Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 152: New weapons! eighty! (1)

"No, no, please guys, please put it away? Seriously, it looks like an enhanced version of poppy and morphine to me. You are torturing me mentally."

"But I have seen yourself tormenting yourself."

Tony shook his head: "You know what I am like, well, I will hold it first, ok? I will use it if it is necessary later, but not now. When I recharge it, I will think of a solution. "

Tony said that he took the poison from Watson and put it in his palm. His eyes were a little lost.

Watson saw this scene and gave himself a glass of wine again and said, "Tony, I don't want to put pressure on you, just ..."

"I understand, really."

Tony raised his head and looked at Watson slowly: "Whether it's you or Rod or Poz, you are very special to me. Seriously, since you saved me for the first time, it was our first time. Meeting, and now, I feel that we are quite worthwhile. Although you are much younger than me, I often forget about it. "

"Then do you want to say that you are young? Or do you want to say that I am old?"

Tony couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

After drinking, Watson turned to look at the little dad beside him and said, "Little dad, is there a Coke? I want to drink it."

Said Watson took the ice bucket down and put it on the car. After listening to the lie, he turned directly to find Coke.

"Coke? This should be whiskey, but this taste ..."

Tony took the bottle of whiskey out of the ice bucket and saw the label on it.

1937 Granfidi Single Malt Whiskey 64.

"I got it from the auction and I only got 11 of them, this is the last 3 !!"


Early the next morning.

Watson is lying on the bed in an extremely stretched large-posture pose.

Lord Ban was lying on Watson's feet in a large shape, and a slight snoring came from his nostril ~

Suddenly a cool breeze blew in from the window, and Banye wrinkled his nose after wrinkling his small nose ...

Jingle Bell ~


"Meow ..."

Jingle Bell ~

"(╬ ̄- ̄) ·····"

Jingle Bell ~

"Spot Lord ... Answer the phone ..."

"Meow ..." Banye crawled forward with his eyes closed, extended his left paw and swept back and forth to reach Watson's mobile phone, and then groped and pressed the small green button on the left.

"Watson? This is Nick ..."

"Huh ... Meow?"


Nick Fury sniffed at the meow from the other end of the phone and said, "Let your dad answer the phone."

"Meow ..." Ban Ye threw his phone to Watson's head and then turned over, Xiaolu continued.

"(#-) Bye! Who!" Watson shouted when he picked up the phone.

"Watson, I am ..."


Nick Fury stared at Clinton, who could n’t help but laugh when he hung up the phone, and then looked at Natasha and said, “I do n’t absolutely let him go again, absolutely not.”

Natasha couldn't help but raised the corner of her mouth and shook her head, and then reconnected Watson's phone with her mobile phone.

Jingle Bell ~

Just when Watson pressed the switch button and just about to speak ...

"Watson ~ It's me."

"···· Natasha?" Watson opened his eyes slightly at the sound.

"Hi ~ good morning dear."

"Good morning? It's 11 o'clock now."

"The rounding is the same, is there anything else? Is there any new red giant blue giant?"

Nick Fury rolled his eyes when he heard a 180-degree turn in Watson's attitude.

"No, do you remember the message you sent yesterday? After this incident Congress wanted to trouble you and we were next. So Fury wanted to talk to you ~"

After hearing this, Watson remembered what Rod said yesterday, controlling the SHIELD ‘Five Team’? However, it will not take long for Thor to estimate that he will be exiled, and by then the earth will naturally know that there are many powerful forces in this universe like stars.

As for the dragon family, which appeared early, but where is this, we are the characters at the bottom of the box, of course, we must establish a clear relationship with the earth after Asgard, so as to suppress Asgard ~

"Okay, for your sake I will talk to Nick and give him the phone baby."

Nick Fury said angrily after answering the phone: "So, thank you after I heard your waking breath?"

"I don't mind if you don't want to say ~"

After listening, Nick didn't start to go straight to the subject with Watson again: "Since you agree, then we will find a place to talk about it."

"Where are you now?"

"New York branch."

"I have a good and safe place. Waiting for me at the door, I will be there in a minute."

After talking, Watson hung up the phone and sat up. He used his feet to push up the top of the spot, and said: "I got up."

After yawning, he got up and walked to the bathroom.

"Meow ..." Ban Ye sat up and rubbed his belly awkwardly, jumped out of bed and walked in the direction of Watson.

Watson watched Ban Ye walk to the sink, hooked a stool from the side with his feet to put him up, and then took out a new toothbrush and squeezed the toothpaste and handed it to him.

"Meow ~"

One person and one cat began to scrub in the mirror ~

Watson looked at himself in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction: "It's still so handsome ~ even the infinite gems can't change my handsomeness ~ Well ... I haven't had a lottery in a long time. The system, how many lotteries are there now Points? "

[Current remaining draw points: 400]

"Well ... Come and try your luck for 1 time ~"

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the next flying thunder dragon part-hand armor]

"So bad? Is it because I didn't pay tribute to Sanqing?"

Watson stopped the toothbrush in his hand, spit out a mouthwash, faced the east, folded his hands together, and paid tribute to Sanqing!

"System ~ ~ Another equipment draw."

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the lower weapon-Copper Iron Hammer 1]

"······ I rely on, Sledgehammer! 80 ?!"

"Meow ?!" Watson's sudden corner scared Lord Ban, the foam in his mouth was flying everywhere ...

But Watson is already immersed in the joy of the new weapon or not.

"The qibla effect is immediate, it seems that the qibla Sanqing will be the necessary operation before the lottery ..."

Watson walked out of the bathroom, his hands stretched out his mind.

A white light appeared in the hand, a metal texture hammer handle appeared in Watson's hand first, then the white light slowly became larger, and a huge hammer head appeared.

"Meow?" Banye spit out the remaining foam in his mouth, rinsed his mouth and ran out of the bathroom, curiously looking at the new weapon in Watson's hand.


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