Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 176: A Black Technology

But just when he was about to squeeze his fist, Tony on this side had already accelerated to the front, shot a nano-substrate directly from his hand, and stuck to the palm of the big devil Piccolo, the big devil Piccolo did not squeeze it. Stop punching.

"Boy, kick him!" Tony roared, Peter heard the words and turned around and kicked. At the same time, Tony rushed to the front of the Great Demon King Pic, and turned the jet to spin a 360-degree kick. The flying kicks of the two hit the body of the Great Demon King Piccolo at the same time. The Great Devil Piccolo took a step back again, but immediately stabilized his body, picked up the little spider in his hand, and smashed it directly at Tony next to him.

With a "bang", the two were directly thrown away by a huge force, and the Great Demon King Piccolo directly grabbed the nano-substrate in his hand, one crushed it with force, and at the same time, a beam of light was directed towards both Tony and Peter. Shot in the direction of the person.

At this moment, a man wearing jet-black armor with a cloak behind him appeared. He stretched out his hand and created an energy shield to block the attack of the Great Demon King Piccolo.

"It's the Dark Knight Zod!"


"That's... energy shield technology?"

Only Tony Stark was very unsocial.

Should I attack people like this, he has just developed nano armor, and as a result Zod Heath already has mature energy shield technology?

And it seems that the effect is not bad, actually blocking the attack of the dragon-level monster.

Big Demon King Piccolo just wanted to say something, but found that Zod Heath was gone. Everyone saw him appearing in front of Big Piccolo almost like a teleport, and then gave him a punch, and Big Devil Piccolo flew again. Went out and smashed a lot of things.

"Space jumping technology?"

Tony is speechless, how much black technology does this nano armor have?

Not to mention the United States and other countries, they found that the new Dark Knight armor of Zod Hiss this time has refreshed their database, and all the previous data can be deleted.

Unexpectedly, their collection of intelligence will one day fail to keep up with the speed of other people's technological updates.

The Great Demon King Piccolo felt threatened, because Zod Heath was the only one who severely injured him.

His head was sunken, and he could imagine how heavy the punch just now was, but the head of the Great Demon King Picco, who stood up again, soon recovered.

"Similar to the ability to regenerate cells like controllable cancer cells..."

Although Zordhis's voice was low, it was still heard by others.

For a time, the threat of this weirdo was even greater. After all, there is such a terrible destructive power, and there is such a strong regeneration ability.

"go to hell!"

The Great Demon King Piccoid condensed the energy of his whole body, disregarding the powerlessness brought about by the aging of his body, he wanted to kill this guy who threatened him.

"Is that the blow just now? Escape!"

Tony detected a terrifying energy index and hurriedly shouted to everyone.

But it was too late. The Great Demon King Bick released an energy wave, and Zod Hiss seemed to be well prepared, and also released a silver energy ray.

Two huge energies collided, and a strong white light flashed, and the entire sky was dyed silver white in an instant.

Then the two huge energies spilled out because of the collision, rushing in all directions, and the places where the energy swept, whether it was the object or the ground, disappeared directly.

The silver-white light flickered for dozens of seconds before slowly disappearing. At this time, looking at the place where the two of them were just now, the entire site has become a complete flat ground, and everything on it has completely disappeared, whether it is the wreckage of cars or the like, or the ruins of the previous buildings, or even the surface. Sand, everything has completely disappeared, it can be said that the entire ground has been directly cut off a layer.

If you look in this direction in space, you can only see a huge crater-like crater. This blow has left a mark on the entire planet.

"My God... is this where we were just now?"

Peter looked at the surroundings that had turned into a flat land. It was still a desert just now. Has the terrain changed?

"Where's Zod Heath?"

Tony hurriedly looked for Zod, and then saw Zod Heath suspended in mid-air. As for the Great Demon King Piccolo, he disappeared.

"What about the dragon-level monster?"

Tony flew over to ask.

"already solved."

Zod said calmly.

After the terrifying blow, did the dragon-level monster get rid of it? How far has this fellow Zodhis upgraded his nano-armor?

Tony was a little emotional.

It looks like he has a long way to go to catch up with Zod Heath.

Zod ignored him, and in fact, the superheroes were doing pretty well.

After all, the Stone Man originally took the position of the giant of the US team and became the Big Three among the current superheroes. In the future, Xu Jinjiang... No, in the future, when Thor, the hammer god, comes, it will be the lineup of the Big Four.

The difficulty of the Big Devil is still a bit high. After all, it is a product of the Dragon Ball world based on the starburst. The turtle fairy can push the moon with hundreds of combat power.

Zod can easily do it himself now.

He encouraged the superheroes present. Although they were paddling for soy sauce all the way, it was good to have the courage to persevere and not back down.

"However, it feels like Superman and his thigh pendant friends again."

Zod teased in his heart.

The Avengers and the Justice League went to war, and the Avengers lost in seconds. Grandpa, Wonder Woman, and The Flash alone could take down the Avengers without injury.

After all, the difference in combat power is a bit big, not to mention that there is also a super, Martian Manhunter and Shazam.

So you have to look for it to see if there are any powerful superheroes.

I don't know if there are Blue Surprise, Sentinel, Hyperion in this universe.

The encouraged superheroes, except for a few, are mostly excited, because Zod Heath has become the idol of many people.

The second superhero after Captain America, and he has so many halos. If Zod Heath runs for president in the next general election, the support rate in 50 states will be nearly 80%, and there is almost no opponent at all. Unless Captain America crawls out of the grave to participate.

Speaking of Captain America, he has now been dug up and placed inside the Umbrella Company, ready to become "Captain Umbrella" after Zod modifies his memory.

Zod believes that Steve can definitely become a "Battleship Superman".

At that time, he will have four battleship-level supermen under his hands.

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