He was indeed a little pleased, because he knew that this time, his harvest would be huge, and there were not only methods for cracking the x gene lock in this laboratory, but even a complete variety of x gene banks.

The gene bank must also store the x genes of various evolutionaries, and with these, he can not only open his own x gene lock, but even fuse more abilities.

What is the true God? No one knows better than him.

The true God is Almighty! All-knowing, all-powerful! Omnipotent, able to do everything, Genesis, creation, creation of rules or change of rules, such a being can be called a true God!

And Leon’s goal has never changed, he has always wanted to be the apex of the entire universe, even the one above all parallel universes.

As for how to do this, it is actually very simple, if you want to be omnipotent, you must master more abilities, more abilities close to the rules of the universe itself.

Although he had the power of the phoenix, one of the cosmic divine powers, the power of the phoenix was only a single force, not omnipotent, and even if the power of the phoenix was developed to the peak, it still could not achieve that all-knowing and all-powerful state.

The Phoenix Force itself has an upper limit and a vertex, and even if Leon reaches this peak in the Phoenix Force, it will only allow him to stand at the top of this universe, not the apex of the universe.

As far as he knew, there were several amazing beings in this world who could easily restrain the power of the phoenix.

If oaa has any kind of bug level, even if he raises the Phoenix Power to the top, he will still be restrained by it, because oaa can directly delete the Phoenix Power from the rule level!

This is like an Internet café with unlimited machines, the power of the phoenix that Li Ang has is a special program on a certain machine in this Internet café, after this program has evolved to the top, it has the ability to freely shuttle and delete and change programs in all machines, and oaa is the management program of this Internet café, which can easily delete and modify other programs on all machines.

You say, such a existence, is it already very scary? Think this is the highest position in this Internet café?


Leon’s goal is simple!

He wants to become the administrator of the Internet café, to be precise, he wants to become the owner of this Internet café, or the kind of boss who can smash the machine and reload the machine at will!

This mother is a qualitative leap, and it is not at all the contact between programs and programs, just like the gap between fantasy and reality, there is a gap, but because of his half-body relationship, this gap is likely to be crossed by only him.

If you look for a reason, it is actually very simple, because he is not a person of this world, he is a foreign program in this Internet café, he has experienced the transformation from reality to fantasy, and there must be something strange left in his body, and this kind of thing is probably the key to making him achieve his wish.

This is his goal, the earth, or the universe, not to be taken seriously by him.

Pulling a little farther, and returning to reality, at this time it was still under the joint attack of everyone, and all the attacks fell on him, lightning, explosions, space cutting, and fire.

They were all controlled by these people in a very small range, and they were responsible for guarding the laboratory, so naturally they did not dare to attack him with all their might, because then the laboratory would certainly suffer great damage.

In this case, the strength that can be used to attack Li Ang is much smaller, and Li Ang will naturally be easy to deal with this level of attack.

He didn’t blow this time, but took a deep breath.

Suddenly, the powerful and terrifying energy surging around him was like a whirlpool, which was quickly swallowed into his mouth, and in the blink of an eye, all the terrifying fluctuations had disappeared.


There was a sound of cold air pumping around them, these people were extremely shocked, and when they looked at Li Ang again, a feeling of powerlessness immediately came to their hearts.

“How can we stop this?”

Such a thought came to everyone’s mind, and they couldn’t help but feel a little desperate.

But the duty is not to allow them to take half a step back, so all they can do is resist to the death.

At this time, more and more people gathered over, and in just a few moments, the people gathered around Li Ang were no less than a hundred, all of whom were evolutionists, and all of them were alpha-level evolutionists.

As for ordinary soldiers, they did not dare to enter here at all, because the battles that took place here were all non-human level.

“Keep attacking! Can’t stop! ”

At this time, someone shouted again, making everyone look back, and the gaze of Li Ang became firm again, and then… The stormy attack fell again.

“Well, that’s right.”

Li Ang smiled and calmly responded to the attacks of these people, and then still walked forward with his own care, his speed was not fast, and it could even be said that he was deliberately dragging out time.

He knew that the means of prevention in this laboratory must be more than these, and even the means of self-destruction in the end, and if he wanted to get what he needed from it, then he must let these people have a feeling that they can be stopped, but they cannot be stopped, and they cannot be forced too tightly, otherwise they will be in a hurry, and they will really do this kind of thing as burning the data.

Li Ang’s consideration was very comprehensive, and all the time he had to trust was also very long, and in the blink of an eye, more than ten minutes had passed, and he had also walked around the entire laboratory in these ten minutes.

No one knew what he was going to do, and the initial suspicion was that he was going to destroy the laboratory, after all, the mass production of evolutionists was definitely a great threat to Leon.

But the more he got to the back, the more the person in charge of the base laboratory felt that Leon’s actions were a little strange, but he never thought that he was going to seize the information.

Because in the eyes of people all over the world, Leon’s existence itself is invincible, and that kind of invincibility is the kind that cannot be resisted at all, and he does not need these materials at all.

In fact, on the contrary, Leon really needs these, and compared with the whole world, in his eyes, the value of these materials is obviously higher.

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