Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 525 The Collision between Marvel’s Hellfire and Black Magic


Grindelwald and Voldemort gave the same command.

Saints and Death Eaters, you look to me and I look to you.

Soon, some dark wizards among the Death Eaters took out magic broomsticks from their space extension bags and flew into the distance.

It's not that they can't disembodie, but that the surrounding space has long been locked by the fire of hell.

It is difficult for Voldemort to leave directly by disapparating, and he can only move through short distances through sacrifice.

The black wizard's actions seemed to trigger a signal, and a large number of saints also took out their magic brooms and flew into the distance to escape from the battlefield.

The same goes for some Death Eaters.

To be honest, they saw their companions having their souls sucked by this skeleton wrapped in flames.

That's really scary.

This is true peace after death, even the soul has been swallowed.

Even the possibility of resurrection will not exist.

How miserable it would be to not even be able to be a ghost.

After hearing the orders of Voldemort and Grindelwald, the impatient dark wizards among the saints and Death Eaters left directly.

But what is surprising is that some Death Eaters still stay in place.

They were motionless, as if waiting for something.

Most of these people are pure-blood nobles, with only a few dark wizards

When Voldemort saw this scene, his face was like ice and he snorted coldly.

What don't you know now?

These Death Eaters may have changed their minds and would rather submit to Lockhart's puppet than return to him.

However, he was too late to punish these traitors, because Tom, covered in hellfire, was already attacking him.

When Tom heard Grindelwald and Voldemort's order to retreat, there was no reaction.

To be precise, the only reaction was to continue attacking the two of them.

These two bastards forced him to use the power of hellfire to further bind Lockhart.

It is really difficult to calm down the anger in my heart without venting it.

After transforming into a hell skeleton, a certain amount of battle experience automatically appeared in Tom's mind.

Raising his arms high, the hell fire kept rolling, and a long iron chain purely condensed by the hell fire naturally appeared in his hand.

Swinging it hard, the chain began to spin rapidly with the arm as the center.

call! call! call!

The hell chains rotated with whirring, and the sparks emitted by the hell fire also splashed everywhere.

The huge power rose again, and the Hell Skeleton stared at Voldemort with eyes full of hell fire.

The chain of hell spinning in his hand suddenly took off and rushed towards Voldemort very spiritually.

At the same time, the 32 hellfire wands behind him cast various spells on Grindelwald, trying to attack and hinder him.

"Transform quickly!"

"Transform quickly!"


He looked at the hellfire chains flying toward him, full of danger.

Feeling that the space was further locked, Voldemort did not hesitate, waved his wand, and while retreating, he cast a large number of transformation spells.


With the rumbling sound, the earth and stone ground suddenly deformed, and earth and stone giants two people tall were quickly formed, and then rushed towards the iron chain towards the hell puppet.


An earth and stone giant waved his earth-yellow right arm mixed with white snow, and grabbed the iron chain full of hellfire.

But with a bang, the iron chain directly smashed the earth and stone giant's right arm into pieces.

Then he quickly rushed towards Voldemort's location.

As a spiritual chain of hell, its purpose is clear.


The earth and stone giant whose right arm was shattered let out an angry roar, and then grabbed the chain flying into the air with his left hand again.

At the same time, other earth and stone giants along the way also waved their arms and even their bodies to grab hold of the chains full of hellfire.


call! call! call!

The chains of hell that were caught, the fire of hell wrapped around his body, suddenly swept around him.

Wrap up the earth and stone giants along the way one by one, and burn them to ashes in the blink of an eye.

In just two or three seconds, all the earth and stone giants were wiped out.

But this period of time still allowed Voldemort to cast various protective spells, shielding spells, and lay confusion spell traps on himself.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of Voldemort's figures quietly appeared on the snow-white ground, glowing with the same energy fluctuations.

It's hard to tell which one is true and which one is false?

Their movements were almost exactly the same. The wands in their hands were raised high and pointed at the sky, causing violent energy fluctuations to disturb the surroundings.

next moment……


Above the sky, a huge black eye suddenly appeared.

The eyes blinked slowly, exuding a huge aura of darkness, death, and killing.

Immediately afterwards, a huge black energy beam fell from the sky and directly hit the hell skeleton on the ground.

Eyes of death!

Part of Voldemort's self-created spells in recent times came from the joint spellcasting of Lockhart's students.

Of course, what is more important is a trump card against one's future enemies.

Now it is really used

When the skeleton that Tom transformed into saw this, he immediately jumped to dodge.

The huge eye of death in the sky continued to blink slowly, and the black death light beam filled with darkness and killing moved rapidly.

Chasing the hell skeletons that were constantly dodging on the ground.

All of a sudden, dark corroded roads left behind by the death beam attack continued to appear on the ground.

Looking from above, intricate black lines appear on the previously bumpy snowy land.

And inside or on one side of these black lines, dark red lines cast from hell fire also quietly emerged.

It seems like you are preparing something?

The fire of hell will never be extinguished, burning all evil, darkness, and sin.

The hell skeleton dodges in the face of the black death beam descending from the sky, and is also preparing to counterattack.

Grindelwald watched this scene with cold eyes.

After he had resisted the curse released by the hell skeleton, he stopped moving.

After all, the current situation is very clear. The enemy that this skeleton covered in flames is staring at is not himself, but Voldemort.

Naturally, he didn't bother to get involved.

After all, Voldemort could kill one of his confidants.

Although the two parties are now united for some reasons, he has no intention of taking over Voldemort.

The main purpose of staying here now is to see the true strength of the Hell Skeleton.

After you understand a thing or two, it will be convenient for the subsequent layout.

As for whether Lockhart was involved, he was not sure, but he had to be prepared for everything.


At some point, the black lines left by the pillars of death on the originally snow-white earth had turned into roads full of hellfire.

It seems that it has been prepared, or it has locked the weakness of the huge eye of death above.

The 32 wands behind Tom quickly floated above his head.

This time, the hellfire condensed again, and the 32 hellfire wands were divided into 64.

Above Tom's head, a huge circular pattern of red flames was formed, aiming at the huge eye in the sky

boom! boom! boom!

The moment it was formed, the lines covered with hellfire on the earth quickly turned into chains of hell and soared into the sky.

Fly towards the huge eye of death in mid-air, wrap it up, lock it, and tie it up.

In an instant, the Eye of Death had no time to move and escape.

It was already bound by a large number of hell chains, locked in mid-air, motionless.

At the same time, a red flame pattern composed of 64 wands on Voldemort's head was flashing red.

The huge energy fluctuations made the remaining pure-blood wizards and Delindvor look sideways.


There was a loud noise, and a huge dark red light pillar formed by the flames of hell blasted directly towards the locked Eye of Death.

In an instant, the location of the Black Eye of Death was like a nuclear explosion.

Above the blue sky, an unusually conspicuous mushroom cloud rose.

As if feeling the power of this curse, Grindelwald turned around and turned into a blue flame, flying back.

The situation was almost settled, and he had no interest in accompanying Voldemort to resist this difficult opponent.

And in the distance, Voldemort saw that his trump card was directly blown away.

His face instantly became very ugly, but he did not hesitate when he saw Grindelwald leaving.

He immediately turned into black mist and retreated backwards.

The hell puppet that Tom transformed into did not pursue, but just watched the two figures, one black and one blue, leaving.

Soon, the fire of hell quickly extinguished.

Tom's handsome and elegant figure reappeared.

Then, he slowly walked towards the remaining pure-blood wizards and dark wizards behind him.

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