Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 445 Dumbledore, the honor of Hogwarts is in your hands

Wizard talent?

Dumbledore looked at Wanda's performance and thoughts emerged in his mind.

Are there so many talents in Squib?

How come Lockhart found so many outstanding students and even activated his wizarding talent!

You know, both Grindelwald and Tom, the two generations of Dark Lords, have unlocked wizard talents.

Getler's fate, Tom's soul and dark magic.

And he was turned on. To be precise, it was inherited from the Dumbledore family.

Top wizard qualifications, long lifespan, price plus the ability to summon a phoenix!

It can be said that after awakening the wizard's talent, if you don't die young, you will basically get a ticket to become a top wizard.

At this moment, Dumbledore was also paying attention to Tom's surprised expression.

Although two Toms appeared, he didn't quite understand what was going on.

But he could also clearly tell that the Tom in front of him was more rational and the Voldemort in the square was more crazy.

"Tom, congratulations on regaining your sanity?" Dumbledore asked tentatively: "However, I think your current condition is not good."

After saying that, he glanced at Voldemort in the square, as if he was hinting at something?

"Dear principal, don't worry." Tom said with a half-smile: "My current condition is quite good."

"You should think about yourself, right?"

As he said that, Tom took a look at the battle scene in the square and said in a calm tone: "Principal, it seems that Lockhart has exceeded your expectations."

"I feel that Karma Taj may be a powerful enemy of Hogwarts."

"You are the principal of Hogwarts. Don't destroy the honor of Hogwarts for more than 2,000 years in your hands."

Hearing this, Dumbledore looked away and smiled bitterly, but did not continue.

He knew what Tom said and what Getler said.

this also means

Change in the wizarding world is truly unstoppable.

"Your Excellency the Dark Lord, my students are doing well."

After Lockhart cast time and space magic, he became almost completely immune to Voldemort's continuous spells on him.

While lifting the physical curse, you can also leisurely observe the entire battlefield.

After watching it for about a week, I found that everything was under control, so I smiled mockingly at Voldemort, who was still casting spells.

At this moment, Voldemort's left arm was hanging down in his clothes. This was the result of him sacrificing his own arm.

And when he discovered that his death curse was ineffective.

Instead of giving up, he cast other types of spells to test.

Experiments involving soul, space, mind, body, and even curses, etc.

The results of the experiment made him more and more surprised.

He didn't have much research into it, except for the magic of time.

Spatial means have a certain effect, but the effect is not high.

On the contrary, the curse had a certain effect.


Through the curse he sensed the breath of time.

Yes, it’s time.

Upon noticing this, Voldemort's face became even more uncertain, feeling troubled.

Then, faced with Lockhart's words, Voldemort, who was originally emotionally unstable, was directly triggered.

If I can't touch you, then I can't touch your students.

Especially when he realized that his Death Eaters were still at a disadvantage against a group of students.


Anger rose, and he gave Lockhart a hard look.

His body turned around and turned into a ball of black mist, leaving and flying towards the battlefield of students.

When Lockhart saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

Soldier against soldier, general against general, king against king

You should have some shame, he is a Dark Lord after all!

Immediately afterwards

"Voldemort, your enemy is me!"

Lockhart unlocked the magic of time and space, flew forward at the same time, and said coldly.

He spent a lot of money training this group of students, but they couldn't suffer casualties so easily.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Seeing Lockhart following, Voldemort's eyes flashed with joy, and he turned around without hesitation and cast a killing curse.

But this time Lockhart, who had cleansed his body of the curse, quickly reacted.

He stepped back and at the same time raised the wand gently and quickly.

A crimson-colored obstruction curse flew up, and quickly turned into an inverted circle, including a life-killing curse, causing it to twist its direction.

next moment.

"The flaming sword!"

With a wave of the wand in his hand, a long sword with purple runic flames engraved on its blade quickly appeared in mid-air.

The long sword formed, and with the wave of the wand in Lockhart's hand, it quickly flew towards Voldemort.

At this moment, the black mist that was Voldemort's incarnation began to condense, preparing to turn into a human form.

Seeing this, it turned into black mist again.

In the black mist, this is the top flying spell he has developed.

Flying is an important function, but more importantly, it is also a defensive spell in itself.

The incarnation of the black mist itself is immune to most magical attacks and can even attack.

It's at the level of a top magic spell, and flying is just an effect.

Zhi! Zhi! Zhi!

The long sword glowing with purple flames penetrated the black mist. Black mist began to roll in.

The sound of corrosion continued to sound. The purple flame seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

However, it never disappeared and stayed in the black mist.

The black mist moved, and the lightsaber moved with it, and the two remained entangled.

Damn it!

Voldemort cursed inwardly.

This lightsaber obviously didn't cause much damage to him, but the problem is that he has been carrying the sword until now, even with ease.

What does this mean!

He is clinging to him, or he is prepared to keep him in a state of black mist.

Cursing silently, Voldemort turned into black mist and flew towards Lockhart.

Lockhart shook his head helplessly after seeing it. After learning about the effect of the Black Mist Curse from Tom, he naturally thought of ways to resolve it.

The move just now was a method.

If Voldemort in this state turns into a human, then he will wait for this purple flame sword to penetrate his body.

Involvement, procrastination are the most important.

Today's protagonist is not Lockhart, but the school of Karma Taj, which is the fighting performance of young wizards.

This is important for recruiting students later.

He always understood what was important, what were the core things.

Otherwise, Voldemort would have been suppressed long ago.

The stage is so well built, but if you don't perform well, it would really be a waste.

Then looking at the oncoming black fog, he raised the wand in his hand high, and a silvery white light quickly bloomed in all directions.

The black mist itself is corrosive to a certain extent and is excellent in attack and defense.

Especially in the hands of the founder of Black Mist Curse, it was played in many ways.


Several chains of black mist swept toward Lockhart from the black mist.

Shrouded all around, as if trying to bind it.

At this moment, Lockhart cast the Patronus Charm so that the silvery white color could cover the surrounding area and resist the black chains coming towards him.


A silver-white lion roared loudly at the black mist.

This is Lockhart's patronus!

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