Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 162: King cannot be peeped

Schiff stood up and sorted out his clothes. "Since Your Highness is coming back, I will go out and wait."

He said that Shiv stood up and walked out. When Shiv walked outside the door, he raised his head and found a figure with wings sliding over the night sky. However, due to the strong wind and the distance, Hive narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

When Shiv narrowed her eyes and wanted to see more clearly, the figure suddenly swooped down after turning half a circle in the air, and the huge wind of a huge shadow carrier whistled suddenly covered the whole block!

Shef couldn't help raising her arm to face her face. When the gusty wind slightly dispersed to take off her arm, she was shocked by the mighty domineering beauty (crossed out) in front of her.

Huh ~!

A huge dragon suspended in mid-air, huge silver wings dazzling under the moonlight, bursts of heat were exhaled, the black scales under his neck glowed red, and the scales stood upright, With the huge mouth of the abyss and a pair of breathtaking dragon pupils, it looks like a lion exuding the might of the king. (The prototype of the scale head of the dragon is taken from the male lion, and the helmet equipment made is also the lion head ~)

Seef stared at his behemoth in the air, and there was already a huge wave in his heart. Is this the real dragon? The mountain-like body, huge wings, and this majestic (chaos into king) momentum, this is much different from the biographical record!

Natasha came out of the door and watched the small explosion in the sky hold back her smile. As a smart woman, of course, it knows that this represents diplomatic issues between the two races, although the surrounding environment is not How solemn ...

Shiv lowered his head slightly, clenched his fist in his right hand, and said, "His Royal Highness Prince, I ’m Shiv from Asgard ’s Kingdom. Tomorrow will be the coronation ceremony of Thor, Thor, Asgard ’s Kingdom Come to send you an invitation to observe the ceremony at the will of Lord Odin. "

Watson looked at Xifu with his head down and smiled a little. When he saw Xifu for the first time, another prototype figure appeared. Then tomorrow I can see some of Asgard ’s senders, Brother Hammer and sister Emmmm ~ Watson suddenly thought there was an idea here, should Heimdall look here? Although the system has been shielded by himself, Hiff has not yet seen it, and there is always a strange feeling of being stared at. He stared at Shiv, staring at himself in disguise.

So Watson asked the system: ‘Can the system shield Shiv ’s energy so that no one in the sky can see her. ’

【can do. 】

Watson grinned: ‘Shield her. ’


Heimdall's originally calm face suddenly frowned, causing the three people waiting aside suddenly.

"Heimdall! What happened?"

"Yeah, what's your expression?"

Heimdall turned his head to look at the three people and said hesitantly: "I ... I can't see Shiv."


Hogan looked at Vandal and said: "Are the Dragons going to break the contract?"

"Isn't it possible? This is unreasonable."

"But Heimdall can't see her!"

Heimdall thought for a moment and still did n’t think of Odin ’s report: “Wait, if the situation does not change, I ’d like to return to your Majesty.”

After listening, the three glanced at each other. Although the emotions did not subside, they were quiet.


[Release system task: The king cannot be peeped.

There used to be a mountain, and there was Asgard on the mountain. Asgard had a gatekeeper called Heimdall. He had used thousands of eyes to peep into the dynamics of countless creatures for thousands of years. , But sometimes he must understand that the king cannot be peeped.

Mission Objective: Obtain Heimdall ’s apology or beat him up

Task progress: not completed

Quest reward: Zulong essence × 1, special summon ticket fragment × 1, secret medicine small package × 1】

[Release the Free Mission: The power of the Dragon Clan cannot be compared with Asgard.

Asgard, as the eldest brother of the nine worlds, has always been the dominant (pseudo) position, and the emergence of the dragon family will inevitably override it. Now that the host has become the heir of the dragon family, then fight against Asgard's heir.

Mission Objective: To defeat Thor-Thor in a duel or competition (0/1)

Task progress: not completed

Quest rewards: Zulong essence × 1, monster equipment upgrade link fragment × 1, any dragon level evolution essence × 1]

Watson looked at the system's prompt tone and smiled, and came to the task, and I like this task. Since I beat Hulk, I have long wanted to learn from Thor ~

After watching the mission information of the system, Watson lowered his head and looked at the goddess Hive standing on the ground, calling softly: "Your name is Hive?"

A man's voice came into Schiff's ears, the gods were on ... This dragon could even speak? This is not a spiritual communication ...

"Yes, Your Highness." Seef raised her head and looked into the air, only to find that a man appeared on top of the original giant dragon head? !

Schiff looked up at the man standing at the giant dragon head, with a physique not belonging to Thor, but the smile in the moonlight was more like that of Rocky.

Watson was surprised when he saw Xie Fu's face raised, and the smile on his face was even worse. Then he stepped forward and fell from the top of Xiao Bao's head to stand in front of Xie Fu.

Schiff looked up at the dragon above his head ~ ~ He looked at the handsome man in front of him and hesitantly said, "Are you really ..."

"Why? Didn't you just talk to me just now? Or did you talk to it?"

Watson said while pointing at the giant dragon above his head, and then looked at the woman in front of him and said, "Although Xiaobao can understand what you are saying, it still can't speak human language. And Dragon Language, I I won't think of you either. As for my identity ... "

As Watson's voice fell, a pair of female fire dragon wings suddenly stretched out from behind, the entire body began to rise from the ground, and Watson's eyes also became a pair of scarlet vertical pupils.

A bigger power burst out. Unlike the visual power of the small explosion, Huasheng's dragon power directly acts on the spiritual level!

After doing all this, Watson looked at Hiff who resisted his power and then raised his head. At this moment, Heimdall, who was struggling to find Hiff, saw a pair of scarlet vertical pupils in a moment!

Of course, Watson's vertical pupil can't do this through the starry sky to deter Heimdall. He just used the characteristics of Heimdall's eyes and glanced at him.

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