Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 524 The Mage Form of Hell Skeleton

"Let me...judge you for your sins."

Voldemort stood aside, looking at the skeleton covered in hell flames, and said these words in a hoarse voice.

I couldn't help but feel inexplicably ridiculous.

There is no problem in saying this to a white wizard or a hero of justice.

But you are also the Dark Lord who killed many lives, and now you look like an evil skeleton.

Say such words and match such a face.

Especially the 'sinner'.

People who don't know better think this is a righteous judge or a white wizard.

But who in this world doesn’t know that in terms of the degree of sin, you, the Dark Lord, are definitely one of the best, ranking among the top.

The contrast is just too great.


"Ho, ho, ho..."

When the Death Eaters were captured by the Hell Skull, they kept making hoo-hoo sounds of struggle.

His hands kept slapping the air, and his feet kept rising, trying to touch the ground and take a breath of air.

But not long after, under the gaze of Voldemort, Grindelwald and all the wizards.

The eyes of the flaming skull that Tom transformed into were blazing with fire.

At the same time, hellfire poured into the Death Eater's eyes and into his skull.

It seems to be looking for and identifying some information.

In the blink of an eye, dark red hellfire erupted from the Death Eater's mouth, nose, and eyes.

"Ho, ho, ho..."

"Sinner, you are guilty!"

The Death Eaters still struggled and made desperate sounds, while the flaming skull made a direct judgment based on the picture that emerged in his mind.

The next moment, the fire of hell poured into the Death Eater's body crazily.

Immediately afterwards, the hellfire carried a transparent soul, leaving the body and pouring into the mouth of the skeleton.

Devour souls!

An idea appeared in Voldemort's mind.

The originally serious face became even colder, even vaguely mixed with a hint of fear.

His immortality is achieved through Horcruxes.

And the power attributes displayed by the other party are basically all aimed at the soul.

In addition, all his previous life-killing spells were completely ineffective.

To put it bluntly, this is his natural enemy.

Especially after his resurrection, the soul itself is one of his weaknesses.

At this moment, he felt a little regretful in his heart for falling out with Tom Lao like this.


After Grindelwald saw the taboo behavior of flaming skulls devouring souls.

My heart skipped a beat, and I waved my wand quickly without hesitation.

In an instant, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and thunder and lightning rained down on the flaming skeleton.

What followed was a series of roaring sounds, like thunder and rain, hitting the hell skeleton wrapped in flames.

No matter what, thunder can always do more damage to dark creatures

Grindelwald thought so.

Voldemort on the side was also like this and had the same view.

After all, the opponent's skeleton appearance is as dark as it is and as evil as it is.

However, when the thunder slowly passed away, the flaming skull turned and stared at Grindelwald opposite.

Wisps of black traces appeared on the body, which seemed to indicate that the attack just now could not cause any important damage.


Due to Grindelwald's provocation, the flaming skull was stimulated, and the hellfire wrapped around its body suddenly swept around.

Originally, there was a wand floating behind him, entwined with the fire of hell.

It began to differentiate rapidly, two roots, four roots, eight roots...

In the end, it didn't stop until it reached thirty-two strokes in total.

Thirty-two wands with the same appearance wrapped in flames quickly turned into two circles and slowly rotated.

Corresponding to Voldemort and Grindelwald respectively.

Huge energy fluctuations quickly spread to the surroundings, giving many wizards a dangerous aura of death.

At this time, Grindelwald and Voldemort saw the flaming skeleton stretching its arms.

The circle formed by 32 wands corresponds to the two of them.

next moment……


These 32 wands shoot different spells almost simultaneously.

The bright red disarming spell, the dark black breaking curse, and even the dark green killing curse.

A large number of magic spells passed through the entire battlefield like a rain of arrows.

Loud roars spread throughout the battlefield, Voldemort and Grindelwald's expressions changed, and they waved their wands repeatedly.

One after another, golden iron armor spells and various defensive spells were cast one after another, trying to block this sea of ​​spells.

boom! boom! boom!

A magic spell hit the golden shield formed by the iron armor spell, but did not penetrate.

But with the 2nd and 3rd lanes hitting quickly one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the golden shield was shattered.

Immediately afterwards, the first defense and the second defense were broken one after another.

The Death Eaters and Saints around him were extremely worried.

However, for the two of them at this moment, their expressions just became serious.

He watched as the spells were being counteracted one by one, but new spells were shot towards him.

The pupil of Grindelwald's right eye turned silvery white in an instant.

The nearby land was also dyed silvery white in the blink of an eye.

Field of Destiny!

The majestic power of destiny quickly gathered, and everything around him glowed with silvery white light.

But vaguely, dark cloud-like traces appeared above the Destiny Domain.

Then, Grindelwald looked at the flaming skull that Tom had transformed into, and pressed down heavily on the wand in his hand.

The majestic power of fate turned into a silver-white blade, rushing towards the top of the hell skeleton, seeming to cut the opponent's fate.

At the same time, a large amount of doom power also began to pour into the bodies of the hell skeletons.

It seems that both parties are preparing to attack in one fell swoop.

Seeing this, Voldemort on the side quickly waved his wand and cast his most powerful dark and curse spells that he was good at.

I want to take advantage of the opponent's most unlucky moment and take it down with one blow.

However, when the force of destiny tries to crush Tom's destiny, to make him die in a sense.

However, what horrified Grindelwald was that in his perception of fate, the other party seemed to be alive but not alive, and seemed to be dead but not dead.

There seems to be no destiny, or it seems to be completely obscured.

The power of fate and misfortune, in vain.

Voldemort's dark curses were directly burned, shattered, and engulfed by the fire of hell.

It seems that at this moment, there is no way for the two of them to hold this flaming skeleton.

Through this, Voldemort, like Grindelwald, also sensed the strange state of the hell skeleton at this moment.

I couldn't help but feel shocked.

The other party's state of seeming to be alive but not alive, and not seeming to be dead yet is really too weird.

To a certain extent, the opponent is immune to almost all attacks.

No wonder the life-killing curse had no effect, because the opponent seemed to have no life at all.

It was simply unbelievable and beyond their knowledge.

Immediately afterwards, he watched the flaming skeleton once again control the 32 wands floating in the air, seeming to be preparing for the next round of magic strikes.

Grindelwald and Voldemort looked at each other, seemingly understanding each other, and shouted loudly at the same time.

"Death Eaters (Saints), all retreat!"

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