Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 161: Natasha and Schiff

"I am Ms. Schiff from Asgard. At the order of Asgard God King Odin came to send an invitation to observe the heirs of the dragon family."

Natasha narrowed her eyes and listened to the woman in front of her, and thoughts quickly flashed through her heart.

Asgard and King Odin? The heir of the dragon family and the invitation to watch the ceremony?

If other Natashas are not clear, she still knows the name Odin. Was n’t that the character in the Nordic mythology that Watson mentioned when she discussed the nickname with Watson some time ago?

I thought it was a joke, but I didn't expect it to be true ... So Asgard should be a kingdom?

As for the others, although he knew that Watson had a relationship with the dragon, he did not expect that the relationship would be so great. He turned out to be the heir of the dragon family and asked Odin to send an invitation? He didn't tell himself this identity.

God, this is the craziest thing I have encountered in so many things I have experienced. My boyfriend turned out to be a dragon family.... Um, prince?

Natasha pondered while turning her head to throw a questioning look at Lord Ban.


Braised Egg and Ban Ye looked at each other and shrugged, then nodded to Natasha to confirm the truth of the matter.

Seeing the movement of the woman in front of him, Schiff continued, "Are you the guard of the heir to the dragon family? I can tell you are a warrior. Could you convey the goodwill from Asgard to the prince of the dragon family Invitation, I will wait here. "

After listening, Natasha shook her head and let the two caregivers meow back to Aunt Leah ’s house, then took out the key and walked to the door. While opening the door, she said, "He went to find his friend, if you want to wait for him Just come in with me. I will tell him, and I am not his maid. "

Xifu raised her eyebrows after listening. Did the dragon find a human girlfriend?

Natasha turned on the light and sat looking at Sive, who came in and said, "Please sit down and I will send him a message."

After Natasha finished speaking, she went upstairs and dialed Watson's phone.


"There is now a woman downstairs who comes to you and says that it is from Asgard who sent you an invitation."

"Ah, I feel that energy. I was going to come out with a small burst of them. I was walking back for a while. But ... you say you are a woman?"

"Yes, she said that she was Shiv."

Watson shuddered at Natasha ’s words, did Odin let her come? The most outstanding female warrior in the Immortal Palace is more outstanding than the other three warriors in Thor ’s independent film (Wait ... why should I use only?), And the Agents of SHIELD show that it really belongs to Immortals The strength of the palace's top fighters.

However, it seems that Natasha's strength is to enhance her female warrior's strength ~

When Natasha heard that Watson on the other side of the phone fell into silence, she raised a good-looking Liu Mei and said, "Why? Is this Xifu your old lover?"

"Ah? No no no ... Of course not, but I know who she is. About Asgard, I will tell you more about baby as soon as I go back. As for Frye, please let my dear. How about relaying it on my behalf? Also thank my little policewoman for helping me receive guests, so I will reward tonight ~ "

After listening to it, Natasha shook her head funny, reward? It's not okay to come back today without saying something clearly.

Then Natasha called Coulson.

"Colson, it's me. It's alright. There should be someone from an extraterrestrial civilization who came to Watson. I will report to Fury tomorrow, so take a break today."

"Really? That's really good. Clinton left us ..."

"Have you not taken Watson to those places?"

"What? Of course not, no, Clinton and I will not go anywhere, and there is still a lot of work waiting for us to do."


Sifuan sat on the sofa and looked around at the house. Seriously, the dignified posture with the three warriors for a long time was a bit awkward for her. When was the last time to practice etiquette, it seemed like 100 years before?

"I already told him, what should I drink?" Natasha stepped down the stairs and looked at Schiff.

"No, uh ... how long have you been a warrior?"

Schiff rarely left God Realm once, and she didn't like the cold.

"It didn't take long, about a few years, how about you? I initially thought you were a diplomatic ambassador." Natasha was even more pleased with Schiff's active communication.

"Me?" Shiv looked at Natasha and said with a smile: "Probably ... It's been more than a thousand years. I was quite spoiled when I was a kid, but then I fell in love with fighting, and I worked hard until now."

Over a thousand years? Listening to this sentence, Natasha doesn't know what it feels like, can aliens live for so long?

Natasha moved her **** to sit half on the table and continued to ask: "So you have been fighting alone for more than a thousand years? You look like an ordinary soldier in the army."

"Of course not. I found my comrades and friends. They are known as the three warriors. They are very reliable people. And our future king, Thor, the **** of thunder, he leads us to win every A battle. This time it is also that he will be crowned king. "

Schiff turned his head to look at Natasha and said, "Actually, I feel that you are also very lucky, because when the prince of the dragon becomes king, he will definitely call his lover a princess. princess."

There is also a saying that Schiff did not say that besides being lucky, it is also unfortunate. When the prince became king, it is not certain whether this human woman still exists ...

Natasha smiled: "Thank you ~ ~ Is that your weapon?"


"Can you show me?"

Schiff watched Natasha walking to her and handed her her arms: "Of course, I thought I could not bring weapons when I saw my Highness, I forgot to put them down."

Natasha held Xifu's sword in her hand for a while and then danced several sword flowers back and forth indoors, and then handed it to Xifu.

"I still prefer to use shorter weapons, such as daggers."

Schiff nodded with a smile and said, "Courage is commendable, but I think I should put my weapon first with you, just give it to me when I want to go back to God Realm."

When Natasha was about to say something, a sudden gust of wind outside the calm night sky suddenly caught the attention of the two.

"He is back."


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