Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 154: Ubiquitous old man

At this time, Lord Ban went to Watson and asked for the copper hammer, but he fell to the ground before holding it for a while ...

Watson didn't pay attention to Ban Ye playing there, but heard the sound of the system and his eyes lit up. Is there really a play? !

So Watson said to the system:

"Look, like the sledgehammer you gave me also has an air blade slot? Let me save a level 3 red blade sledgehammer, and then hit the invincible hand with the dragon hammer all over the world?"


"Or how about you let me take two sledgehammers, and then use ghosts to use a double knife?"


"Or maybe let me use Red Shield Ghost to solve the shield axe ..."

【······· The system is disordered, repair for 5 minutes, and restart after 5 minutes. 】

Watson couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard the sound of the system: "? (ˉ? ˉ?) By ~ ····· Such a small amount of information will hold you back? But if it can be really invincible It's ... charge-up +3 segment air blade + timbre bonus + super solution + ghost man + ···· Maya, I use my toes to single out the bully, believe it or not ?! At that time I stretch out two Big toe, a killer scissors foot clip exploded his head! Not even a weapon! "


He heard Watson's words, put away his meowing hammer, and raised his cat's paw.


But how did Lord Ban work hard ... and it failed to separate the two toes ...

Watson felt his unknowing system curl his lips, looked at the surrounding scenes and gave up the idea of ​​experimenting once. After putting on his clothes, he simply cleaned up the fragments of the tiles and flew out directly from the balcony.


"Billy, how much is the best magazine now?"

"7 dollars."

"Oh ... Bad Billy, you have gone up in price again!"

The magazine owner glanced at the little old man wearing sunglasses and peaked cap: "I don't have that. Besides, if it wasn't for your old customer, I wouldn't sell anything like this."

"You got it ..." Mr. Stan Lee gave Billy a disdainful look, handed out the just $ 7 and put away the magazine.

Huh ~ woo!

A black shadow suddenly passed by, and the wind that blew opened the cover page of the magazine.

The old man quickly covered the plump thighs exposed in the magazine and muttered: "Oh **** it! You can't use the earth's transportation on earth! What's so good all day! Really ..."


"Master Ban, did you seem to see an acquaintance just now?"

"Meow ~ (= w =)?"

"Forget it, regardless of him."

Watson watched Nick Fury, who was already standing outside the branch, slowed down before them.

Nick looked at Watson who flew over and said, "This is what you said in a moment? You let me take 34 minutes and 45 seconds here ..."

Watson directly ignored Nick Fury and walked to Natasha and squeezed her face, saying, "Why are you waiting outside, baby? Still standing here for 34 minutes and zero 51 seconds?"

"Will you give you another 20 minutes to talk and love?"

"Meow!" Ban Ye patted Nick Fury's thigh and glared at him.

Watson smiled and said, "No thanks, 20 minutes is too short for me. And you baby, you have helped me a lot, so sometimes do n’t let yourself do everything, leave it to me. it is good."

After listening, Natasha glanced at the speechless Nick Fury and couldn't help laughing: "Okay, my knight ~ Hi Lord Lord, did you sleep well yesterday?"

"Meow ~ o (= nwn =)!"

Watson looked at Natasha with a smile and turned to Nick Fury to show a bad smile.

The system summons the little flowers on the side.

Nick Fury looked at Watson who had just come to say something, and a huge white light suddenly appeared beside him.

Nick Fury felt a shadow suddenly envelop himself, and at the same time felt something swept down and quickly stooped down.

But ... he was one step late, a big green wing gently stroked his bald head, as if to make it brighter ...

"Wtf ··· Watson, can't you say it in advance, and this is the entrance to the SHIELD Bureau building!"

"Why are you so excited, I don't mean anything else, and you see how much he likes Xiaohua ~ Is it because you look like a walnut?"

Nick Fury looked at the poisonous demon bird staring at him, and asked, "What the **** is the flicking walnut?"

"Poisonous demon bird's favorite fruit, it likes to put walnuts in its mouth and wrap it with venom as a weapon to spit it out ~"

Aoao ~


Watson, who was already full of joy in his heart, seemed to think of something suddenly, turned his head to look at Natasha, and said embarrassedly: "There is one more thing, baby ... There is a little bit of a problem at home ~"

"Small situation?"

"Well, it's really a small situation ~"

After talking, Watson grabbed Nick Fury and jumped directly onto the back of the flower, Tony Watson hugged, Clinton Watson hugged, Nick Fury, he absolutely didn't want to hug!

As for the picture of Coulson ... the women's gangster is lingering ...

"Master Ban, stay with your mom."

"Meow ~"

Then Watson looked at Nick Fury sitting on the dragon saddle and smiled: "Hold on, I don't care if it falls ~"

Huh ~!

As the little flowers fanned their wings, they quickly rose into the sky.


1500 meters high.

"This height is almost the same."

Nick Fury looked sideways at wild geese flying in the distance and said, "This is the safe area you said?"

"Yeah ~ ~ is at least much safer than places like your headquarters of SHIELD."

Nick Fury frowned slightly when he heard this: "What does that mean?"

Watson looked at Nick Fury and suddenly smiled: "Why are all smart people pretending to be fools? When Coleson and Clinton first came to me for the first time, what happened to you, would you forget? If there was no Hydra spy in SHIELD, how could that happen. And what Baron Strak that I saw later at the Hydra base with Natasha. "

Nick Fury watched Watson slightly silent for a while and said, "I will find them, everyone."

When Nick Fury said this, it seemed that he meant to include Watson, because Watson could be said to have appeared with the Hydra, and the "Dragon" brought by Watson was too It's incredible, so even now, Nick Fury has a trace of suspicion in his heart, thinking that this is the latest biological weapon of the Hydra. Of course, he is a person, and there are more doubts.


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