Demonstrations occurred one after another, and governments of various countries came under tremendous pressure.

At the same time, the heads of state who had been kidnapped also had opinions on dangerous mutants. Naturally, they 'complied with public opinion' and began to put pressure on mutants. Seeing that a new persecution of mutants was about to begin.

In fact, the mutants really took the blame this time.

Only Fang Tian and Wolverine knew that the Silver Warrior was not a mutant at all. She was an Omega mutant transformed by an ordinary human who absorbed the genes of many mutants through the Silver Warrior's equipment.

The culprit is none other than General Stryker, who hates mutants so much.

But the governments of various countries do not care about this. It is in the interests of these countries that dangerous and uncontrollable things must be completely eradicated.

Against this background, Professor X personally came to the Osborne Building and asked Fang Tian for help.

He begged Fang Tian to mediate. If this conflict continues, it is foreseeable that mutants will be frantically hunted and persecuted by humans, and a war between mutants and humans is inevitable.

Professor X is a wise man and he does not want mutants and humans to go to war. At the same time, he also understood deeply that due to Fang Tian's existence, the mutants had no hope of defeating humans. The escalation of the conflict would only lead to the complete destruction of the mutants.

Fang Tian readily agreed to Professor X's request. In fact, even if Professor X didn't come to ask for help, he still planned to talk to the American government.

The reasons for doing this include Fang Tian's sympathy for the mutants' plight, but more importantly, the mutants are also a powerful army. If they can gather the power of the X-Men, they will become the most important fighting force under his command..

After all, Fangtian's enemies in the future, whether they are Thanos or various powerful beings in the universe, will all have a powerful legion under their command.

Fang Tian can't just be a miscellaneous soldier but also take action himself, right?

Isn't that just like a coolie?

What's more, if Fang Tian is not on Earth, the mutant army can protect his base camp. He didn't want to go out one day and come home only to find that the entire earth was in ruins.

Fang Tian called Director Fury and passed the news of his intention to protect mutants to the top officials of the American government through Director Fury.

Soon, Director Fury wrote back, saying that senior officials of the U.S. government decided to hold a meeting at the Pentagon to decide whether to agree to his request, and asked him to go to the Pentagon for a meeting one day later. after one day.

Fang Tian arrived at the Pentagon on time and landed on the ground from the sky

"Superman is coming!"

I have to mention that after this period of gaining reputation, Superman's name is really resounding all over the world. Even the soldiers guarding the Pentagon are his admirers.

Soon someone welcomed Fang Tian into the Pentagon. We came to a huge conference room.

The conference room was full of people, including senior officials of the American government, including *

"Mr. Fang Tian, ​​thank you for your help a week ago. Without you, my wife, my daughters, and I would have been doomed."The black president in his fifties shook hands with Fang Tian and thanked Fang Tian.

"a piece of cake."Fang Tian smiled and sat on the seat next to the president.

The meeting officially began. In the customary swearing style of the American government, those who supported Fang Tian's request and the senior officials who opposed Fang Tian's request quarreled.

Supporting Fang Tian Tian's senior officials believe that Fang Tian has the ability to manage mutants and prevent them from causing danger to the world.

However, senior officials who oppose Fang Tian's request believe that mutants are mutated humans and are inherently evil, and the government should Use all your strength to control and eliminate them, and use them not as human beings, but as weapons.

The two sides were arguing more and more fiercely, their faces were red and their necks were thick, and they were almost about to fight.

Fang Tian did not expect that senior officials of the American government Just like the hooligans on the street, the meeting was conducted in this style, and even the * on the side was a little embarrassed. There is nothing we can do about it. The United States is a federal country, with the upper and lower chambers. The two parties are incompatible and want to veto all the proposals of the other party.

"enough."Just when the two groups were quarreling, Fang Tian, ​​who was about to fall asleep, opened his eyes and shouted.

Fang Tian's voice exploded like thunder, and the entire Pentagon suddenly shook, and all senior officials of the American government fell silent. , silent

"What do you mean, I can't manage mutants well?"Fang Tian's eyes swept over the senior officials who opposed his request. These senior officials immediately lowered their heads to avoid Fang Tian's gaze.

They all cursed in their hearts, what a hell.

If someone else made such a suggestion, needless to say, the entire government would No one in the top management would agree, and there wouldn’t even be a meeting.

Even the officials who are most friendly to mutants also understand the dangers of the mutant community.

To put it bluntly, the reason why they intend to eliminate and suppress mutants is not really true. As it says, it is to protect the safety of ordinary people, but it is because they are afraid that one day they will be overpowered by new humans who have mastered superpowers.

Letting one person lead the entire mutant population does not mean that Tai Ah is backpedaling. Do you want to give someone a handle?

But the person who made this suggestion happened to be Superman, which left people at a loss.

On the surface, he is a righteous Superman, a savior who has saved the world many times, and even the vast majority of people in this world are. They think so.

But these high-level government officials who have dealt with Superman for a long time know that this is just a disguise. The monster in front of them can easily separate the ocean and destroy the alien army, but he will kill if he disagrees with him..

Think about the earliest times, just because there was a conflict with the Air Force fighter planes, they went to smash up the Navy airport. It can be said that 'everything must be revenged'.

Opposing this monster in person is not asking for death, isn't it?

"Mr. Incredible, you misunderstood us. We meant mutants are not human, they are evil.……"A senior official is about to stand up and defend himself.

"You mean, as a Kryptonian, I should also be evil?"Fang Tian's words made the other party unable to speak any more, and his face turned pale.

"Just like humans, there are naturally good and bad among mutants. Bad people will be punished by the law, and bad mutants will be punished by me. From now on, I will bear the responsibility of all mutants. If anything happens, you will be responsible. Come to me, do you have any comments?"Fang Tian asked.

Suddenly, the conference room was silent. No one dared to raise any opinions.

"I think Mr. Superman's plan is very reasonable and can handle the mutant crisis we encounter. Gentlemen, if you don't object, I propose that Mr. Fang Tian officially accept the mutants."At this time, the black president said.

Who dares to object? Fang Tian has already said this. They are not fools, and they still stand out.

What if they are hated by this guy who is a god on earth and the richest man in the world? , there is no use hiding in the horizon, do you still have to live in the future?

"In this case, the proposal takes effect, Mr. Fang Tian, ​​from now on all the responsibilities and problems of the mutants will be handed over to you. If the mutants cause economic losses and casualties, you will also be fully responsible."The black president smiled and shook hands with Fang Tian

"Don't worry, I have plenty of money."Fang Tian shook hands with the black president, with a rich look on his face.

There is no problem that cannot be solved with 100 million US dollars. If there is, then it would be 1 billion US dollars. Anyway, Fang Tian has plenty of money.

In this matter, the government is very efficient. High.

At the U.S. government press conference that day, the U.S. government announced that Superman Fang Tian would assume the supervision of mutants and be responsible for dealing with mutant issues, which immediately caused a sensation in the entire world. There were divergent opinions and extremely noisy outside.

But in the mainstream, Most ordinary people accepted this proposal.

For ordinary people, if there is anyone in this world who can solve the problem of mutants, it must be Fang Tian. Only Superman has the ability to supervise these terrible mutants. , so that they do not pose a threat to humans.

And this news was passed to the ears of mutants around the world, and countless mutants burst into tears. The long-awaited Freedom Day has finally arrived. From now on, they finally no longer have to hide. Hidden, living in this world as a monster.

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