Mutants have been exiled and persecuted for too long, and Fang Tian's protection of them has almost become the only hope.

Mutants from all over the world began to flock to New York and defected to Fang Tian.

When there are more people, there are more things.

Various conflicts will inevitably arise. Although no one dares to openly provoke in front of Fang Tian, ​​they should still take precautions.

It happened that Professor X had a good reputation among mutants. Fang Tian handed over the task of maintaining order to the A closed, super-large mutant headquarters was built in the Osborn Building—also the X-Men headquarters.

With the help of various superpowers, the construction speed was extremely fast. In less than a month, the huge base was completed.

With Osborne Enterprises as the center and the mutant headquarters, it is certain that as time goes by, this area will become an area more prosperous than Silicon Valley.

Fang Tian stood upstairs at the headquarters base, watching mutants from all over the world swarming in, registering under the reception of the X-Men, and realizing for the first time that there were so many mutants.

In just one month, more than 20,000 mutants have come to the X-Men headquarters to sign up and join Fang Tian's command. After training, they will become very outstanding talents.

It is foreseeable that before long, the number of mutants will exceed 100,000, which means Fang Tian has gained 100,000 subordinates who are outstanding in various fields.

"Mr. Fang Tian, ​​I can't express my gratitude to you in any words. You have changed the destiny of our mutants."Next to Fang Tian was Professor X in a wheelchair.

Professor of

"Professor, if you thank me, you should teach your students well and train them well. If you want justice in this world, you need to work hard on your own."Fang Tian replied with a smile.


When they arrived in front of Mystique, many new mutants immediately screamed in surprise.

"It’s Superman Fang Tian!"

"Can I have an autograph from Mr. Incredible?"The mutant teenagers were talking excitedly, feeling like fans meeting their idols.

"Children, come here, I will report and register for you first. As for signing, there will be many opportunities in the future."Several X-Men came over and took the mutant teenagers away.

"Ruiwen...Long time no see."Fang Tian smiled and greeted Mystique. As a result, Mystique changed in front of him and turned into Hill. She looked at him with a half-smile, leaving him speechless for a while. It seems that she is also in the outside world. She paid close attention to Fang Tian's life.

Seeing Fang Tian's slight embarrassment, Mystique felt as if her prank had succeeded:"You guys, have you never thought about it?……"

Fang Tian didn't let her finish and kissed her decisively.

The two kissed passionately and separated after a long time.

After careful questioning, Fang Tian finally learned what she had been through during this period.

Originally, Fang Tian was a loner and didn't even have a younger brother. After he took Mystique under his command, he wanted to let her use her ability to gather mutants as his team.

Mystique followed his instructions and searched for mutants all over the world. It happened that General Stryker was attacking and capturing mutants everywhere. Mystique, who has ever-changing abilities, also fell into Stryker's sight.

Mystique was unwilling to ask Fang Tian for help, so she hid with the mutants she gathered.

The situation was changing rapidly, and even Fang Tian himself did not expect that he would reach this point recently, and even let the American government announce to the world that all mutants were under his control.

In this case, Mystique naturally had no need to hide in the outside world, so she brought the mutants to the X-Men headquarters and joined the X-Men.

It's certainly a good thing that Mystique is back.

Fang Tian arranged for her to become an X-Men and teach the new mutants to develop their own abilities.

After learning, mutants with different abilities will eventually be assigned to various positions in Osborn Industries. Mutants with strong potential and suitable for combat will become members of the X-Men.

At this point, it's said to be the X-Men, but it's actually just a name.

Most of the mutants come for Superman and obey his orders. Even Storm and Phoenix are his women. In time, Fang Tian will have an army loyal to him.

He regarded the experienced X-Men as a cradle for cultivating talents.

The mutant matter came to an end, and Fang Tian found that his practice had reached a limit.

Recently, there has been no more god-level equipment for him to refine, but that does not mean that he has not made progress.

He absorbed the space gem and the soul gem that restored energy once, which expanded the area of ​​the small world in his body from 30,000 square kilometers to 50,000 square kilometers, and the power of the world was greatly strengthened.

But his physical strength seems to have reached a limit, always stuck at 280,000 tons, and it is difficult to show signs of breakthrough.

Although the power of 280,000 tons is already terrifying, Fang Tian is not satisfied yet. After all, compared to opponents of Thanos' level, his current power is not enough.

However, Fang Tian discovered that the blood in his body was transforming into some mysterious runes, which were connected to the small world in his body.

Based on this, he judged that the reason why his power was stuck was because the structure of human flesh and blood had its limits after all, and was no longer enough to support more powerful power.

Only when the small world in his body expands and the powerful power of the world changes the structure of his body can his body become more powerful, and he can even awaken his innate supernatural powers like Yang Jian, the Erlang God who became a saint in myths and legends.

"Maybe it’s Dharma Heaven and Earth?"

Fang Tian was able to roughly deduce from the runes that this magical ability that is being nurtured seems to be able to grow larger and smaller.

However, it does not simply grow larger or smaller, but also has an obvious leap in power level. Progress.

For no reason, he had a vague feeling that once this magical power is awakened, it will be very powerful.

There are no god-level items on earth for Fang Tian to absorb. Materials such as vibranium can be refined by him now, and the improvement is not big.

Fang Tian tried He was trying to contact Thor, the God of Thunder, and wanted to go to Asgard to find some divine objects, but there was no news from that bastard Thor, and he didn’t know why he was there, which made him very unhappy.

"By the way, the Reality Stone should appear by time, right?"Fang Tian calculated the time when the Reality Stone appeared.

The Reality Stone is one of the Infinity Stones. It has a weird ability to change reality. It was once obtained by the dark elves and called it the ether particle.

King of the Dark Elves A powerful dark army was transformed with the Real Stone Gem, preparing to restore the universe to eternal darkness, but was defeated by Asgard's army. The father of God King Odin, the previous God King was unable to destroy the Reality Stone. In order to prevent the Reality Stone from being obtained by evil people again, the Reality Stone was sealed in a space connected to the earth.

Until the 21st century, for some unknown reason, Jane, the girlfriend of the god Thor, was discovered during a scientific exploration. , entered the unknown space, merged with the Reality Stone, and brought it to the earth. The breath of ether particles leaked, causing the sleeping dark elves to resurrect, attack Asgard, and try to regain the treasure.

Fang Tian He probably knew this much from the movies in his previous life.

Of course he coveted the six infinity stones with unlimited power and was determined to get them.

But he couldn't find the space where the reality stones were hidden, so he could only pay attention to Jane from time to time. , preparing to take away the Reality Stone before Jane and the Reality Stone merge.

Fang Tian once again set his sights on Jane, and his spatial perception crossed an ocean and came to London, England. Then he was surprised to find that Jane disappeared at some point..

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