Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 545 The mysterious death of Grindelwald and the resurrection of Voldemort


Chaos and disordered magic spread outward, and Grindelwald's figure turned into a point of light and slowly disappeared.

At this moment, Credence saw Grindelwald disappear, as if he had committed suicide.

His eyes were full of shock and confusion, as if he couldn't believe that Grindelwald had died just like that, and he had committed suicide.

This is his lifelong enemy.

No matter how powerful Lockhart was, he could kill Voldemort with one blow.

The other party wouldn't commit suicide.

However, watching all the magic power in the opponent's body spread out in disorder, a magic storm even formed for a time.

Confusion appeared in Cresden's eyes. Reason told him that it was impossible, but in reality, it was clearly in his eyes.

Grindelwald is dead!

And he committed suicide!

At this moment, Lockhart seemed to be aware of Cresden's expression and patted his shoulder without saying anything.

However, I couldn't help but complain a little in my heart.

Sure enough, once you truly reach the top ranks of the world, it is not that easy to die.

Voldemort can be resurrected through Horcruxes.

Who's to say Grindelwald can't?

This group of wizards has 8 million minds. Even if they are preparing to surround and kill themselves, they still don't forget to leave a backup plan for resurrection.

At this moment, Lockhart apparently forgot the means of resurrection that he had left in the dream world.

As for why Grindelwald committed suicide for no reason?

Lockhart also had an answer in his mind.

After all, if you want to attract investment, how can you get people to spend some money if you don't take some action?

Look, what's Voldemort's condition like?

Grindelwald didn't even dare to say he was Voldemort's opponent.

"Teacher, I...I feel like someone is staring at me." Wanda closed her eyes that were filled with blood and tears, and said uneasily: "It seems that there is endless malice snooping and surrounding me."

After hearing Wanda's words, Lockhart walked in front of him and looked at Wanda's haggard, panicked and helpless face.

Sighing, he gently wiped the blood and tears from the other person's face.

It seems that I feel a familiar breath and a familiar temperature.

Wanda, who was originally uneasy, gradually calmed down.

"Go to sleep, Wanda!"

"After a good sleep, everything will return to normal!"

Lockhart's gently comforting voice sounded, and Wanda's originally tense body began to gradually relax.

Soon, his body softened and he fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing this, Lockhart waved his hand gently, and Wanda's figure gradually disappeared, returning to the safe dream world.

"Mentor, is Wanda okay?" Ian took a step forward and couldn't help but say.

Remy and Vera on the side also looked at their mentor nervously.

As a companion who studies together, fights together, and plays together.

No matter who has a problem, they will be very worried.

"Don't worry, Wanda, I'll take care of you and everything will be fine." Lockhart said calmly.

Lockhart's calm voice seemed to have infected Ian, Remy and others.

However, Lockhart also felt a sense of urgency within him.

How is it possible to expel world consciousness without paying a price?

You were in someone else's house and kicked out the owner's house.

If it were you, would you be angry, would you be angry, would you take revenge?

Apparently, in the Harry Potter world, Wanda only appears when she appears.

Then you will receive a heavy blow from world consciousness.

All malice will eventually come to you.

Especially Wanda, she herself comes from the Marvel world. Although there is a system to hide the aura of another world, Wanda is not him after all, and the system will not try its best to hide it.

If the world's consciousness goes all out to screen, Wanda's identity will be easily exposed.

After all, even if you have an ID card, a house, an address, or even fictitious traces of your life.

But as long as we do our best to screen, we can always find problems.

And after being exposed, the series of reactions it will bring will be difficult for Lockhart to estimate.

Judging from the dream of the world, world consciousness never knows how to hold back.

If the system hadn't been hiding his traces for him.

Otherwise, world consciousness should be directed toward him.

Instead of increasing Voldemort's power, locking him down through Voldemort.

Yes, with the system doing its best to help Lockhart hide his traces.

The world simply cannot lock down all traces of Lockhart.

It is equivalent to being blind, even if it is right in front of him, he cannot sense it.

As for world consciousness, because it is too large, it has no subjective consciousness and can only rely on instinct.

Being unable to sense means that it cannot be locked on, and therefore cannot be attacked directly.

After all, he won't attack himself for no reason.

Lockhart can only be eradicated indirectly.

For example, Voldemort is hostile to Lockhart.

despite this……

Lockhart closed his eyes, blood-red warning messages flooding his mind.

[Warning, warning, world consciousness is searching for the host with all its strength, the system is being blocked...]

[After calculation, if the high-intensity search continues, it is expected that the host location will be locked in 10 days]

[It is recommended to leave the Harry Potter world early]

Yes, I could have stayed in Harry Potter for nearly ten years, but now, for ten days at most, I have to leave.


The destruction of previous dragons and elves from the overlords of various eras will all come to him alone.


France, Beaux-Laton Magic School.

In the grand underground palace, there was no one, no sound, and darkness shrouded everything.


The dim blood-colored lights turned on, and a strange aura filled the surroundings, making people shudder.

The next moment, a complex and mysterious magic circle appeared in the center of the underground palace. The runes in the center shone with scarlet light, like flowing blood.

I don't know why, just looking at it makes me feel a little nauseous, as if I have experienced endless pain and torture.

The magic circle is constantly running, and massive amounts of magic power are constantly flowing like blood.

Gradually, a blood abyss worm that was so small that it could not even be seen with the naked eye began to emerge.

Immediately afterwards, blood-red light spots continued to appear and expand, and soon, a blood-red mist appeared.

As the bloody runes continued to flash, Voldemort's body began to condense from nothingness, and white bones and flesh emerged from the mist.

However, soon, I saw these white bones, flesh and blood, and bloody runes began to appear on the surface. Just looking at them made me feel dizzy.

When ordinary people see this process, they will only feel abnormal fear, as if they are witnessing the birth and death of life.

As time passed, the blood-red mist filled the entire palace.

Voldemort's body was completely condensed, with a young appearance, black hair, and scarlet eyes...


Full of power!

For some reason, Voldemort, who should have been weak after his resurrection, felt full of strength, even stronger than before.

Even the insects of the blood abyss seem to have evolved.

call! call! call!

The bloody mist began to condense towards the middle, continuously pouring into Voldemort's body.

Feeling the further increase in power, a ferocious smile appeared on Voldemort's face.

Lockhart, as long as I don't die.

You are the one who dies.


We still need to deal with the puppet first.

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