Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 544: Expulsion of world consciousness, Grindelwald’s strange death


After hearing what her mentor Lockhart said, Wanda slowly walked forward to Lockhart's side.

Her steps were a little slow, as if something heavy was pressing on her shoulders.

But she was very determined. With every step she took, her red hair, including her eyebrows, gradually turned into seven colors.

It seems to be transformed by some kind of force, or assimilated.

Soon, her hair, eyebrows, and even her clothes gradually turned into the colorful colors of the power of dreams.

Like Lockhart.

The only thing that hasn't changed is her bright red eyes.

Not only did it not turn into a colorful character, it was even more colorful than usual, blooming with a faint red light.

Talent - Probability Control!

No, long-term training, deliberate cultivation, and the supply of a large amount of resources.

Now it should be called - fate is over!

Both palms gently touched the colorful energy wall.

In Wanda's eyes, it seemed as if time stood still and everything was silent.

Colorful threads are intricately intertwined.

Just by looking at it, everything changes.

At this moment, Wanda felt as if she was in chaos, with countless possibilities and choices constantly emerging.

Like a gorgeous and chaotic painting, it was unfolding in front of him.

He seemed to have seen countless futures, each one full of hope and each one full of despair.

She felt as if her brain was about to explode. All kinds of information were intertwined, making it impossible to distinguish or choose.

In the eyes of Ian, Hermione, and Harry behind her, Wanda's heartbeat was racing, her breathing was rapid, and her hands were shaking, as if she had lost control.

Even tears of blood flowed from his eyes.

call! suck! call! suck!

The next time Wanda continued to take deep breaths according to her previous training, she tried to calm herself down and make a right choice.

A large number of pictures, a large number of choices, a large number of possibilities poured into it crazily regardless of her ability to bear it.

A huge amount of despair poured into my heart, and I even thought of escaping for a while.

But she remained determined, very determined to wait and adapt.

After all, the destiny that is being resolved this time is not just for the wizard, but also for the world.

Even if it is just a possibility, the price to pay will not be small.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a day or two, or a second or two.

She saw a real and beneficial possibility.

Stretch out your fingertips and touch lightly.


Destiny begins to unravel!

Everything is settled!

In an instant, the colorful mist that originally filled the surroundings turned into raindrops.

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

The moist water vapor and the majestic raindrops are constantly washing, what are they washing away?

In the eyes of Grindelwald on the side, the bloody fate that originally entangled Voldemort seemed to be washed away by this heavy rain.

Even the Worm of the Blood Abyss began to become wilted, seeming to have lost its appetite and energy.

At the same time, for some reason, in this state, it was clearly some kind of strange magic cast by Lockhart's side.

But he felt a certain kind of relief, as if he was freed from restraints.

When he noticed this, he had a vague suspicion in his heart.

But not sure.

At this moment, Lockhart had a smile on his face.

World consciousness has been expelled!

At least, in the immediate area at this moment, it is out of sight and out of control, as if it is outside the law.

Because of his opposing stance, Voldemort was entangled with the majestic blood-red power of destiny.

Even stronger than the former protagonist Harry Potter.

Why would a villain do this?

Lockhart knew very well that the forbidden power of the Blood Abyss Worm could devour everything and had unlimited adaptability.

Said it was created by Voldemort.

Lockhart never believed it.

If the consciousness of the world had not been involved, he could eat the wizard's robe right now.

In this state, the person fighting him was not Voldemort, but Voldemort plus world consciousness.

The current Voldemort is not the original Dark Lord, the original villain.

At this moment and here, he is the protagonist of the whole world.

And what is the protagonist’s most powerful ability?

It's not all kinds of golden fingers, all kinds of coincidences that look like fate.

It's the kind of unreasonable explosive ability when faced with desperate situations.

This unreasonable ability to explode seeds is combined with the blood-related insects that have no taboos.

Damn it, Lockhart felt his scalp numb.

Therefore, while these insects have not yet fully adapted to the power of dreams, expel the world consciousness quickly.

Even if it was just for a moment, it would be enough for Lockhart to deal with the enemies in front of him.

It has to be said that Wanda’s talent is easy to use.

Destiny is bound, even if there is only one chance in a billion, as long as it is successful, it will happen 100% of the time.

Expel the other party from the other party's world.

Lockhart couldn't do it himself, and neither could Wanda.

But it has the same source of dream power, coupled with Wanda’s miraculous destiny-binding ability.

It’s done!

The moment when world consciousness is successfully exorcised.

Lockhart smiled, and at the same time, he took action.

For a moment, as if on hormones, a massive amount of colorful beams of light shot towards Voldemort like a machine gun.

boom! boom! boom!

It took less than a second for Voldemort to react.

Even before the sound of the explosion emerged, his whole body was blown to pieces, leaving no bones.

Only the remains of huge potholes and the colorful flames on the ground were left, demonstrating the strength of Lockhart's full attack.

At the same time, raindrops fell on the blood-red mist.

It feels like being wrapped, and like being breathed and washed.

The blood-red mist gradually faded, and the insects of the blood abyss were gradually eliminated.


While the consciousness of the world was expelled and had not returned yet, Lockhart set his sights on Grindelwald aside.

In the battle just now, Grindelwald seemed to have done nothing except demarcating a battlefield.

Just watched quietly.

Perhaps, the power that Voldemort showed just now also surprised Grindelwald, even shocked him.

"He is not dead yet!" Grindelwald said.

Just a few words, not even saying who he is.

But Lockhart understood that this 'he' was Voldemort.

"Really?" Lockhart put on a puzzled expression, and then said disdainfully: "So what."

"If I can kill him once, I can kill him a second time."

"Really? Lockhart." Grindelwald looked into Lockhart's eyes and said calmly.

"Do you really have the confidence to defeat 'him'?"

Yes, the word Grindelwald used was ‘He’.

A sacred, supreme title.

At this moment, Lockhart fell into silence and did not give a positive reply.

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

The colorful raindrops gradually became sparse, and the surrounding environment seemed to be returning to its original appearance.

Vaguely, everyone present seemed to feel a kind and hostile force, constantly searching for something?

As if knowing that there was not much time left, Grindelwald said urgently.

However, it seemed that only Lockhart heard his voice. There was no change in the faces of Wanda Harry and others behind him.

"Lockhart, your enemy is actually Him. For this, I can only wish you good luck."

The raindrops have completely stopped, and the surrounding environment seems to be returning to normal.

After Grindelwald finished speaking, all the magic power in his body poured out crazily.

Chaos and chaotic magic spread all around.


The figure turned into a point of light, and the majestic energy spread outward.

Grindelwald is dead!

He blew himself up!

And the words he left behind were:

"Lockhart, I don't know if you are from our world, but there is no doubt that meditation is not from our world."

"Mark my words, we are not necessarily enemies."

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