Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 130: Stronger Hulk

At this time, the adjutant came over and said: "Sir, is the phone of SHIELD, they said it was their own ..."

"····· Connected the tank support force and let them evacuate the combat area."

At this time, those tanks that finally withdrew to a safe distance stopped.

"Okay, we withdrew. What the **** is that? The latest weapon developed?"

"I didn't feel the explosion, but it can cause such a big shock, it feels like the space-based weapon in the military channel I watched before."

"That's just a whimsical guy."

"The sight glass was shattered. Let me go and see." Then, a soldier couldn't help but open the hatch and stood out: "My God ... Guys, we are all wrong. "

The hatch of the other tank was also opened, and a machine gunner protruded out and looked at the huge figure, then fell into a slack: "What is this ... Is this also our enemy? A dragon?"

"Sir, this is General Ross's communication. Sir?"

The sergeant who was shocked by the huge body of the prince was awakened by the sound of the loader: "What?"

"It was General Ross's communication."

Sergeant quickly returned to the car and picked up the communication: "sir?"

"General Rose ordered you to evacuate the combat zone, and someone will be responsible for the rest of the work."

"Observe the commander."

The sergeant put down the newsletter and looked at the crowd and said, "Good news, we can go home."

The loader was relieved when he heard the sergeant's words, and a delighted smile appeared. This scene happened to be seen by gunner Jess. Jess looked at him and said, "What are you doing, Ryan? So happy."

Ryan smiled a little embarrassedly when he heard Jess ’s words: “I ’m going to be a father next year. To be honest, I do n’t want to come on this mission. Our iron guy is no different from toys for those monsters. · "

"Wote ?! What time is this ?!" The surrounding soldiers all heard a surprised expression, and even the sergeant who was angry when he saw Jess gossip was slightly stunned.

"I only received her letter yesterday ..."

Sergeant watched the relaxed crowd frowning and scolding loudly: "Silent soldier! We haven't left the battlefield yet!"

After finishing, the sergeant picked up internal communication and said: "Tank support force mission is over, withdraw from the combat area."


"Roger that."

As the order was issued, the soldiers took care of their mouths and began to perform their work in an orderly manner. The diesel engine that was started again made a huge roar and broke the soldiers shrouded in silence ...

"Congratulations Ryan."

"Hey, thank you sir."


Watson stood on the corner of Lord Jiao ’s head and saw General Ross ’helicopter not far away, and his dull expression just fell into Watson ’s eyes.

Watson laughed softly, and suddenly there was something moving in the corner of his eye that attracted Watson's attention.

"It turns out that they were there, and the braised egg and Lord Ban have also arrived. Wait ... what about the equipment of Lord Ban?"

"Roar !!" Hulk watched the stalemate who stalemate with himself broke the delicate balance first, and ran quickly to rush to the lord.

Aoao ~!

Lord Jiao kicked his feet and showed no weakness, but Watson stretched out his dragon wings and stopped in the air at the moment Jiao Ye moved.

boom! !

The earth-shattering collision is exactly the same as that of the first World War in Brazil, but this time, Hulk was able to withstand the attack of Jiao Ye after being withdrawn from several dozen meters!

"The Hulk seems to be a bit wrong ..." Watson looked at the Hulk with a stronger power than the last meeting. The fighting power soared obviously. Is it abused by hatred? Impossible, although the abomination keeps Bronsky's consciousness and has a strong fighting experience, but does not crush Hulk and still beat him like this? Moreover, Hulk in the movie universe does not have the setting of infinite growth. But ... from the original movie, you can see that after each anger, there will be a certain increase in strength, but it will not grow indefinitely. What happened to make Hulk angry like this?

Thought that Watson turned around and flew over to Natasha. They first flew to the top of the building and came to Natasha to kiss her with a thin waist around her.

"Hey baby ~ miss me?"

"Can guys stay here like this, but now when it's very serious, there are two big guys fighting below ..."


Watson smiled after hearing it, put Natasha down and looked at the two of them, said: "Who can tell me what happened to Hulk? Feeling he was very angry, very angry."

"Because that Betty."

"Betty? His girlfriend? What happened to her that caused Hulk to become like this? Wait ... No, will Betty die?"

Watson's eyes widened at Clinton's words, his aversion became stronger, Betty died, Hulk went crazy ... Watson was more shocked when he wanted to, and changed his timeline ~ ~ Have a mistress? ! What's so special ... Is the tornado of the butterfly's small wings blowing too exaggerated? No, this is the big wings of the dragon ...

"No, no, Betty, she's not dead yet."

"····· Can you finish in one go."

Clinton shrugged and continued: "She was hit frontally by the big **** yellow guy with multiple comminuted fractures of her bones. There was no hope at all, but our people arrived and used her healing potions to save her Life is still in the intensive care unit. As for the big **** yellow guy, it seems that he has become so powerful because he drank more Hulk blood. "

Hua Sheng looked at the following, using brute force and Jiao Ye, and nodded at the dried Hulk: "It turns out this is the case, so hatred and Hulk will become like this."

Betty was seriously injured, and the Hulk blood copied by Dr. Bio was drunk with abhorrence. Wait, what about the doctor who infected the brain with Hulk's blood? Although there is only one suspense left in the movie, he is the fourth person who wants to beat at first sight.

Watson looked at the two of them quickly and said, "What about the doctor who experimented with Brownsky?"

"Doctor? He was gone when we went. Someone else has investigated him."

Natasha listened to Watson's words and couldn't help asking: "Is there anything wrong with him?"

"Hmm ... If you catch him or know his news, let me know, I want to see him."

"Well, no problem."

"Okay, hate doesn't need to worry anymore, but Hulk must stop now."

"Meow ~"

"Yes, you two are going to be very useful this time ~ But ... Lord Ban, what is going on with your equipment?"

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