Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 431 Resurrection Ceremony, Changes in the Presbyterian Church (First Update)

Gududu! Gududu!

As Barty Crouch Jr. poured a tube of scarlet blood, the fiery red liquid in the pot was constantly churning.

The color changed again, this time, to dark green.

A majestic breath of life rises, and every time the rolling bubbles of the tong pot burst, it seems to further release the power of the ceremony.

Peter Pettigrew, who was standing not far away, looked at the dark green liquid in the tong pot, and a strong temptation arose deep in his heart.

It is the instinctive desire for life.

Not enough. When he felt the cold gaze of his master, he felt cold all over and quickly lowered his head, not daring to take another look.


Voldemort looked at Barty Crouch Jr., who was also standing next to the tong pot and remained calm, and cursed inwardly.

Sure enough, loyalty comes from contrast.

Later, Voldemort looked at the resurrection ceremony that had taken shape, regret and unwillingness flashed across his face.

According to his original plan, using Harry Potter's blood would achieve the best results.

Of course, Dumbledore's is good too.

But now the situation does not allow him to be picky.

If he doesn't resurrect, he may not even have a chance.

Therefore, he could only use the blood of Alastor Moody, who had bitten the Death Eater Auror like a mad dog before.

Only he, with the hatred in his heart, could barely be considered an enemy.

This is also Barty Crouch Jr.'s main mission.

There's no way Peter Pettigrew, the loser, can do that.

When he thought of this, Voldemort felt more unwillingness, anger, and madness in his heart.

They actually forced themselves to admit such an ant as their enemy.

hateful! hateful!

Anger is rising, and sanity seems to be affected again.

Moody must die, his bones shattered and his soul tortured for eternity.

However, Voldemort's suppressed rationality soon gradually returned.

Looking at the dark green liquid in the tong pot in front of him, he did not hesitate, controlled himself, and fell into it like a baby.



Dark green flames rose, but neither Barty Crouch Jr. nor Pettigrew felt any burning sensation around them.

Instead, there was a sense of coolness, as if some strange energy from the surrounding space was attracted and focused in the flames.

Little Barty sensed the changes around him, and a pale golden golden dragon magic mark quietly appeared on his arm covered by his sleeves.

The brand flickered slightly, seeming to collect all the progress and changes of the resurrection ceremony.

This is a task assigned by his true master, Lockhart.

This ritual is very important, Master Lockhart specifically emphasized it.



The dark green flames rose rapidly until they were as tall as a person.

Everyone present could feel a strange, powerful aura gathering.

next moment.

boom! boom! boom!

The tong pot shattered and splattered in all directions, and the dark green flames suddenly disappeared.

A figure appeared in the original position.

The whole body is smooth and pale, and the eyes are as red as a devil, exuding an evil and dark aura.

And, of course, his most striking feature - no nose!

"Master, these are your clothes and your wand."

Barty Crouch Jr. lowered his head and respectfully raised his black wizard robe and wand in his hands.


The breeze blew by, and the black wizard's robe quietly attached to Voldemort's body.

Feel the wand made of yew wood in your hand, and the powerful power gushing out of your body.

Voldemort nodded slightly.

But there was no look of joy on his face.

That's right, compared to his heyday, he has now returned to about 60-70%.

The flaw in the ritual on the one hand, and the other him on the other, split the power.

Fortunately, as long as there are enough resources, there is still hope for recovery.

Of course, if you can devour the other party.

Then, he will be powerful again, even stronger than Dumbledore.

When he thought of this, Voldemort's scarlet eyes filled with greed.

This time, it is a crisis and an opportunity.

Swallow him and become the only one, and the world will be under his control again.

Pureblood Presbyterian Church, meeting room.

"Everyone, the Dark Lord sent someone to say that he has always wanted to meet with us." Justo Frank said uneasily: "The attitude is a bit tough and even threatening."

“What do we, the Presbyterian Church, do next?”

After hearing what Justo said, the wizards of the pure-blood families fell silent.

They lost the previous battle with Lockhart and spent a lot of resources.

Now I am in the stage of licking my wounds.

Of course, to put it in a nicer way, it would be to watch the path Lockhart takes next, wait for the opportunity, and accumulate strength.

When the time is right, strike hard.

This is what they have been doing for thousands of years.

Just because you can't beat him now doesn't mean you won't have a chance in the future, especially now that Grindelwald has popped up again.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the future will never be stable, and chaos will be the theme.

Under such circumstances, after completing the deal with Lockhart, their Elder Council fell into silence.

But now, the appearance of Voldemort disrupted their plan.

"What do you think?" Vlad Travers, the president of the Presbyterian Church, said calmly.

"Look for an opportunity to unite with the Dark Lord and take revenge on Lockhart." A wizard from a pure-blood family asked tentatively.

"Why don't we first see what the Dark Lord wants to pay?" the somewhat strange wizard confided.

"No, I think it's too dangerous now. The Dark Lord is the source of trouble. Don't get involved in their affairs." A wizard sitting in front said with some fear.

"Yes, as long as you don't participate, you will never lose." Some wizards agreed, safety first.


Vlad Travers listened to everyone's discussion, neither affirming nor denying, just listening silently.

He had to admit a reality.

He was defeated by Lockhart and could not defeat the Dark Lord.

Not to mention Dumbledore, but as for Grindelwald, hey!

Although his strength has entered the top ranks, he made the wrong choice.

It is very possible that he will become a sacrifice before the war.

After all, weakness is the original sin.

His experience told him so, and he believed it.

"The Dark Lord seems a little different this time." Justo Frank said with a raised voice.

Then, Vlad set his eyes on the other party.

"He seems less crazy than before, more rational, and even has a hint of elegance in his behavior."

"It feels like he became the student body president at Hogwarts many years ago."

After hearing this, Vlad's expression changed and he asked for the first time.

"Justo, can you guarantee that your description is accurate?"

"President, I can guarantee this. I have seen the state of the Dark Lord with my own eyes." Justo said with certainty.

Then, after hesitating for a moment, he spoke again: "However, President, the feeling the Dark Lord gives me is very different from before."

"Moreover, in his previous communication with us, there was one point where we needed to be cautious."

At this point, he paused, seeming to organize his words and describe objectively what he saw.

"This time, he didn't talk to us about the status of pure blood or the blood of wizards when we met."

"The philosophy he told us is that the strong will go up and the weak will go down."

"I think this change should also be considered."

Justo said cautiously.

In the past, when the Dark Lord recruited them, he emphasized maintaining the bloodline of wizards and the pure-blood status class.

It was different now, which made him feel vaguely uneasy.

"In that case, I want to meet and talk with the Dark Lord." Vlad said in a calm tone.

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