Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 26 Variation

The second generation of super animalized serum does not transform the body as violently and violently as the first generation of super animalized serum, because it requires a lot of energy and nutrients to participate in the transformation.

The nutrient solution in the culture tank is prepared by Zod, and the culture tank is also connected to enough energy, that is, ten micro-arc reactors.

No way, the giant cold nuclear fusion reactor is the patent of Stark Industries, and Zod can't get it out even if he knows how to do it.

As if in the future Tony Stark couldn't make a miniature arc reactor even if he knew how to make it.

The appearance of Bronsky sleeping in the culture tank is very similar to when Knos adjusted the beastly soldiers, but this is the adjustment of the serum injected into his body. After the adjustment is over, Bronsky is currently the only one. Super beast.

After five days of adjustment, Bronski showed signs of recovery.

Dr. Connors informed Zod without saying a word. He was worried that Bronski would also have violent tendencies. At that time, he, an ordinary scientific researcher without any modification, would not be able to bear the trouble.

As soon as Zod arrived, Bronsky opened his eyes, and then roared and destroyed the culture tank, followed by a rapid mutation of the whole body.

With sharp claws like sharp knives, a strong shell, and explosively strong muscles, it is impossible to tell from the appearance that it was synthesized by the genes of earth organisms.

Ferocious, brutal, and violent!

Bronski slapped Zod with a claw, and Zod raised his left hand to block Bronski's claws.

"The strength is much stronger than that of the Beast Transformation Soldier. Ordinary Beast Transformation Soldiers can solve it with one claw."

Zod commented, and then saw Bronski roar again, his chest lit up, and a high-temperature plasma cluster condensed in his mouth.

Plasma Cannon!

This is a special organ generated after Zod's adjustment. It is a kind of biological weapon. It condenses the energy in the body to form an ultra-high temperature plasma, which is enough to melt steel instantly.

Bronsky sprayed plasma from his mouth, and the meteor-like plasma flew towards Zod at a speed that ordinary people couldn't react to. Then he was caught by Zod with one hand. The ultra-high temperature did not even burn Zod's skin. It was crushed by him.

"Go on, let me see how much you can surprise me."

Zod deployed his biofield to protect the surrounding environment, and provoked Bronski.

Bronski's back opened, and six biological missiles roared out.

After being transformed, Bronsky can make liquid explosives in his body, and then fill this explosive into a projectile explosive bomb. When it shoots an induction bomb, it can use brain waves to induce a certain degree of induction.

The power of these liquid missiles is amazing. They all use tanks as imaginary enemies. One can completely destroy a tank and blow it into pieces.

Zod stood still, allowing himself to be hit.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Huge flames swept through the entire space, but the surroundings protected by the biological force field were safe and sound, and Dr. Connors showed a frenzied expression. What a miraculous thing this is.

When the flames dissipated, Dr. Connors saw Zod strangling Bronski's neck. This surreal scene was full of shock.

Then Bronski was thrown against the wall by Zod. The wall was still intact, but Bronski was hit and his bones were broken, and he suddenly recovered from the violent tendencies.

"What happened?"

Bronski looked at his hideous body, not knowing what was going on for a while.

"Congratulations, Bronsky, you have successfully become a product of an era, a super soldier."

Zod said calmly.

super soldier?

Bronski felt his strength now, and then saw Zod kick a barbell over.


Bronski felt pain when the bar hit his foot.

"It's a special gravity-engine barbell that's currently adjusted to a one-ton weight."

Zod said with a gesture, after all, if you only pursue quality, you can make a barbell of any size, but the volume is too large, so he came up with a gravity engine device to simply increase the gravity of the barbell.

Then Zod was pleasantly surprised to find that he could also exercise like this to stimulate his body to absorb sunlight faster.

Bronsky grabbed the bar, a ton of mass, and he felt as if he had picked up a golf ball.


As the power-oriented Bronsky, he doesn't care that he is no different from a monster now. Is this powerful gesture a new cross-era product? Zod Heath is a genius beyond the century!

"Your current muscle strength is 30 times that of an ordinary person. Pay attention, it's muscle strength, not just that your strength is 30 times that of an ordinary person, and your bone strength is also dozens of times that of an ordinary person. Your shell can With the shelling of a tank, the speed of your neural reflexes allows you to see the bullet and avoid it, although you don't need to..."

Zod explains to Bronski how powerful he is now.

However, Bronski remembered the scene when he was completely abused by Zod just now.

"What about you, how strong are you?"

Bronski couldn't help asking.

"Me? Not very sure, because there is no instrument that can calculate how strong I am."

Zod shook his head. Since he discovered that gravity exercise can stimulate the body to absorb sunlight faster to strengthen, his speed of strengthening is like a racing car.

I don't know if it's because the sun in the Marvel world is different from the sun in the DC world. The most important thing is that Zod was surprised to find that he seemed to have spiritual power!

This is a super power that Superman does not have, similar to Professor X, or it can be said to be the power of Qin Grey.

The power of spirit and mind also makes Zod overwhelmed. Although it is said that this will avoid being controlled by the enemy's mind or mental ability in the future, will there be other disadvantages and weaknesses that he does not know about?

After all, it has been confirmed that his spiritual power is caused by the difference between Marvel's Sun and DC's Sun, and because of this worry, Zod really wants to check his body's cells and genes, but he is worried about the test results or His samples will mutate due to various accidents. In the Marvel Universe, the most important thing to watch out for is such an accident.

In this situation of losing the horse and knowing that it is not a blessing, Zod developed a way of using the power of the mind.

Miss Wave.

Imitate the thought wave that the beast god will use to control the beast-turned soldiers, implant a piece of spiritual power in each beast-turned soldier's brain, and use the beast-turned soldier's own spiritual power to maintain the needs of this piece of spiritual power, so as to control the They allow Zod to control them no matter how far they are isolated.

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