Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 27 Intelligence

The spiritual power that feeds on the spirit and mind of the beast-turned soldiers cannot be removed. Forcibly disarming the beast-turned soldiers will also die because they have merged with their spiritual minds. At the same time, Zod can also do Even if they are separated by thousands of kilometers, they can make a beast change soldier commit suicide with a single thought.

Bronsky naturally became a super beasty soldier implanted with a thought wave. Zod had a thought to keep him in the state of a super beasty soldier and danced a pole.

"what happened?"

Bronski wanted to resist this shameful move, but found that his body was out of control at all, and he questioned with anger and confusion.

"I put protection on you, and it only takes one thought to control you or make you kill yourself."

As soon as Zod finished speaking, Bronski's hand suddenly penetrated his chest and grabbed the beating heart. Bronski, who felt the threat of death, soon lost the urge to do whatever he wanted. .

And Zod also stopped controlling his thoughts, Bronski collapsed to the ground, and took his hand out of his chest. The metabolism, or regeneration ability of the super animal soldier is very strong, just a few breaths, the blood hole has been smashed by a Layers of skin and flesh are covered, and new exoskeleton armor can grow after a while.

"From today onwards, you are the super-beastized soldier of the World Snake, and the instructor of the beastized soldier."

Zod said casually, although Bronski is a super animalized soldier, but maybe in a few days Zod has developed a more powerful beastized soldier formula serum, that is a super super animalized soldier.

Bronski was wondering what the World Snake was. A beast-like soldier who received Zod's order had already walked in. He was responsible for taking Bronski away and told him about the situation by the way.

Gravity Chamber.

The completely transparent gravity chamber is located under the direct sunlight, and Zod is exercising in it. The special glass structure of the gravity chamber can concentrate the light on Zod to the greatest extent.

Because of the special physique of Kryptonians, Zod did not sweat like rain. More importantly, the damage caused by exercise and the problem of internal organs will be quickly recovered with the support of the high-power energy of the sun, and he can continue to exercise.

Even Zod was a little crazy. After the night on this side, he ran to the other side of the earth during the day to build a gravity room to continue exercising, and he could exercise indefinitely.

But exercising is boring, Zod can last a day is not bad, he is not a fighter.

Clark didn't think about exercising at all because he was invincible. After more than 20 years of sun exposure, General Zod quickly caught up with him. Zod knew the upper limit of the Marvel Universe from the beginning, and of course he would try to become stronger.

The double-gravity environment was similar to the gravity of Krypton at the beginning, so Zod quickly adapted to it.

The difference is that he didn't have superpowers before, but now he feels very good, and he feels like a duck in water.

After all, he has been used to this kind of gravity for twenty years, and the weak gravity of the earth made Zod a little uncomfortable at first.

After exercising, it was already around 7 o'clock in the evening. Zod took a bite of a piece of barbecue, opened the refrigerator, and took out a can of happy water from the pile of happy water.

Then he ate the barbecue in a few mouthfuls and entered the research room drinking the happy water.

If it is an outsider, even if it is most of the scientific research personnel, entering Zod's private laboratory will probably feel that they have come to the world of science fiction. This is Zod trying his best to restore most of the Kryptonian instruments he has used, but the key materials are And the missing part of the technology is the most important essence.

"The Black Queen Project."

Zod said the voice command, and a programming desk popped up immediately, and Zod began to work on this programming desk.

The AI ​​equipped with the war machine is the simplest intelligence. Of course, Zod has to develop his own artificial intelligence. Jarvis is not an artificial intelligence. He is just an intelligent program. Artificial intelligence can analyze data and improve its own programs.

For example, being hacked can fix vulnerabilities by itself, while Jarvis can't, it can only analyze data.

As Zod completed the last program, the program table in front of him sank, replaced by lights that began to appear in the entire area.


A voice came from the surrounding loudspeakers.

"First meeting, Black Queen."

"First meeting, sir."

"Have a package in your internal database, parse it."

Zod gave the order.

"Parsing completed."

After the Black Queen parsed the data package, she felt that there was a difference in tone.

"Very well, Black Queen, create a war machine file, create a beastly soldier file, create a super beastly soldier file."

Zod gave an order to measure the intelligence of the Black Queen to avoid any bugs.

"Already established."

The Black Queen used the projection device in the research room to project the three folders in front of Zod, and classified the information in the data bag that Zod had just given it.

"Build a data model and start the calculus."

Zod said.

The Black Queen began to calculate the data test that Zod left her in the data package, and it turned out that all the results were wrong, and the correct answer was given.

You must know that these are all experimental data. One step away from the animalized soldier to the super animalized soldier, but thousands of gene combinations have been eliminated. Originally, it was artificial, unless it was unreasonable like Tony or Richard. Genius, otherwise it would take a long, long time, even centuries, to figure out a few recipes that worked.

However, it is no problem to give it to a strong artificial intelligence like the Black Queen.

Strong AI is truly intelligent machines that can reason and solve problems, and such machines will be considered sentient and self-aware. They can think independently about problems and formulate the optimal solution to them, and have their own values ​​and worldview system. There are the same kinds of instincts as living things, such as survival and safety needs. In a sense, it can be seen as a new civilization.

Humans think that strong artificial intelligence will be created in 2050, and then they will live forever, because strong artificial intelligence will solve all the problems raised by human beings, such as cancer, leukemia, and other terminal diseases. Countless pairs of calculations are made to create a panacea. At that time, humans only need to take a small pill and the cancer will be cured.

On Krypton, there is a strong artificial intelligence for a long time. Zod was used to the assistance and help of strong artificial intelligence before, so he will rebuild the strong artificial intelligence even if he spends a lot of resources.

It's just that the Black Queen is still limited by her backward carrier, and can't use most of her abilities.

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