Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 444 Death Eater: It’s too difficult for me (first update)

Roar! Roar!

Near the middle of the square, red flames of light kept flashing as the long sticks were waved, and the angry and even crazy howls of the werewolves, as well as the whistling sounds of waving wolf claws, were intertwined.

This is a close combat battlefield between werewolves and wizards such as Ian.

Behind them, the Death Eaters gradually approached from the side.

The werewolf battlefield is now very chaotic. Although they have always been disdainful of dark creatures like werewolves, they are not stupid enough to cast a killing curse on the wizard students on the battlefield.

What if you accidentally kill a werewolf?

Not to mention whether the master will punish them.

Given the werewolf's current crazy state, they had no doubt that the werewolf would turn around and bite them.

If a werewolf can maintain his sanity, he will not be criticized.

Crazy is the normal state of their fighting.

Especially when the moon is full.

The leader of the Death Eaters, Fiennes, thought of Lupin, the gentlest werewolf among the werewolves he had met before, and his mad state on a full moon night, and he couldn't help but curse inwardly.

This group of dirty werewolves should always be at the bottom.

After a few words of contempt in his heart, Fiennes had already bypassed the werewolf battlefield, and their target was the remaining wizard students.

The master told them - whoever kills the most people this time will be rewarded with top black magic!

They had already cast the Disillusionment Spell, and separated into two teams, bypassing both sides of the square, to teach these immature students, letting them know what the cruelty of reality is.

Ga! Ga! Ga!

A sinister smile appeared on Fiennes’ old face!

However, when he walked around half a circle, not far across from him, a dozen young wizards stood in a team, led by a young red-haired girl.

And this is Wanda!

Seeing the eyes of these young wizards looking directly at him, Fiennes secretly thought something was wrong even though he was hiding himself and casting the Illusion Spell.

Avada Kedavra!

Without any hesitation, Fiennes waved the wand in his hand towards the leader Wanda, preparing to cast the fatal killing curse.

What made him feel strange was that the red-haired girl Wanda opposite seemed to be unprepared, not even a wand in her hand.

He just raised his hand slightly, and the brass-colored magic ring in his hand reflected light.

But he didn't think deeply, infuse magic power, or kill the curse.

Dark green light began to flicker at the tip.


"Avada, cough, ask for your life!"

For some reason, he suddenly felt his throat was raw. He was halfway through reciting the incantation when he suddenly coughed slightly, but then he forced himself to continue reciting the following incantation.

The death curse that originally glowed with dark green light at the tip of the wand dimmed slightly, and then suddenly rose up.

Affected by this, Fate, which originally felt very smooth, became jerky.

Fiennes relied on his strong spirit to survive. Although he felt that the situation was abnormal, the death curse was already on the string. Had to send it.

Otherwise, the backlash will be enough for him.


"Avada Kedavra!"

"not good."


Behind Fiennes, a life-killing curse flickered. Before he could react, there was silence, and then darkness, and he lost consciousness.


Behind it, a dark wizard watched this scene helplessly, with a small stone at his feet.

It’s over, you’ve killed your own people, but you’re still your own captain

Looking down at the stones at his feet, the dark wizard Top felt like crying.

Just now, I really deserved death. I didn't pay attention to the stone under my feet. As a result, my steps stumbled, my direction was crooked.

Avada Kedavra!

When the surrounding dark wizards saw this scene, the tight string in their minds seemed to snap suddenly, and the direction of the wand used to cast the Death Curse immediately changed.

Traitor, damn it!

The 5 life-killing shots are extremely smooth and precise.

Well, before the war started, two people died first - killed by our own people!

Only after the suspected traitor's dark wizard died did the other dark wizards react.

"Damn it, Top can't be a traitor."

A relatively close dark wizard glanced at the dead Top and cursed.

"Be careful, it may be a curse from the other party."

A dark wizard who was good at curses said, but his tone was also hesitant.

He didn't feel anything unusual just now, and there was no magic fluctuation at all, as if it was a complete accident.

According to his experience, there are no such curses, but each time requires a long time to prepare, and requires things closely related to the other party as materials, such as blood, body tissue, etc.

The scene just happened took less than 10 seconds. To say it was a curse is a bit far-fetched.

The surrounding dark wizards did not think so carefully after hearing this, and their expressions became completely nervous.

They saw that the wizard students opposite had begun to take action.

At this moment, Wanda was stunned for a moment when she saw the two dark wizards who died before the battle started. She seemed to know the reason and smiled.

If you want to kill yourself without paying a price, you will be disgraced by your own talent and the constant magic cast by Master Lockhart.

Then he said loudly: "According to the previous cooperation, I will assist and you attack."

As soon as she finished speaking, Wanda waved her hands, and the mysterious ring in her hands glowed with a faint red light.

In an instant, red beams of light spread all over the sky to the surroundings.

Soon, a field glowing with reddish light enveloped the surrounding area.

After seeing it, the wizard students behind him couldn't help but have happy expressions on their faces.

After being accepted as a student by the teacher, there was a reason why he and Ian were all next to each other.


"Everything is petrified!"




Well, there is no Shen Feng Wu Ying, no black magic, just the most commonly used offensive spells.

However, under the shrouding growth of this light red field.

Every wizard feels full of energy, whether it is the wand in his hand or the magic in his body becomes much smoother.

And magic spells, even the most commonly used offensive spells, are at least twice as powerful and even more accurate.

And the dark wizard opposite.

"Cough, cough"


"Strip the soul. Erode the bones!"


Suddenly, coughs continued one after another, and many dark wizards felt that the magic power in their bodies was changing.

Some dark wizards even suddenly twitched their hand tendons, causing the direction of spell casting to deviate.

There was chaos, and even if the spell was successfully cast, it would be affected by various influences, weakening its power, and eventually be blocked.

Well, there are also some unlucky ones who avoid the black magic of their friends and end up being hit by the white magic of the wizards.

When Grindelwald in the audience saw this, a trace of inquiry flashed in his eyes.

He felt a familiar scent.

It smacks of fate, but not really.

But his intuition was telling him crazily that this little girl's talent was extremely important to him.

There will be a significant change in his destiny.

Talent - Probability Modification!!!

Lockhart prefers to call it manipulating probability.

Just like the description.

Wanda's talent allows him to control every magic and success probability of every thing to a certain extent.

Just like a cheat editor, once it is set up, the whole world will move for her.

With such a talent, Wanda is destined to gain the upper hand in magic fields such as amplification magic, curses, control, etc., as if she had divine help.

Of course, for Grindelwald, such a talent is simply a treasure given by God.

He can see destiny and guide destiny, and if he can modify the probability of everything happening.


"Your Excellency the Dark Lord, my students are doing well."

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