Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 435 The meeting of two Voldemorts (Happy New Year)

Night, Hogsmeade, Hog's Head Bar.

The noisy chatter and the clinking sounds of wine glasses intertwined, making it very lively.

After a busy day, the stress of the day flows into the throat with the wine, and slowly dissipates under the influence of alcohol.

The boss, Aberforth Dumbledore, was wiping wine glasses at the counter and quietly listening to the exchanges between wizards at the wine table.

"Have you heard? It seems that the Death Eaters are getting together with those damn purebloods again. They should have been sent to Azkaban together."

"Shh, keep your voice down, be careful not to reach the ears of those purebloods."


"It is said that Sirius has captured a lot of werewolves recently. Hey, it seems that werewolves are also getting together with Death Eaters."

"I heard, I don't know if it's true or not. It is said that the werewolf is related to the Dark Lord this time."

"Really or not? Isn't the Dark Lord dead?"

"I don't know either. Anyway, I just heard from my friends."


Hearing this, Aberforth, who was wiping the wine glass, suddenly paused, and then wiped it carefully.

His brother told him the news of the Dark Lord's reappearance.

He was even asked to gather information at the Pig's Head Bar.

However, for him, everything is just as it comes.

If you can collect it, then collect it. If you can't collect it, it doesn't matter.

Well, I don’t seem to have heard from Ian recently. Isn’t this kid studying with Lockhart? Why does he seem to have disappeared recently?

After thinking about it carefully, Aberforth seemed to find that there seemed to be no news about the recent batch of students Lockhart recruited, just like Ian.

Is it possible to study secretly somewhere?

"Do you know the name of the school run by Professor Lockhart? I think the Daily Prophet said it is pretty good, but the specific name has never been revealed. It's mysterious."

"What do you call professor? You should change your name to principal."

"Yes, Principal Lockhart, hahaha."

Hearing the title of principal, the wizards around him laughed.

"I thought that there would only be a new principal after Principal Dumbledore abdicated, but I didn't expect that there would be another principal of a magic school in the UK."

One of the old wizards laughed a few times and said with emotion.

"That's true. For hundreds of years, there has been only one Hogwarts school. I thought it would be like this for hundreds of years to come." An old wizard at the same table took a sip of wine and sighed with emotion.

"What do you think Dumbledore's attitude would be?"

What attitude can you have?

I wish Lockhart would come out to take on Grindelwald and the Dark Lord.

After Aberforth heard this, he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

This brother of mine has too many calculations in his heart.

In the past, it was very difficult for him to be alone, but now there is an extra Lockhart, which is exactly what he wants.

Now I'm not sure how to plan Lockhart and Voldemort to be hostile, and at the same time amplify the conflict between Grindelwald and Lockhart.

Aberforth thought silently in his heart. At the same time, he poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip, and sighed softly. His brows could not help but wrinkle, showing a trace of sadness.

His inner premonition was very strong - chaos was coming!

Just like the war that Grindelwald started around the world to break the law of secrecy, and like the endless killings that Voldemort started to create a new pure-blood order.

This time, Grindelwald and Voldemort appeared at the same time.

Both of them are very difficult.

If they join forces again, who knows what shocking waves will be caused?

How could he, as the owner of the Pig's Head Bar and Dumbledore's younger brother, escape the whirlpool of the future?

"Some strange things have happened recently. Have you heard about it?" A young wizard suddenly drank a glass of wine and said in a show-off manner.

After hearing this, the wizard on the other side understood his friend's character very well, so he asked very cooperatively.

"Maybe you are talking about the disappearance of werewolves."

"No, guess again."

"The goblins of Gringotts have started an internal fight." The wizard guessed again.

It is said that some goblins in Gringotts shouted the slogan of equality between goblins and goblins to increase their salary.

To be honest, this incident is still very eye-catching and quite strange.

"No, you guessed wrong again, guess again." The young wizard opposite shook his head and said somewhat proudly.

"Just tell me, I can't guess. You are always the best informed."

Hearing the wizard's helpless tone, a mysterious smile appeared on the young wizard's face.

At this moment, Aberforth, who was not far away, also pricked up his ears and listened quietly.

"Then let me tell you, I witnessed this with my own eyes, otherwise I wouldn't believe it was true."

"Recently, a magical creature that devours the land has appeared in the wizarding world. It is said that every time he appears, the land within a 3-kilometer radius will be swallowed up and disappear."

"Originally I thought this matter was a lie and a rumor."

"But last night, I saw a forest disappear in front of me."

Having said this, the young wizard showed a look of fear on his face.

"It was said that there were many elves living in that forest, but they all disappeared."

"If I hadn't been lucky, I might have been someone else drinking in front of you today."

When he heard this, Aberforth in the distance began to frown.

How come he hasn’t heard of the magical creatures that devour the land?

If it's possible, ask Newt.

To be honest, he is not very proficient in neurobiology.

Maybe it does exist.

Thinking of this, he thought about writing a letter to Newt and asking.

Well, it's better if there really is such a magical creature, and it must not be the plot of the Dark Lord.

At this moment, in the Forbidden Forest behind Hogwarts.

Lockhart stood in mid-air, and Gugu, the ball escaper, shrank his body and stood on Lockhart's shoulders.

Gaze with eager eyes at the lush green grass in front of you.

Gu! Gu! (Green velvet grass is a good thing, it must be brought to the secret place and cultivated properly.)

Well, this was one of his favorite foods before.

Back then, Lockhart had caught him through the velvet grass.

After Lockhart heard Gu Gu's cry, he gently stroked Gu Gu's furry head and nodded helplessly.

I’m afraid it’s hard to break this habit of being a foodie.

Immediately afterwards, he began to close his eyes and began to communicate with the secret realm.

There is one advantage to using the Hufflepuff Gold Cup as the core of the Rift.

That is, the secret realm can move with him.

Of course, the position must be fixed later.

However, even after it is fixed, the transmission channel can be quickly constructed with the help of the Hufflepuff Gold Cup.

In other words, secret realms can be reached through portals from anywhere in the world.

In this way, it is a great hidden benefit for the students of the school.

This is a little bit better than Hogwarts.

The thought emerged in his mind. After Lockhart felt the call of the secret realm, he began to spread his mental power and check if there was anything abnormal around him.

He didn't come to the Forbidden Forest just to play.

He needs to use the rich creatures in the Forbidden Forest to complete the ecological circle in the secret realm.

In other words, it is to build a small forbidden forest.

It serves as a training place for future wizard students, or a place for resource cultivation.

You know, Hogwarts basically gives every student the opportunity to practice potions through the rich resources in the Forbidden Forest.

You know, even a piece of potion material is not worth much.

But there are hundreds of students in the school, and when accumulated, the gold galleons required will definitely not be low.

If it weren't for the resources in the Forbidden Forest, Hogwarts would have closed the Potions class long ago or made it an elective course.

How is it possible for every wizard student to practice like this?

His school will do the same in the future.

Let every wizard have the opportunity to learn how to make magic potions.

Of course, Lockhart's resources are not wasted for no reason. In the later stage, resources must be focused on those with talent.

He is looking forward to training a second Snape, or a second Professor Horace.

Well, we also need to cultivate a second Newt and a second Nico Mellor.

Gee, tsk, tsk, when I think about the fact that I will train many outstanding students in the future.

Lockhart couldn't help but smile.

His style has never been to suppress the world by one person.

He also believes in gathering the power of the crowd and using the wisdom of more people to help him achieve his goals.

For example, develop a meditation method suitable for wizards, and develop more magical or large-scale magic.

Kama Taj's magic is good, but more of it relies on the power of Emperor Weishan.

Even if he has a magical transformation, it is only suitable for him to perform alone.

He needs more people to study together and transform it.

He didn't want to become a waste after leaving Emperor Weishan in the future.

That would be so sad.

As a human being, you have to rely on yourself.

The same goes for being a wizard.

External force can be used, but it must be cautious, cautious, and cautious.


The breeze gradually picked up and became stronger as time went by, blowing the leaves on the surrounding woods.

Gugu stood on his shoulders, his mouth slightly opened, as if he was very shocked.

Its talent in space allows it to clearly perceive the majestic power of space coming from nearby.

next moment.


Space within a radius of several kilometers began to distort.

Immediately afterwards, trees, soil, and all kinds of animals disappeared in an instant.

And on the ground, a huge pothole appeared.

At the same time, deep in the secret realm, a place full of trees suddenly appeared.

The animals inside were all chirping, as if they were very surprised.

This is really, a sleep that turns everything upside down.

Whether it is the magic element or the surrounding environment, there is a big difference.

At this moment, Lockhart was not focused on the land he had just appeared in.

In other words, he has seen many such scenes.

In the past few days, he could be said to have visited the entire British witch world and even some well-known places abroad.

Some of the places rich in various magic potions and magical creatures were stolen and put into the secret realm.

In the future, this secret realm will be his base camp.

It was natural for him to strive for perfection.

Then, he focused his attention on the huge pothole in front of him.

Waving the magic wand in his hand, the surrounding soil began to roll, and the pothole gradually shrank.

After a while, the huge pothole was smoothed away, but it was obvious that a slightly sunken slope appeared nearby.

Immediately afterwards, Lockhart scattered a large number of seeds nearby and waved his wand again.

A series of growth-promoting spells spread out in all directions.

Soon, various weeds appeared on the ground, and even fast-growing trees appeared in some places.

Soon new turf trees covered the land.

At first glance, it doesn’t look much different from the original.

The only thing that was a little strange was that there was no sound of any creature.

Not even the chirping of cicadas at night.

Seeing this, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction.

He was not stupid enough to leave such an obvious pothole on purpose.

What should be perfected will be perfected.

Next, Lockhart continued to wander the Forbidden Forest to see which places were suitable for being drawn into the secret realm again.

You know, his school opening is getting closer.

Seize the time and perfect the secret realm of the school as early as possible.

Malfoy Manor, study.

The young-looking Tom Riddle stood at the edge of the window, looking at the night in the distance.

Malfoy Manor is their current base camp.

I have to say that as a pure-blood family, Lucius Malfoy has done well in all aspects.

The manor is also very well maintained.

At this moment, Tom Riddle held the yew wand in his hand, turned around, and stared quietly at the open space not far away.

"I didn't expect that you would dare to appear in front of me alone so soon. Aren't you afraid that I would swallow you?"

A calm tone sounded in the study.

At the same time, a pale and strange figure emerged.

Smooth skin without a trace of hair, pale face, and strangely disappearing nose

It was Voldemort.

At this moment, in the study, the two Voldemorts looked at each other.

Wearing an elegant dark green wizard robe, he looks young, even handsome, with dark colors and a calm tone, and his eyes are full of calmness.

The other one, dressed in a black wizard robe, has a ferocious appearance that makes people feel frightened. His temperament is dark and strange, and there is a hint of madness in his eyes from time to time.

"I believe you should have sensed it too?" Voldemort said with a cold voice and an angry tone: "Someone is using a Horcrux to curse."

"So?" Tom Riddle said calmly: "What are you going to do?"

Voldemort did not reply, but took a look at Tom Riddle, who seemed to be calm now.

She seemed to sense that his body was covered with the same magic of various isolation curses as her own, so she sneered and said, "It's not what I plan to do now, but what we plan to do."

"The Horcrux is in the hands of Lockhart, who is obviously very good at curses."

"If it is not handled properly, not only will our traces be discovered, but the other Horcruxes may also fall into the hands of the other party."

At this point, Voldemort's face became ferocious and his voice was full of anger.

Then, he suppressed his inner anger and said coldly.

"Although I don't know how you cut the soul?"

"But, now it seems that you can't escape the other party's curse."

Speaking of this, a trace of unwillingness flashed across Voldemort's face.

If possible, he would not choose to join forces with the other party.

It would be best for him to directly choose to swallow the other person.

However, through the previous curse, he could sense that Lockhart's strength was probably not low.

Plus a Dumbledore.

Damn it!

"So, what are you going to do?"

Compared to Voldemort's inner manic mood. Tom Riddle remained calm and asked again.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Voldemort's pale face.

But he quickly put it away and said harshly.

"Lockhart's opening ceremony is about to begin."

"I want him, his students, and friends to go to hell."

After hearing this, Tom Riddle's expression moved, but he did not open his mouth and continued to listen.

"We gather our men and suppress the enemy on that day. With the strength of the two of us, it will not be a problem to rule the British witch world."

"After Dumbledore and Lockhart are killed by our joint forces."

"We are fighting to the death!"

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