Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 175 The Three Giants Battle the Great Demon King Piccolo

The Great Demon King Piccolo was a little surprised. It was the first time he had met a guy who could compete with him.

None of the people I met before the seal had this ability.

Could it be that these humans have changed since I sealed it?

The Hulk didn't care so much. At present, its mind has become a lot smarter and more mature under the study deliberately arranged by Zod, and more importantly.

Hulk thinks Zod is his good friend. Zod builds a playground for him and buys him delicious food. He will help Zod fight monsters, and Hulk is too slow to fight a monster a day. He felt that his contribution and Zod's contribution were not equal. Now a monster finally appeared. Hulk was so excited. After feeling that he was tied with the opponent, Hulk was suddenly ignited with anger.

The Stone Man came to assist, and Tony Stark came to help directly wearing the anti-Hulk armor made of secondary krypton gold.

The other superheroes stand by, beware of the other members of the Weird Society who may appear.

Big Devil Piccolo squeezed his fist and was just about to step forward.

Suddenly, he seemed to have found something, and when he looked up, a huge debris smashed down at him on his head.

This is what Tony pushed over the ruins.

With a sound of "Boom", the entire ruins of the building smashed directly on the body of the Great Demon King Piccolo, and the other party didn't seem to have time to escape. Tony is also happy to see this situation.

"This guy is not so difficult to deal with, get it..."

As soon as the voice fell, a huge shock wave suddenly erupted from the place where the ruins were smashed. With a loud noise, the huge ruins of the building were directly smashed, and the figure of the Great Demon King Bick appeared in place intact.

At this time, both the Green Hulk and the Stone Man rushed over, and they punched together. The Great Demon King Piccolo grabbed their fists with both hands, but he overestimated the strength of his current state.

With a loud "bang", the Great Demon King Bick crashed into the ruins of the building next to him. The ruins of the tower-like building next to it were destroyed by the huge impact, and the whole building fell to the side. Down.

However, although the movement was quite loud, the Stone Man did not think that this punch would pose any threat to the Great Demon King Bick. Sure enough, in the next second, another huge burst of light erupted, and the Great Demon King Bick directly blew up the ruins of the building that had been pressed on him, and walked out from the pile of gravel.



The Big Demon Dynasty here is spitting out a bit of blood as if spitting out phlegm. This is Green Hulk's full-strength punch. The damage it can cause is to make his gums bleed a little, which is basically completely ineffective. attack. But after all, it was considered bloody, and the Great Demon King Bick was furious when he saw this situation.

"You bastards actually hurt my body!"

The Great Demon King Piccolo was angry, and he was very dissatisfied with the aging of his body, and now he is still injured.

He immediately squeezed a fist with his right hand, and swiped in the direction of Green Hulk and Stone Renben, and a lightning bolt of Qi rushed towards them.

Lightning contains the energy that destroys the sky and destroys the earth.

With a sound of "Boom", the next second Green Hulk and Stone Man flew upside down. At the same time, this powerful blow directly razed half of the city to the ground. When the smoke cleared, those buildings and ruins There was nothing left, only scorched earth and lava remained.

"Is this the destructive power of a dragon-level monster?"

Tony was stunned when he saw this scene in the air. The countries watching the battle were silent, but he silently raised the fear of dragon-level monsters by two levels in his heart.

This is completely a mobile nuclear weapon!

Fortunately, the city had arranged an evacuation before, and with the help of sentinel robots, the evacuation was much faster than in movies and TV shows.

Piccolo then released continuous energy bombardment.

The explosion of "Boom Boom" sounded, and the red-hot magma seemed to set the whole ground on fire. A large amount of sand and debris on the ground was lifted up by the huge impact, and flew in all directions, and then was shot by a large number of Buried by rocks. The whole area has become a scene of purgatory.

Tony and Peter were looking at the situation from a little further away at this time. They were really shocked when they saw such amazing destructive power. This is really a war of world destruction. Both sides are fighting. It was so scary. Not to mention whether it can be helpful or not, whether it can be approached now is a question.

Of course, they didn't mean to retreat or just watch the battle. Even if they could help a little, they must do their best. After all, this is really a battle that affects the fate of the entire earth.


Green Hulk rushed out with green light all over his body, and the stone man fell to the ground in embarrassment, his whole body cracked. He just used his body to block most of the attacks for Hulk, so that Hulk would not lose his ability to fight. , and Hulk also directly turned into Angry Hulk, his body became stronger, stronger, faster and more defensive!

The Great Demon King Piccolo was old and frail, and he had no time to react. The punch of the angry Hulk had already been printed on his abdomen.


With this blow, the Great Demon King Bick felt as if he was about to spit out all his internal organs in an instant, and his entire stomach was dented, and then a huge fist wind took him to the rear with a sound. With a loud bang, the Great Demon King Piccolumn directly slammed into the iron wall of the wreckage behind him.


With a bang, the huge iron wall shattered, and the entire figure of the Great Demon King Piccolo was embedded in the wall. Before he could relax, a huge figure with green light all over his body quickly rushed towards the Great Demon King Piccolo on the wall, and slammed his entire head into the iron wall again with a punch.

In the "ding" body, Tony next to him shot a laser directly from his hand, wanting to attack the Big Devil Piccolo, but the Big Devil Piccolo suddenly reached out and grabbed Hulk's fist, and then his right hand just raised his hand slightly, blocking it Dropped Tony's laser, posing no threat at all.

He kicked away the Green Hulk who wanted to fight frantically, and stood up from the ruins.

But at this moment, a cobweb suddenly shot from the side and directly covered the eyes of the Great Demon King Piccolo. Big Demon King Piccolo suddenly lost his sight, and subconsciously wanted to tear off the spider silk, but Peter flew directly from a distance, and a flying kick hit Big Devil Piccolo on the head.

Piccolo's body swayed, and just as Peter was about to attack, a hand next to him grabbed him directly.

Yes, even if he can't see the fighting ability of the Great Demon King Piccolo, he can still accurately judge Peter's position.

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