Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 151: Respect lucky and girl

Poz shook his head: "Well ... I don't know much. Is it because I'm not yet suitable to know about his father ..."

"No, no, on the contrary, you are qualified to know this, but the reason why Tony does n’t tell you is because Tony ’s relationship with his father is not good. Perhaps because of various reasons, there are not many opportunities for them to get along. , So they did n’t have time to understand each other ’s feelings. "

Watson looked at Poze's silent expression and continued, "Your father should be very strict with you, right? But despite his strictness, he still loves you very much."

"Um ... yes."

"Tony is the same, he loves his father very much, I think his father loves him too, but an accident gave them no chance to witness each other."

After hearing this, Potts couldn't help but ask: "Then he is now because of ..."

"Because the person who attacked him today is because his father was an experimental partner of Tony ’s father, but the person was deported because of being accused of being a spy. Then today, his son did n’t know what was the wind and ran over to use his father The skills left for him to avenge Tony. Tony should feel uncomfortable now. "

Potts looked at Watson and asked suspiciously: "How do you know this?"

"I heard it just now when I went down. Tony just found out through Jarvis when I came with Rod."

After hearing this, Potts nodded silently: "Okay ..."

Watson watched Pozzi's movements and sighed with relief, and finally got it done ... but he had to add another fire.

"But, Poz, because of this time. You should believe him, he can deal with it. But he needs your help ... I mean you are already helping him deal with these messes, but ... A little patience, trust him. You are different from me and Rod. We are his friends, and you, you can be a closer person. Is he also hoping that way? "

"Ok ..." Pozzi nodded and exhaled. Then he saw Carter had parked the car at the door and turned to Watson. "Thank you, then I will go first. You didn't eat anything at night. Right? Cheeseburger, like Tony, I know. "

"Um ... yes thank you ~ I want to add two more tomatoes."

"Okay, bye."



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"Javis, do you have any wine? A cooler one."

"Good sir."

Watson looked at Tony who was still sitting in his ‘classic car’ and slowly walked to his side and looked at him and said, “How is it, my performance is not bad?”

Tony looked sideways at Watson and shook his head: "I said, I almost cried buddy, seriously, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is missing you as an Oscar, and I will propose them to nominate you next year. Yes. Although I do n’t think it will last long. "

Watson smiled slightly and didn't care about Tony's ridicule. At this time, the little boy came over with a tray with an ice bucket and a wine glass with ice cubes on it. A bottle of whiskey lay in the ice bucket. .

Watson looked at the 1937 vintage above and smiled secretly, then said to Tony silently while picking up the bottle and pouring the wine: "In fact, I said some of those words to you."

"I know." Tony took the glass from Watson and nodded. "Thank you."

The two silently drank the wine in their hands.

After a long time, Tony put down his glass and looked at Watson and said: "What you said, I hope it is true, I really hope it is true."

"Tony ..."

"My father, he did n’t recognize me very much. He was serving the government, and he never said anything to me at home, indifferent ... He was careful. He never said that he loved me, or even said I like me too. "

Tony drank the wine from the glass and leaned back on the back of the chair, staring blankly at the front: "His happiest day was to send me to boarding school ..."

"Your thoughts will change, trust me."

Tony pulled the corner of his mouth to end the topic and turned his head to look at Watson and said, "Why didn't you go to your little agent today?"

"Hah ~ you mean Natasha." Watson said leaning on the car door. "Just like Poz just helped you deal with the mess, Natasha is also helping me deal with people like the fat man, That ’s why I would n’t envy you having little peppers, man .. It stands to reason that things in Harlem today are much more serious than yours. "

"That's right, the entire Harlem district has become like this. The most important thing is that when the politicians know that there are dragons in this world, the expression on their faces must be very wonderful."

Watson nodded with a smile after listening: "Haha ~ That's right."

"I still remember your **** policewoman. I didn't expect her to be a SHIELD person. When she first started, she lied to us."

"Aha ~ I took her out the night before you left, and it's quite interesting to think of it ~ except for their perfect looks and figure, they actually have something very similar in that their inner hearts are very strong, They have a strong will, this is their charm. "

"Actually, we are very lucky, no matter the experience so far or the excellent girls we met."

"Yes, we are all very lucky."

Watson took the bottle to Tony and poured it back up again, and raised the glass: "King to the lucky girl."

"King lucky and girl ~"

Tony put the cup on the palm of his hand and said a little silence: "Actually I really don't want to go home now ~ ~ I want to cancel my birthday party ..."

Watson looked at Tony and ridiculed, "Your birthday party? When will it be held? Oh, you didn't even send me an invitation letter."

Tony Chong Watson rolled his eyes: "The night after tomorrow, but you and I still need invitations, no one will stop you even if you swing in, except for the fans who want to sign you, I am very good now. Don't interrupt me seriously. "

"Ok you go on."

"I want to go to a beautiful two-person world with Xiao Chili ... suitable for relaxation. For example, Venice, Europe, staying at the Cipuani Hotel is more important for physical and mental health ... Maybe I can take good care of it Talk to her, I do n’t know how long I can hide him like this, even if you help me pass. In fact, I dare not imagine what it would look like if Potts knew it ... "

Watson was silent for a moment after listening, and then took out an antidote and said, "Perhaps it is really good for your physical and mental health?"


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