Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 432 The fanatical werewolf Fenrir (second update)

Hogwarts, the school doctor's office.

"Lockhart, Tom is good in all fields, but the most powerful thing is his research on dark magic."

Slughorn lay on the hospital bed, took a bite of a bright red apple, and said in a deep voice.

"I have to say that he is the most talented person in black magic that I have ever seen in my life."

"Stronger than Dumbledore," Slughorn added.

After hearing this, Lockhart took a sip of the water in his glass and said calmly: "Don't worry, Professor Horace."

"Dumbledore and I will ensure your safety."

When Slughorn heard it, he sighed and said nothing.

Compared to Dumbledore and Lockhart, he was more familiar with Tom's strength and ruthlessness, and was more impressed.

After all, he has taken the initiative to split his soul many times.

If you are not a ruthless person, how could you possibly do it?

Moreover, the instability of the soul will increase Voldemort's power in dark magic.

Not enough. With his character, he naturally wouldn't say anything more, so he took the initiative to change the topic and asked curiously.

"Lockhart, I heard that you are going to open a new school, so congratulations first."

"But has the location of the new school been determined?"

I heard that this decision was approved by the Wizengamot, and the Ministry of Magic even agreed to let Lockhart recruit students among Muggles.

He had to be curious.

During his tenure as a teacher, Lockhart was indeed very talented.

But the current results far exceeded his expectations.

After hearing this, Lockhart nodded and said happily: "Of course, Professor Horace."

"I've already determined the location."

"Prepare to build a new school in the near future."

"When the time comes, Professor Horace, you must attend the opening ceremony of the new school."

In this regard, Slughorn nodded without hesitation: "Of course, this is the second school in the British wizarding world after Hogwarts."

“Although it’s targeted at schools that are dumb, we still can’t miss it.”

After finishing speaking, Slughorn deliberately lowered his voice and asked jokingly: "Will Dumbledore attend?"

"I remember that although your school is targeted at Squibs, if wizards want to participate, they will not exclude them."

"In this case, will there be pressure on Hogwarts after your school starts recruiting students?"

At the end, it felt like watching a good show.

"If my school can make Woz feel stressed, that would be great." Lockhart said with a smile: "Since Professor Horace said it, then I will work hard towards this goal."

"Strive to surpass Hogwarts in terms of teaching level."

Hearing this, Slughorn also had a smile on his face.

Of course he thought Lockhart was joking.

After all, how could a newly opened school want to surpass Hogwarts, which has a history of thousands of years?

"Professor Horace, when you have the opportunity, you will also come to my school to give a potion class."

"Your level is well-known."

Regarding Lockhart's invitation, Slughorn laughed: "Of course, I will definitely go if I have the chance."

Then, they changed the subject again and started talking about meditation methods and potions.

Let him teach at Lockhart's school, just kidding.

With the wind outside so tight, why would Hogwarts feel safer with Dumbledore?

Not to mention, what is the background of a newly built school? It may not even have all the ingredients for potions.

As for the students, they are still squibs at the bottom of society.

No matter how you look at it, this school has no future.

Well, he is very realistic.

When Lockhart saw Slughorn changing the subject, he smiled and cooperated to chat about a new topic.

His school lacks top talents in various fields.

Potions, of course, is no exception.

Late at night, Knockturn Alley.

The moonlight shines on the slightly dirty ground of Knockturn Alley, unlike the strange reflections, coupled with the strange noises coming from the surroundings from time to time.

It seems a little weird.

At this moment, on the alleyway of Knockturn Alley, pale wizards wearing tattered black robes were walking towards a certain location.

Sometimes they looked at each other and seemed to notice a familiar atmosphere.

But nothing more was said.

Just pick up the pace.


A wolf howled, and when the wizards who were on their way heard it, they looked a little nervous and speeded up again.

Soon, they entered a room at the end.

The interior of the house was very spacious. It was obvious that a space extension spell had been cast, and a large number of poorly dressed wizards could be seen gathering together.

They all focused their attention on the high platform in front of them - a man wearing a black leather jacket and a ferocious face.

He is the leader of the werewolves - Fenrir Greyback.


Not long after, when the people were almost there, Fenrir let out a wolf howl, seeming to remind everyone to quiet down.

Immediately afterwards, Fenrir stood on the high platform and stretched out his right arm.

Under the gaze of many werewolves, the right arm gradually changed

Gray hair, sharp claws.

These are wolf claws!

I saw Fenrir waving his wolf claws and shouting loudly: "You are all my people."

"This world is malicious to us werewolves."

"We are innocent, but we cannot have a serious job, and we are discriminated against by wizards all the time."

"why is that?"


Having said this, Fenrir waved his wolf claws vigorously and issued questions.

After all the werewolves present heard this, their emotions began to fluctuate and their eyes began to turn red.

"I tell you, the reason is simple."

"It's because we werewolves are weak."

"Weakness is the original sin."

Fenrir said seriously: "If we are united and have strong power, how dare the wizards discriminate against us?"

"It's not our fault that we turn into wolves when the moon is full."

"Our fault is that we were not united enough and did not show our power to the wizards."

At this point, Fenrir's tone began to change, becoming more excited, more fanatical, and more seductive.

"Now, we have a chance."

"The great Dark Lord needs us, and we will have the opportunity to reshape the status of werewolves."

"Let every werewolf no longer be discriminated against, and let every werewolf be able to walk in the sunshine openly."

"Let every werewolf marry a wife, have children, and enjoy education like a normal wizard."

Hearing this, the werewolves began to get excited, and some gray hair began to appear on some faces or bodies.

They were fed up with the discrimination from wizards.

They dare not meet their relatives, do not have a serious job, live in a dilapidated house, and their children cannot even buy a wand, let alone enjoy an education.

Like a beggar.

After Fenrir saw everyone's excitement, he didn't hesitate and took advantage of the atmosphere to shout directly.

"Now, let us meet the great Dark Lord."


There was a flash of black light, and Voldemort appeared on the high platform.

Black wizard robe, dark green smooth skin, scarlet eyes, aura of killing

It's the original Voldemort.

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