More than ten minutes later, Svija’s voice came from Leon’s ears.

“Sir, the data to crack the x gene lock has been fully read, and according to your requirements, I have also found the location of the gene bank.”

A map appeared in Leon’s retina, a cross-cut of the base, marked with a location, a little farther from him, at the other end of the laboratory.

“Good value for money”

Li Ang was slightly happy in his heart, the purpose of coming here had been completed, and the rest was to take away the gene samples in the gene bank.

It immediately made him feel that he was one step closer to his goal.

At this time, the alarm in the laboratory sounded more and more urgently, and some of those who surrounded Li Ang suddenly exclaimed.

“The database was compromised, all the information in it was copied, and he… His purpose is not to sabotage at all, he is here to rob the data! ”

This man had obviously received some notice, or order, and his face became extremely ugly, and at the same time, he said: “The commander has a new order, let us do our best to deal with him, and if necessary, we can destroy this place.” ”

“How can this be? There are still more than 30,000 experimental subjects here who should really crack the x gene lock! Someone exclaimed.

“No way, this is the above command, we can only carry it out, compared to the life and death of the whole human race, here… Worth abandoning! ”

Hearing this, everyone’s breathing suddenly became a little heavier, and some people’s eyes turned blood red, and their eyes showed a deep hatred for Li Ang.


Someone roared angrily, no longer had any scruples, and finally broke out with full force, and in an instant, all kinds of terrifying energy erupted, making the walls and facilities of tens of meters around Li Ang instantly turn into points.


Leon’s face became strange, he knew that his purpose would be discovered sooner or later, but he did not expect that the other party’s reaction would be so decisive.

“Well, I’m too lazy to play with you anymore.”

As Li Ang spoke, all the expressions on his face suddenly disappeared, becoming expressionless, and his eyes became calm, just a faint glance at everyone, and then he held out his hand to the front and back.


The space rippled and rippled, and the layers surged like waves of water, with the palm of his hand as the center, and the ripples spread around.

Then Li Ang had a smile on his face, which was a sneer.

The next moment, an extremely terrifying attraction erupted from his hands, and the suction force was as strong as the huge gravitational tide of the black hole, surging and making it impossible for people to resist.

His whole body gushed out a pale red light, and under the gravitational force, it looked dazzling.


A man close to him screamed bitterly, and the lightning that was stirring in his body was suddenly withdrawn, and then it was his own existence.

Blood, muscles, bones, and even their own energy were all instantly emptied under this terrifying gravity, and in this instant, the person became a pinch of fly ash.

Some people’s hearts were shaken, and they couldn’t help but want to retreat, but they were horrified to find that their bodies could not move at all, and a desperate gravitational force appeared, tearing his existence itself to pieces, and his consciousness also sank into the eternal darkness at this moment.

At this moment, Li Ang directly tore open his indifferent appearance, revealing his inner viciousness.

These people are of no use to him, and those who should know already know what abilities these people have, he also knows them all, so in his opinion, especially to leave these people with the opportunity to grow, it is better to cause trouble for themselves in the future, it is better to directly kill them with their bare hands.

Everyone became extremely frightened in the face of Leon’s outburst, because they found that their proud ability now had no effect in front of Leon, and they could not even launch the ability to escape.

The space power people found out that something was wrong, the space around them had been locked, and the real heavens had no way to enter the earth and no door, and they couldn’t help but become more desperate.

Li Ang would not give himself time to think, directly the power of the phoenix erupted slightly, and the huge gravitational tide surged out, killing all those who surrounded him, one by one.

These people were in the midst of great fear and despair, one by one, their bodies were torn apart into powder and fly ash, and this situation lasted less than a minute, and when Leon ended the explosion of ability, there was only one person left standing around him and in front of him.

It was the woman who had discharged before, the blonde and blue-eyed Yankee, well, the very good-looking kind, but now completely frightened, and fell to the ground, looking at Leon with blank eyes.

Leon approached her, and she didn’t react in the slightest.

“Cough cough.”

Li Ang coughed dryly, squatted down in front of her and waved, “Hey, back to God.” ”


As if stimulated by something, the woman suddenly became extremely frightened, and quickly moved her hands and feet backwards, but only two meters back, and her back was already against the wall.

Yes, although Leon had come with a small outburst, the huge gravitational force did not destroy a single minute of the place, and there was no change except for some flying ash that landed on the ground around him.

“Are you afraid of me?” Leon smiled again.

The fear on the woman’s face, Leon’s terrifying methods, had completely crushed her psychological defenses, and now she was like a frightened little beast, with tear marks on her face, and the color of terror overflowed her entire cheek.

Leon lifted her chin, felt the trembling of her body, smiled lightly and asked, “What’s your name?” ”

“I… Yvonne Temple. ”

Yvonne trembled in her voice, and her body trembled, this look, people who didn’t know thought that Leon was going to do something crazy to her.

“Well, is your ability to discharge electricity or to control electricity?” He asked again.

“Yes… Both. She said subconsciously.

Li Ang raised an eyebrow, then smiled and put his hand on her cheek, wiped away the tear marks for her, and then smiled: “Very good ability, I am very optimistic about you.” ”

At the same time, he thought in his heart, this is the ability to completely control the lightning, if you evolve to a high depth, even you can turn into thunder and travel through various universes, this potential is much stronger than the thunder god.

“Want to live?” Li Ang smiled lightly.

“Think, I think!”

Ivenne’s body shook violently, and she nodded frantically, no one wanted to die, and she didn’t want to die, especially the kind of terrible way to die.

“Very good, then… You will be called Electric Light Woman from now on, and it will be my crotch from now on… Cough, I will be one of my men in the future. ”

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