Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 181: Jealous Rocky

"His initial is indeed the crystal of life as God King and Loki said, but there is still a lack of it. It is not only a crystal of life, but a more perfect unexpected product made with the special power of the dragon family. We named it For-the perfect secret medicine. "

The word "perfect?" Caught Loki's attention.

"Yes, it's perfect. Because it can now restore a person's injury and repair his body instantly, it can also pull back the soul of the person, that is, he can resurrect the dead person."




The four little ones standing aside only heard the words, and their eyes slowly widened and moved uncontrollably to the wooden box in Thor's hand. This little thing can bring people back to life? !

Thor asked with some uncertainty: "Are you saying ... resurrection? That kind of ..."

"Yes, that is, when a person dies and is resurrected, I know that Asgardians are brave and good at fighting, but if they fight outside, this is considered a hole card, right? But it must be within 24 hours of the death of the dead Use it, otherwise you will not be able to resurrect the dead. "

At this time, Odin suddenly said: "For the Asgard people, this may not work. But this is also a very expensive thing. Put it away, kid. I believe that you can still care for it even if you do n’t need it. I also have Rocky as a friend, and you have got the friendship of Asgard. "

Hearing Odin ’s words, Watson also had this question, perhaps because of Hella? As the goddess of death in this film, the ordinary Asgard spirits seem to be under the control of Hella. But no matter what the reasons are, how can the items you send get you back?

Thor glanced at the perfect secret medicine in the wooden box and handed it back to Watson without hesitation.

"Yes, I'm sorry for what I said to you before, but you should put it away."

Watson shook his head and did n’t extend his hand but smiled at Thor: "Tor, if you really want to take me as a friend, accept it, because the gift sent in the etiquette is rejected if it is returned. The expression of friendship, and the **** king did not say it, this may not have a resurrection effect on the Asgard, so he is not very precious. "

Seeing that Watson did not reach out, it was not good to keep holding it up, so he looked at his father.

Watson saw this and said again: "And, this is my personal will and has nothing to do with the contract signed between the King and the ancestor."

Odin gazed quietly at Watson and said: "Of course, this is not included in my conversation with Milaruz."

"Then I can ask, what did the ancestor say?"

Hearing Watson's words, Odin laughed and said in a dialogue, "No, this is also one of our good things. But you will see him soon, kid."

Odin ’s words made Watson immediately whisper: ‘I will see you soon? Is it because of the energy just now, it ’s not right, I did n’t enter the link space, and I added a BUFF to myself ...

As Watson thought about this sentence, Odin said to Thor: "Put it away, my child, we accept the friendship of the Dragons, and at the same time we will also give the friendship of Asgard. Milaruz and I It only means that it is between us, this is between you. "

After Odin finished, he gently knocked Gungnir on the ground, and a huge force of Odin spewed out of him to the roof!

Everyone raised their heads and looked up and found a slight change in the mural on the roof.

Apart from the ‘incomplete family portrait’, goblet, garden party, and peace agreement with the frost giant Lau Fei Wang, two new murals appeared among them.

One is the peace and mutual assistance contract between Odin and Zulong Miraruz, and the other is the picture of Tor and Watson standing just now.

‘Quick drawing automatic typesetting? But Odin has done so, and it is a statement. ’

After everyone recovered from the new mural, Thor turned around and came to Watson and patted his shoulder: "Thank you for the gift, then I will accept it. This should be in addition to Myrnier The best gift ever received. "

"You're welcome ~ As for the issue of strength, I actually heard that the Thunder God's strength has been around for a long time, and I will be willing to discuss with you if I have the opportunity after today."

Thor heard Watson's invitation to fight and laughed: "Really? Then it's done ~! Actually, I am also looking forward to fighting you, my friend ~"

Watson nodded happily. Thor's temper was clear, and Watson could become friends with Thor only by gifts? How is it possible, this is called servant before soldier, now it is much more convenient to start looking for Thor to fight or naughty Rocky and the like ~

The three warriors and Sif next to them saw the matter perfectly resolved and happily stepped forward, once again expressing their blessings to Thor.

The only exception is Rocky.

Rocky retired from the crowd and watched Thor ’s eyes flashing green with a group of people laughing: 'Why, my father preferred you for thousands of years ~ ~ No matter how hard I try You have gotten a lot. When the father Wang said that we will all be kings, I was ready! Why again! Now when you all want to be king, even the Dragon tribe will offer a gift (Loki when jealous will misinterpret everything according to his own darkness, as if facing Odin)! ! Thor! ! ! ······· Hehehehe ······ My dearest brother, soon, King of Asgard, you can't do it yet! ’

Of all the people present, only Frigga noticed that something was wrong with Loki. She frowned slightly and thought about it and looked at Odin. She chose to walk beside him.


Frigga's voice suddenly awakened Loki, who was immersed in jealousy and anger.

Rocky looked up at his mother with his signature smile on his face when he looked up. "What's wrong, mother?"

"It's nothing, but you don't look well ..."

Rocky shook his head to deny Friega's words, and smiled and pointed to Watson, saying: "There is no mother, just ... I don't know how to get along with other princes. And I am also happy for my brother . "

"I'm so glad that you can say that to my brother ~ But I think Watson is still very easy to get along with, I have already begun to look forward to fighting him ~"

Watson noticed the Rocky and Frigga behind the crowd early in the morning, the pair who were beyond the normal foster mother-child relationship (cough cough ... not a biological one is better than a biological one).

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