death Eater mark to viciously curse Lockhart opposite him.

During this operation, the master had hinted to him.

You can use his power to kill enemies.

This mission is very important and the key is to do whatever it takes.

Therefore, he chose to sacrifice his body, his soul, and everything he had.

Complete the tasks assigned by the master.

call! call! call!

At some point, a deep, dark wind blew inside the house.

Everyone present shuddered subconsciously.

However, at this moment, the Aurors, including Sirius, were all focusing on Lockhart in front of them.

At this moment, Lockhart stood at the front of the crowd, with Slughorn, the former Head of Slytherin, behind him.

In Slughorn's eyes, a vicious and evil curse blew into Lockhart's body with the cold wind.

He was right behind him and could clearly feel the evil of this curse.

I couldn't help but feel a little worried inside.

However, as the curse came, Lockhart's body emitted a thin golden light.

Although the golden light is thin, it is very tenacious in blocking the curse. At the same time, it reveals an aura that breaks through all evil and eliminates darkness.

Just the perception made him feel excited, and he couldn't help but feel a hint of confidence.



The Death Eater Yaxley opposite had a large number of dark green runes exuding a dark curse appearing on his body.

But at this moment, the body began to curl up, and the dark green runes began to become more dazzling.

And the Death Eater marks on his arms began to travel across his body.

To be precise, it moves towards the top of the forehead.

Soon, a skull mark appeared on Yaxley's forehead.

Immediately afterwards, the skin on his face began to twist and change.

A slightly familiar face appeared in front of Slughorn.

"Tom!" Slughorn shouted in horror.

"Has the curse failed?" Voldemort tilted his head, slightly aware of his own body and the state of the other side.

There seemed to be some doubts, but the tone was extremely indifferent.

"Professor Horace, what a shame."

Voldemort did not talk to Lockhart, but looked at Horace Slughorn behind him.

"You are my most respected Potions Professor. I thought you would stand by my side and rebuild the glory that belongs to wizards."

"But I didn't expect it."

Having said this, Voldemort shook his head slightly, seeming a little regretful.

But the next moment.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Without hesitation, Voldemort waved his wand and cast the Death Curse on Slughorn.

In an instant, a long green beam exuding the aura of death shot out from Slughorn.

Obviously, the death curse cast by Voldemort is more powerful and faster.

Horace had just reacted, just when he thought he would definitely die this time.


The death curse fell on where Horace was standing, and the floor exploded.

But at this moment, Horace only felt a huge force coming from him, and the next moment, he found himself in another location.

To be precise, it was Lockhart who pulled him over to avoid him.

The Auror who had just reacted on the side saw Voldemort coming.

His heart began to be swallowed up by panic, his body subconsciously retreated, and even the arm waving the wand began to tremble.

This was the infamy that Voldemort had left behind to silence the crying children.

Of course, it was also related to the fact that the Ministry of Magic had been hiding the news about the Dark Lord, and they were not mentally prepared at all.

However, as the leader, Sirius looked at the Dark Lord with hatred.

The death of Lily's family resulted from the betrayal of Peter Pettigrew.

But the culprit is the Dark Lord.


"Avada Kedavra!"

After Voldemort casts the Death Curse on Professor Slughorn.

Sirius also waved his wand without hesitation and cast the Death Curse on Voldemort.

Even though he doesn't have the authorization from the Ministry of Magic to cast the Unforgivable Curse.


Voldemort glanced sideways at the little sky star and the flying curse.

He waved his wand and picked it lightly.

The same life-killing curse glowing green flew towards the opponent.

Then, he no longer cared about the spell and focused his attention on Lockhart opposite him.

In Sirius's eyes, Voldemort didn't even look at him, and casually defeated the attack he had just cast with a death curse.

He even had the energy left to fly towards him.

However, he naturally avoided it as he had rich combat experience.

But Voldemort's indifference still made him feel unfair. But at the same time, there was a sadness.

I don't even have the qualifications to let the other party take another look.

"Are you Lockhart?" Voldemort's words were questioning, but his tone was extremely sure.

Lockhart, on the other hand, nodded slightly and said, "Yes, you guessed it right, I am Lockhart."

Then, he said in a confident and affirmative tone: "Voldemort, since I'm here, Professor Horace, I'm guaranteed this time."

After hearing what Lockhart said, Voldemort chuckled, his tone changed, and he said sternly in a threatening tone: "Lockhart, I am not the good-for-nothing Grindelwald who has been imprisoned for many years."

"Just because you can fight him to a draw doesn't mean you can survive in my hands."

"Voldemort, I don't know what your strength is." Lockhart said calmly: "But I believe that with just a puppet, you will definitely fail this time."

"Oh, really?" Voldemort said with a half-smile.

Immediately afterwards

"Avada Kedavra!"

Before he finished speaking, Voldemort waved his wand and shot a death curse towards Lockhart.


Lockhart also has a lot of combat experience.

Almost at the same time, the wand in his hand can also be waved, and the magic power flows accordingly, heading towards the Death Curse.

With a bang, the magic powers collided with each other, and the air waves kicked up large clouds of dust that enveloped the surroundings.

Sirius, Horace and others could only see a mixture of green and red in the dust.

The Unforgivable Curse has no counterspell.

It means death if hit.

But there are ways to deal with the Death Curse.

Either run away and escape the life-killing curse attack you are facing.

Or resist, like now, use magic spells to offset the magic spells, convert the battlefield into the magic power of both sides, and bear it hard.

The winner lives, the loser dies.

Just like the final battle between Harry Potter and Voldemort in the original plot.

call! call! call!

Dark green and red flame magic collided with each other, the air waves continued to roll, and dust gradually enveloped the surroundings.

Watching Lockhart fight Voldemort, especially Lockhart didn't seem to feel much pressure.

Slughorn's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he thought of something.

"Damn it!" Voldemort, who was fighting Lockhart, suddenly cursed secretly.

The next moment, buzz!

The dark green magic power disappeared quickly, and a large number of cracks appeared on the surface of the body of Voldemort's puppet.

It seems that if you are not careful, everything will break into pieces.

"This body is fragile and the fight is not full enough." Voldemort squeezed out the last remaining magic power in the body and said: "Next time, Lockhart, will you know what a top dark wizard is?"

Without waiting for Lockhart's reply.

Voldemort set his sights on Slughorn again and heard him remind him in a calm tone: "Professor Horace, don't forget what you promised me."

The voice fell


The body turned into ashes and Voldemort quietly disappeared.

Lockhart withdrew his wand and allowed the magic in the air to spread around him.

And after seeing the death of his boss Yaxley and the departure of the Dark Lord. '

The remaining Death Eaters, who were originally very rampant, turned extremely ugly.

"Everything is petrified!"

"Everything is petrified!"


After seeing the Dark Lord leave completely, the Aurors seemed to have regained their courage again, or perhaps felt a little angry at their cowardly performance just now.

They all waved their wands and cast spells on the remaining Death Eaters.

Of course, Lockhart's performance just now gave them a lot of courage.

After all, the Dark Lord was 'dead' in Lockhart's hands.

Soon, the remaining Death Eaters were petrified and fell to the floor, and Sirius walked up to Lockhart and Slughorn.

"Professor Lockhart, Professor Horace, the Dark Lord is online is of great importance. I need to report to the Ministry of Magic as soon as possible."

Although Sirius' tone was calm, it was mixed with a hint of urgency, and his eyes glanced at the petrified Death Eaters from time to time.

Peter Pettigrew, that damn rat, was also a Death Eater.

When Voldemort reappeared, Peter Pettigrew was almost certain to have returned to his master Voldemort.

Therefore, if you want to get clues about Peter Pettigrew, these captured Death Eaters should be the best clues.

He never forgot the purpose of everything he did.

Capture Peter Pettigrew and make his life worse than death in order to relieve the hatred in his heart and comfort Potter's spirit in heaven.

Hogwarts, the school doctor's office.

Lockhart and Dumbledore sat around the hospital bed.

And lying on the white hospital bed was Horace Slughorn.

At this moment, Horace looked at a plate of Lockhart and Dumbledore, twisted his body quite uncomfortably, and complained: "I am a potion master. I know very well that there is nothing wrong with my body."

“There’s really no need for treatment!”

At the end of the sentence, a hint of resentment clearly appeared on Horace's fat face.

"Horace, you're so old, stop messing around." Dumbledore advised with a smile: "I heard Lockhart say that once you fall into Tom's curse, it will be very troublesome."

"You'd better lie in bed and observe carefully for a few days."

Lockhart chuckled softly, and then said seriously: "I think the principal's suggestion is very reasonable."

"My Lord Dean, it's better to take a closer look."

Hearing this, Slughorn had a speechless expression on his face.

How could he not know?

Dumbledore and Lockhart probably did this to keep him in Hogwarts in the name of observation and prevent him from running out directly.

However, he could not refuse their kindness.

after all

There is a Tom outside, watching eagerly.

Hey, I can’t live this day!

"Lockhart, to be honest, I really regret that I didn't get you into the Slug Club before." Slughorn, helpless, quickly adjusted his mood and joked to Lockhart.

"I feel now that this is the worst thing I have done in years."

"Haha!" After hearing this, Dumbledore laughed and joked: "Actually, it's not too late."

"If you want to lure Lockhart into the Slug Club, you can do so at any time."

After hearing this, Lockhart waved his hand and said with a smile: "This is a good suggestion. When I was in school, I yearned for the professor's slug club very much."

“Now, I also want to thank the principal and Professor Horace for the opportunity to make this dream come true for me.”

When the original student was in school, his performance in Ravenclaw House was not bad.

However, it is just a good performance.

She didn't show a genius beyond ordinary people like Lily.

And there is no powerful family behind it.

Naturally, no connection to the Slug Club.

Afterwards, everyone started chatting with each other.

Slughorn noticed that Dumbledore and Lockhart seemed to have failed to elicit the theme.

He seemed a little unable to sit still, so he took the initiative and said, "Dumbledore, Lockhart told you about Tom."

"What are you going to do about it?"

After hearing what Slughorn said, Dumbledore waved his hand, as if he didn't care, and said, "Don't worry, Horace."

"We have a detailed plan, you don't have to worry."

Hearing this, Slughorn's heart beat so fast that he wanted to curse.

He also counted on a good plan to resist Tom.

Let him run abroad smoothly when the time comes.


Dumbledore was cryptic in front of him.

However, he didn't say anything.

After all, his identity is somewhat sensitive. Tom's most trusted teacher also holds Tom's biggest secret.

He himself felt that no matter how he looked at it, he didn't seem to be very trustworthy.

After seeing that he couldn't get the clues he wanted from Dumbledore.

Slughorn set his sights on Lockhart.

"Lockhart, I haven't seen you in the past few years. Your strength has improved tremendously."

"This time, even the Dark Lord is no match for you."

Just after he praised him, Slughorn's tone began to change.

"However, this time, the Dark Lord did not come in person, he was just a puppet."

"So it may not be fully deployed to its full strength."

"But Lockhart, this time the Dark Lord should remember you."

"The next time we meet, according to his character, I'm afraid he will be brutal."

"So I suggest you prepare in advance."

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