Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 131: Ban Ye's new equipment: eating chicken suit

"Goo · Meow ~"

Ban Ye heard Watson's words and happily ran in front of Watson. He stretched out a claw and pushed the motorcycle helmet mask on his head. He took two M16A2 from behind and showed off to Watson.

"You don't even need to mention your motorcycle helmet and body armor, but why do you have M16? Are you going to eat chicken? And you also fired two guns! But after all, the M16A2 gun looks like ... "" Said Watson looked at Natasha with a puzzled look.

Natasha shrugged: "Some of the veterans' collection hobbies are normal. Rest assured that I have already greeted you."

"····· It was sponsored by Uncle Polk--"

"Meow ~"

"Barbecue and fine wine? Do you give this name to the gun ?!" Watson looked a bit weird when he heard Lord Ban.


"Okay guys, now is not the time for me to name them ..."


"Okay, the one on your left is called Ruin Heaven, and the one on your right is Destruction Earth, is it domineering enough?"

"Meow?" Ban Ye cried in surprise when he heard Watson's words, and immediately decided to give up his name and use Watson's ...

Clinton couldn't help laughing after hearing it: "Man, have you always been so inferior in name ... I didn't expect him to like it."

Watson rolled his eyes at Clinton, then looked at Ban Ye and said helplessly: "Well, Ban Ye, put it away first, these two things will not have any effect on Hulk."

"Meow ..." Ban Ye seems to like this equipment very much, looking at Watson with super fierce eyes.

"You can't scare me."



Although Watson feels that this equipment is quite unreliable, he still compromises when he looks at Ban Ye ’s expression and tone ...

System, marking the equipment of Ban Ye's whole body.

【The set has been marked, whether to name it. 】

Naming? ···· Eat chicken suit.

[Named successfully. 】

Benye watched that he could take back his equipment and happily put on the Explosive Dragon Sleeve. He turned back and pulled the braised egg over and hung it on Watson's belt.

Watson stretched out his dragon wings and looked at Natasha and said, "You also saw the hatred in that pit, and you have fallen into a coma."

"Leave it to us, by the way, this newsletter will bring you."

Hua Sheng put on the mini-communication and nodded his head to stretch his dragon wings, and flew straight to Hulk with Lord Ban and his egg.



Hook hugged Jiao Ye's tail hammer and roared, and the muscles on his thick arm exploded almost a circle. He even wanted to pull Jiao Ye down.

Huasheng gave a flying dragon set and flew to the back of Hulk. He summoned the dragon knife and watched the stalemate Kakuya and Huoke put the two cats down.

"Master Ban, inspire the instrument to go!"

"Meow ~"

【Incentive instrument effect has been blessed, the level of attack and defense increased by 10%. 】

"Halved eggs, go to the center of the street and set up a paralysis trap."

"Goo · Meow ~"

And Watson opened a pair of scarlet vertical pupils, his hair also stood up, and the thunder and flames covered Watson's whole body, the strongest state opened!

Lifting off the dragon sword and aiming at Hulk's chrysanthemum, Thunder-Super Spur!


Hook seemed to feel a very dangerous feeling coming from behind, and quickly turned around and grabbed the Flying Dragon Sword with one hand, which did not allow it to go further.

And the horned man who lost his strength and resistance broke away from Hulk in an instant, and the huge tail hammer was raised at high speed in the air, bringing a strong wind back and pumped on Hulk—Bang!

The huge force knocked Hulk out like a shell and destroyed several buildings, but Watson knew that this would not have much effect for the current Hulk.

【Remind the host ··】

"Okay, I know what you are going to say, didn't I see that I'm trying to control the situation ?! I can only use the trap of halogen eggs to control Hulk and then come to justice again."


Huasheng looked at Hulk, who was rushing to himself from the hole of the destruction, and raised his knife: "Master, I will attract him first, you will find a chance to take it to the braised egg!"

Ao ~


The blue sky crossed a silver-red brilliance.

"Jarvis, how long can we get there."

"It takes another 1 hour and 13 minutes to reach New York City. Sir, if you continue to maintain this speed, you will need to turn on emergency backup energy in about 45 minutes."

Tony frowned and said, "Let Poz call you a personal ..."

"Sir, there is a communication request, showing that it is SHIELD."

"... Get in."

As Tony's voice fell, a male voice came in: "Well, I introduce myself first ..."

"No no no, you just tell me what are you doing? I am busy now."

"Ok ... I'm Agent Sitwell, I'm here to pick you up."

Tony raised his eyebrows and said: "I really want to say don't introduce yourself ... forget it, but pick me up? Sorry I'm busy now, and how can you pick me up? If you have trouble, make an appointment with my secretary, if you If there is a parcel, please send it to my villa in California, or the villa in Long Island. I will let you sign for it. "After talking about Tony, he hung up directly ~ ~ Sitwell looked at the broken communication Pouted, "Okay, I expected that."

Just then, Jarvis said suddenly: "Sir, it was detected that a flying object is approaching quickly ... Sir, the communication just sent a request again, do you need access?"

Tony had just prepared to refuse, and a streamlined fighter appeared from above the clouds above his head.

"··· Come in."

"Well, Mr. Stark, I'm sorry I did this, but BOSS made me have to receive you, he is very anxious."

As the voice fell, the fighter again accelerated and flew to Tony's front, and opened the rear cabin door. Tony watched the opened door and flicked his mouth but flew in.

Huh ~ click ~

Sitwell looked at Tony who flew in, closed the door and tidied up his suit, and came over. Tony extended his hand.

"Hi, this is Sitwell just now."

This is a gentleman with glasses, but ...

Tony opened the armor mask and looked at the shiny head in front of him. He stretched out his hand and said, "You said that just now. Who is your sir? That big braised egg?" After speaking, Tony crossed Silver and began to look around. This plane.


"It's a name born by Hua, I just borrow it. Well, no matter what or something, hurry up and give me I still need to hurry."

Sitwell walked to Tony's side and said, "I came for the Battle of New York. As for the time, you can rest assured that our speed is a little faster than the previous one and reached Mach 2.5. It will take about 20 minutes to arrive. battlefield."

"So, how is the situation now?"

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