Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 434 Creating the Wizard’s Secret Realm, the Cursed Voldemort


The sea breeze blows slowly, leaving the shadow of a small island not far away, the waves crash on the shore, and seagulls fly freely in the sky.

Everything is so comfortable and comfortable.

The only surprising thing is that there are almost no people on this golden beach.

No, to be precise, there were only two figures.



The space around the two figures was looming and distorted, and this distortion began to spread outward.

The figures were shaking, the field of vision was distorting, and everything seemed to be gradually mosaic and began to become blurry.

The core of the space distortion lies in the blue light ball in front of the two people.

Feeling the majestic power of space in the light ball again, Snape's eyes flashed with shock.

"Lockhart, what is the origin of this Cosmic Cube?" Snape recalled the situation in the Battle of New York and couldn't help but ask: "I heard Rogers mention that just relying on this Cosmic Cube, he opened up an unknown number of light-years. Space teleportation wormhole.”

"And since there is no sign of the weakening diminishing."

"Snape, there are many things in the new world, far beyond your imagination." Lockhart said in a leisurely tone.

"For example, the Rubik's Cube is the symbol of the new world space."

"Controlling it means controlling the power of space."

Hearing this, Snape suddenly realized that it was the same as the Deathly Hallows.

It is said that as long as you get the Deathly Hallows, you can master the power of death.

The rumors are all so exaggerated.

Then, I heard

"Let's put it this way, the Sorcerer Supreme has mastery of the Time Stone."

"So being able to crush those dimensional demons is like nothing."

"The Cosmic Cube and the Time Stone are treasures of the same level."

"If we can truly master the space gem, it will not be a problem to create another Kama Taj."

Hearing this, Snape swallowed involuntarily as he looked at the intensely fluctuating azure ball of light in front of him.

He knew how powerful Kama Taj was.

And with the help of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, you can reach this point.

At this moment, he regretted that the Universe Rubik's Cube was once placed in front of him.

If he can get it.

As if he knew Snape's inner thoughts, Lockhart joked: "I'm talking about truly mastering the Space Stone."

"It's not like SHIELD uses the Cosmic Cube as an energy source."

"I almost got myself killed in the end."

"The last person to be recognized and mastered by the Cosmic Cube is most likely Odin, the God King of Asgard."

"The Rainbow Bridge is a product borrowed from the Rubik's Cube."

"Wait until you reach the same state, then have the extravagant hope of controlling the Universe Rubik's Cube."

At this point, Lockhart couldn't help but sigh.

"Such a treasure, if it is not protected by strength, it will be fatal."

Both the Space Stone and the Mind Stone were in his hands, but he didn't take them.

On the one hand, he was not recognized by the gems.

But more importantly, he didn't want to face the hostility of God King Odin and Thanos.

If this is the case, then he can only hide behind the Supreme Mage to save his life, and there is nothing else he can do.

That would be too much trouble.

Well, currently, the most reliable way to obtain the Time Stone is.

With the thought emerging in his mind, Lockhart continued to focus on this crystal stone condensed by the power of massive space.

The Cosmic Cube was in his hands, although he eventually returned it to Asgard.

But I will never let go of the opportunity to collect wool.

This space crystal is made by extracting a large amount of high-quality space power from the Universe Rubik's Cube.

And the method of constructing the wizard's secret realm obtained from the Supreme Mage.

The power of space is indispensable.


Lockhart tapped the blue-lighting space crystal gently with his wand.

Following a crisp sound, almost instantly, a majestic force of space filled the surrounding area.

Lockhart stood in the middle, waving his wand, and silver-white threads began to appear in the air as the wand moved.

The surrounding space began to gradually fluctuate, and these silver-white threads spontaneously condensed as if they were attracted.

Soon, every silver-white thread began to glow with a strong spatial fluctuation.

Under the guidance of Lockhart's wand, these spatial threads began to intertwine and entangle.

A huge, complex, and mysterious silver-white pattern began to emerge in mid-air.

More and more complex spatial fluctuations spread around.

Snape could see with his naked eyes that the space was changing at the position of each silver-white space thread, and scenes such as mountains, oceans, land, etc. seemed to be constantly intersecting.

call! call! call!

At some point, the wind gradually increased and a strong wind struck.

Lockhart stood in the middle, waving his wand, feeling the wind, water vapor, sunlight, soil and everything else.

With the wave of the wand, it condenses upward.

Gradually, the huge silver-white pattern above the head was gradually dyed with other colors.

There is gold like the sun, blue of the ocean, yellow of the soil, and green of the forest.

At this moment, it is full of life.

Snape stood aside, staring blankly at the threads of various colors floating above, his mouth subconsciously opened slightly, his face full of shock.

The world, he seemed to have felt the breath of the world opening up just now.

It was a shock beyond his common sense.

At this moment, he looked at Lockhart with increasingly complicated eyes.

Lockhart was now beyond his comprehension.

At this moment, Lockhart had no interest in paying attention to Snape's emotional changes.

He is now concentrating on adjusting the spatial threads above that symbolize various meanings.

Build a secret realm.

To put it bluntly, it is an imitation of a miniature world.

In this world, the most important thing is naturally space.

He didn't have the strength of the Supreme Mage Ancient One. He directly killed a dimension demon and used his dimension to build a secret realm.

What he can do is to use the massive space power obtained from the Universe Rubik's Cube to build a secret realm.

Of course, the power of space alone is not enough.

A secret realm must have people, plants, and animals living in it, and it even needs to gather magic power.

It is impossible for Lockhart to accomplish this alone with his current strength.

However, with the help of the power of the world itself, that is another matter.

Various symbols such as the sun, ocean, land, life, etc. were integrated into the power of space as Lockhart waved his wand.

Become the cornerstone of the secret realm.

As time passed, Snape stood aside and greedily watched the changes in the rune patterns above.

With every change, he could gain some of the secrets of magic and gain some insights.

This feeling is so wonderful.

It's like just opening your mouth, food will be fed to your mouth.

As a wizard and the dean of Slytherin House, his pursuit of magic is naturally stronger than others.


After an unknown amount of time, the rune pattern above began to tremble slightly, and a faint buzzing sound reached my ears.

It seems to indicate that he is already saturated.

Lockhart naturally noticed it.

Waving his wand again, Hufflepuff's golden cup floated in front of Lockhart.

A secret realm needs a core.

The core of the mage's secret realm is the dimension demon.

As for the core of Lockhart's construction of the secret realm, he naturally chose the only top-notch treasure in his hand - Hufflepuff's golden cup.

This is the product of the top wizard Hufflepuff's highest attainments in the space field.

As the core, it couldn't be more suitable.


As Lockhart waved his wand, the golden cup began to tremble, and at the same time, it slowly floated upwards.

As it got closer to the huge rune pattern above, the Hufflepuff Gold Cup began to shine with dazzling golden light.

As if being stimulated, a majestic magic power hidden deep inside began to be released.

At the same time, the strange rune patterns floating in the sky began to gradually change.

The core of the rune pattern in the middle began to actively expand, leaving a gap.


When the golden cup entered the center of the rune pattern, there was a roar, and the surrounding space began to tremble, and black space cracks faintly appeared.

next moment.


The surrounding space, land, and ocean seemed to be swallowed up in one gulp and disappeared in an instant.

The beach suddenly disappeared, leaving a huge hole with a diameter of more than ten miles, with mostly rocks or soil debris on the edges.

And the sudden disappearance of the sea water seemed to cause some strange things.

But soon, the surrounding seawater began to make up, spreading into the pothole.

The seawater flowed quickly, covering up the huge potholes left behind, but the original coastline became closer.

By this time, Lockhart and Snape had already disappeared.

At the same time, in a secret realm of birth.

The beaches, coasts, and seawater that were originally swallowed up resurfaced.

Lockhart closed his eyes to feel the current state of the secret realm, and nodded slightly.

The prototype of the secret realm has basically been constructed, and it needs to be gradually improved later.

For example, forests, land, and oceans cannot be created out of thin air. That would be too costly.

Rather, it needs to be obtained from the outside world.

The current state of the secret realm, such as the skeleton, heart, etc., is complete.

What is needed is to replenish flesh and blood.

The secret realm needs to plunder more resources to further stabilize and develop.

Then, Lockhart began to think about how to arrange the wizard's secret realm in the future.

After a moment, a faint smile appeared on Lockhart's face, and the answer already appeared in his mind.

Immediately afterwards

Lockhart waved his wand.

It has now become. The Hufflepuff Gold Cup at the core of this miniature secret realm came to mind again.

"Snape, I need you now." Lockhart said in a calm voice as he stared at the Hufflepuff gold cup in front of him.

When Snape heard it, he quickly came to his senses.

Lockhart called him over, there must be something going on.

Now it seems that it is time for him to play.

"Lockhart, what do you need from me?"

"I need to use the Death Eater mark in your hand."

He had not forgotten that the Hufflepuff Gold Cup was Voldemort's Horcrux and contained fragments of his soul.

He has never erased it, so it is naturally useful until now.

for example

"I need to use your Death Eater mark to impose a curse." Lockhart watched Snape lift up his sleeves.

In particular, the Death Eater mark with a skull and a snake intertwined on his arm was revealed. He explained: "Your Death Eater mark has the deepest connection with Voldemort among the many Death Eaters."

“Natural works best.”

Hearing this, Snape was full of doubts, but he nodded slowly and didn't ask any more questions.

That's right, he could see the former Voldemort, although he had a bad attitude, he was on the same side as him.

Naturally, he was not as worried about the Death Eater mark as usual.

As Lockhart stretched out his wand and touched the dark green Death Eater mark, magic surged outward from the wand.

As the magic power flowed into the Death Eater mark, it seemed to be stimulated to a certain extent. The skull with the Death Eater mark on his arm began to open and close, and the snake's tail underneath also began to shake.

It seems to be struggling.

call! call!

At some point, a cold, evil aura filled the air near Lockhart.

A large number of dark green lines appeared on Hufflepuff's golden cup.

"Dark Lord Voldemort, I curse you"

"The soul wears away. The magic gradually fades away."

"Past sins accumulate in the soul's bad karma."


Little Hangleton, Gaunt's old house.

Voldemort II sat cross-legged on the futon and began to use meditation.

What he was meditating on was naturally the basic meditation method widely spread by Lockhart - the idea of ​​Nine Yuan Ming.

Meditation has become the most popular topic in recent times.

The newly resurrected Voldemort would naturally not miss it.

After getting the meditation method, with his vicious eyes, he naturally saw the possible changes and dangers behind the meditation method.

So, he started researching.

At the same time, Lockhart, the founder of meditation, had a strong curiosity in his heart.

What kind of person can develop something as terrifying as meditation?

It is simply subverting the order of wizards in the wizarding world.

If it were him, he would definitely ban the meditation method.

But at this moment.


Voldemort's body was trembling, and he felt that the distant place had some kind of influence on his soul.

However, everything seems to be changing for the better.

Voldemort thought silently in his heart.



A mouthful of blood spat out from his mouth, Voldemort's face became a little pale, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

The magic power fluctuations in the body began to change suddenly, as if they were affected by something.

"Damn it, this is a curse." Voldemort said harshly.

"Someone is targeting my location through the Death Eater Mark."

The thought came to mind, and Voldemort immediately began to wave his wand.

One after another, resisting spells appear around, and then seem to interfere or isolate.

The black mist from the curse began to spread around, seeming to be pursuing its own goal.

After seeing this, Voldemort's face turned ugly.

But he can still use his wand and cast magic to isolate these curses.

Damn it, who is it?

Could it be that Dumbledore was cursing me?

Such a powerful curse must be taken from an artifact that is very closely related to me.

Not long after the idea came to mind, Voldemort's expression changed.

There seemed to be an answer in his mind.


Someone used a Horcrux to curse me.

As his thoughts turned, the wand in his hand kept waving, and the majestic magic power swayed out.

The soul began to communicate with the hidden Horcrux, trying to figure out which part was causing the problem?


A crazy voice sounded in the old house.

"I saw it, Gilderoy Lockhart, and I will make your life worse than death."

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