Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 436 Kama Taj in the Wizarding World (2-in-1)

January 20, 1993, Diagon Alley.

Although people came and went in Diagon Alley in the past, today's Diagon Alley is extremely lively.

However, what is surprising is that most of these wizards did not enter the shops nearby.

Instead, he walked towards Gringotts.

No, to be precise, they didn't enter Gringotts.

I saw a red flame-colored gate standing next to Gringotts.

Everyone could clearly see that the base of the gate was engraved with complex red flame stripes. These stripes were intertwined and intertwined with each other, exuding certain spatial fluctuations.

Along the base, red flame-colored lines appeared above, outlining a red-flame colored portal.

The scenery on the other side of the portal is visible to the naked eye. On the green grassland, a straight road spreads forward.

At the end of the road are huge buildings.

This is the wizarding secret realm that Lockhart spent all his energy to create.

Their goal is the opening ceremony of Lockhart School.

Next to this portal, a young man wearing a purple-gold wizard robe with a friendly smile seemed to be guarding it.

He is not old, but his aura is indeed not weak.

He is Lockhart's student - Hobbes Rom.

He was originally a squib, but now he became a wizard through meditation.

Some pure-blood wizards couldn't help but look at them, and even wanted to communicate.

But maybe it was because of the school's opening ceremony, so I hesitated and chose to enter the portal.

However, when entering, he still looked at the red flame-colored portal in front of him with inquiring eyes.

In the past, the teleportation tools they used were magic fireplaces and floo powder.

This is the first time I have seen a portal like this.

Soon, wizards entered one by one.

Hobbis stood aside and didn't say much.

Only if you encounter a wizard with a special shape, such as a half-giant wizard, etc.

Can wave a wand to cast spells to expand the size of the portal.

At this moment, there was a commotion at the back of Diagon Alley, which made Roma look at it curiously.

"Dumbledore, this is Principal Dumbledore."

"Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and the professors from Hogwarts are all here."


Facing the surprise of the wizards around him, Dumbledore smiled and said a few simple words of courtesy.

Then he walked forward like other wizards.

Behind him were a group of Hogwarts professors, such as McGonagall, Snape, etc.

"Albus, what you said about Lockhart is true. He didn't say where it was held. It was very mysterious."

"Otherwise, it would be much more convenient for us to take the Yeqi carriage directly."

Dumbledore heard McGonagall's complaints and said with a smile: "McGonagall, I also asked Lockhart."

"Lockhart kept telling me to keep it secret, and said there would be a huge surprise."

"Let's participate according to his arrangements."

"Besides, people from other schools and even the Ministry of Magic are just like us."

When Snape heard this, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Lockhart had a chat with him. He did this because, on the one hand, it was a secret realm that he was not open to and difficult to enter.

On the other hand, this also made Snape complain.

Lockhart felt that the opening ceremony was his home court and said he was not prepared to let other schools take the limelight.

They must be allowed to enter one by one according to normal procedures.

Well, Snape couldn't help but mutter a few words after hearing Lockhart's explanation.

According to the custom of the wizarding world, on occasions like this, guests will take this opportunity to show their strength so that the host will not underestimate them.

Like Durmstrang's ancient ship, Beauxbatons' rune horse carriage, including some luxurious tools crafted by pure-blood families, rushed to the scene.

As a result, Lockhart did this, and everyone could only park their vehicles outside and queue up to enter the portal.

Hey, it’s really too shameful.

However, to be honest, Snape still had doubts about the reasons given by Lockhart.

Is it really for the so-called face?

No, what kind of trouble will this opening ceremony cause?

The thought came to mind, Snape shook his head slightly, threw it out of his head, and continued to walk forward.

"Hello, are you Lockhart's student?" Dumbledore looked at Rom beside the portal and asked gently: "What's your name?"

At the same time, in order not to disturb others entering the portal, Dumbledore and a group of professors walked aside and chatted with Hobbis Rom.

"Yes, Principal Dumbledore." Rom glanced at Professor Snape next to him with some hesitation, and then replied affirmatively: "My name is Hobbis Rom."

Well, Snape taught them Potions before and scolded him a lot.

When I see Snape, I still have some subconscious reaction.

"Rom, you're not very old, you must have been a squib before." Dumbledore asked with a smile: "How long have you been following Lockhart? It seems that you are quite suitable for meditation."

At this moment, Dumbledore was more shocked inside.

The meditation method came out less than half a year ago.

However, he clearly sensed that the magic power in the wizard opposite him, who was originally a squib, was already comparable to that of a wizard who was about to graduate from sixth or seventh grade.

Moreover, based on the faint aura of murder emanating from other bodies, Dumbledore believed that Rom had definitely experienced battles.

He even felt in his heart that if this Rom was allowed to fight the sixth and seventh grade students of Hogwarts.

It's hard to say who wins and who loses.

How is it possible to achieve this level in half a year?

Could it be that Lockhart trained Squibs before coming to Hogwarts.

At this moment, in Dumbledore's mind, Lockhart was once again shrouded in a veil of mystery.

To be honest, for some reason, he felt vaguely uneasy as he looked at the environment at the opposite portal.

"Sorry, Principal Dumbledore, our principal has emphasized to us before that this information needs to be kept confidential for the time being." Rom replied with an apologetic tone: "You can ask our principal."

At first, Dumbledore still felt strange in his heart when he heard that Rom had changed his name to the Headmaster.

Then, hearing what Rom said, Dumbledore couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

How long does it take to keep it secret?

Ingest divine thoughts!

Dumbledore used magic to secretly spy on the thoughts in Rom's mind at this moment.

But then, quickly retract.

He had just noticed the resistance.

This squib wizard already has defensive magic in the back of his mind, not Occlumency.

It was a new magic, the first time he saw it.

The effect is to resist a certain degree of ingestion of divine thoughts or soul magic.

"Let's go, McGonagall." Dumbledore waved to the professors on the side and said, "How about we watch Lockhart's opening ceremony?"

After saying that, he took the lead and entered the portal on the side.

Even the students have defensive magic set up deep in their minds.

It seems that no important information can be found at present.

Come in and see what Lockhart does next.

Roma, who was standing aside, had a look of astonishment on his face after seeing Dumbledore's performance, but he didn't say anything more.

Because, he stayed in Diagon Alley to guard the earliest portal.

Then it is very likely that you will meet Dumbledore.

And the instructor also told him.

With Dumbledore's character, he would not argue with him as a student.

Secret space.

As soon as he stepped into the portal, Dumbledore felt that both the temperature and climate had changed.

It became very pleasant!

Even the magic elements surrounding it are extremely rich.

Looking at the green grassland beside the road, Dumbledore began to think crazily.

Where is this place?


It shouldn't be.

It's from England, such a rich and magical grassland, he should have heard of it.

Then, when he looked up at the sun above, his pupils suddenly shrank.

A sun formed by a spell?

Where is this place?

The majestic spiritual power quickly unfolded and spread rapidly to all directions.

At this time, Snape, McGonagall and others on the side moved slightly, and at the same time they focused on Dumbledore.

They just sensed a familiar scent.

But they didn't say anything. To be honest, except for Snape, everyone else was a little surprised by the current environment.

"McGonagall, do you know this place?" Charms Professor Flitwick was walking on the side of the road, looking into the distance, and asked curiously: "The environment here is a bit strange?"

"This is the first time that I have seen forests, grasslands, deserts, swamps and other environments appearing at the same time in one area."

He just saw a forest of trees not far away, and on the other side, there was a swamp. Looking further away, there was an ocean.

The environment here seems to be pieced together from multiple places.

He had to be curious.

After Mag heard this, he shook his head slightly: "Flitwick, you can ask Lockhart later when you see him."

"Many wizards are going to Lockhart's school now."

"Let's go too."

As he spoke, Mag looked towards the building at the end of the road.

"Let's go and see Lockhart," said Dumbledore, who regained his mental strength and regained his composure.

However, at this moment, his heart was in turmoil.

He just saw the complex and diverse environment here and all kinds of magical creatures.

Of course, what shocked him the most was.

He sensed a space barrier at the end.

He knew what this meant.

Here, it is a closed space.

It's a bit similar to the interior space of a magic suitcase, but very different.

Huge space, rich magic, and a vibrant environment.

Here, there is very little difference from the outside world.

The inner space of the magic suitcase is absolutely impossible to reach this point.

While his mind was thinking wildly, Dumbledore led everyone towards Lockhart's school.

Although Lockhart set the teleportation destination outside the school, he did not deliberately make it very far.

So, not long after walking, Dumbledore and others walked into the gate of the school castle.

The door is open, and a group of Lockhart's students are standing at the door waiting. Whenever a new wizard feels the need, they will assign one person to lead the arriving wizard to the venue of the opening ceremony.

Along the way, wizards will also answer your questions.

At this moment, Ian, Vera and others also saw Dumbledore.

After Vera saw it, she directly went up to Dumbledore and said to Dumbledore and others: "Principal Dumbledore, professors, hello, I am a student of Teacher Lockhart, you can just call me Vera."

"The tutor has given special instructions, saying that you and the professors from Hogwarts have arrived, and I will be responsible for receiving them."

"If you have anything to do, just ask me."

As he spoke, he showed a gentle smile to the professors.

Mag looked at the girl Vera, whose young face revealed an air of maturity, and was slightly surprised.

However, Vera was also a woman, and she was not very old, just like a sixth or seventh grade student. She immediately said gently: "I'll trouble you later, Vera."

"Where is Lockhart's opening ceremony?"

"In the square inside the school." Vera replied: "All wizards will go there."

"The instructor said that he also taught at Hogwarts before, so he arranged the best position."

"Everyone just follow me."

As he spoke, Vera stretched out her slender arms and pointed to the door.

He took the lead and walked towards the inside of the school, followed by Dumbledore and others. Most of them looked at the environment of Lockhart School with curious eyes along the way.

Lockhart's school is quite different from Hogwarts.

First of all, it’s the area. Everyone at Hogwarts feels that it’s very large.

They saw the buildings inside the school, which were not very close to each other.

At first glance, the area is at least 2 to 3 times larger than Hogwarts, or even more.

Secondly, the appearance of each building is also very different, and the size is not small.

And they can clearly sense that there are obvious differences in the magical atmosphere emitted by different buildings.

Some are upright and peaceful, some are illusory, and some even reveal a murderous or even dark atmosphere.

Every building seems to have a specific purpose.

Teaching, fighting, divination

In addition, there are many differences between the school and Hogwarts.

However, it was Dumbledore who felt the deepest.

It's not these external differences.

It’s the atmosphere and feeling revealed inside.

The students he saw along the way, including Vera who was leading the way, were male or female, older or younger.

They are very different from ordinary students.

It was as if the nerves all over his body were tense, and he even walked a little faster.

It seems that slowing down is a mistake.

This was completely opposite to the relaxed atmosphere in Hogwarts.

Dumbledore kept what he observed secretly in his heart and did not say it out loud.

Soon, a group of people entered the square that Vera mentioned.

This square is somewhat similar to the Hogwarts stadium, but is significantly larger.

In the middle is a lawn, and in the middle of the lawn is a high platform.

On the opposite side, there are terraced seats.

Vera, on the other hand, led them to sit in the front seat.

"Principal Dumbledore, professors, you can just sit here." Vera pointed to the first row of seats and several seats around, and said gently: "This is the seat specially reserved for everyone by the tutor."

At this moment, nearby were Fudge, the Minister of Magic, Maxim, the principal of Beauxbatons School, and others.

It can be said that they are all influential despite their low status.

Seeing that everyone in Hogwarts was ready, Vera said a few words briefly before saying goodbye and leaving.

She also had to receive other people.

Dumbledore, McGonagall and others then started communicating with acquaintances around them.

But most of their themes are Lockhart's school.

After all, this is the main purpose of their visit today.

As time passed slowly, more and more people came.

Soon, it was time for the opening ceremony to begin.

boom! boom! boom!


Colorful fireworks rose over the square with roaring sounds, attracting the attention of all wizards.

Soon, words composed of fireworks appeared in mid-air——

Karma Taj Opening Ceremony!

At the same time, Lockhart's voice rang in the ears of all wizards.

"I am Gilderoy Lockhart, and I welcome you all to the opening of Karma Taj."

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