Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 182: Meaning for loki

For them, Watson actually has some sighs in mind. Thor Thor is like a football quarterback. He has the understanding of his father and has a common topic. In contrast, Rocky has black hair instead of blond hair. He was like a sensitive child standing sideways, and Odin did not understand him.

But in this huge Asgard, there is a person who really loves Rocky, she is Friega. Rocky still has true justice, kindness and righteousness deep in his heart, and these are instilled by Frigga, which makes his destiny unknown. Friega's love is Loki's protector who walks in a chaos of one evil and one evil.

As for Odin, he initially wanted to train Rocky to become the king of Jodenheim, in order to protect the nine worlds together with the future king of Asgard, Thor, but Odin also loved in this thousand years of getting along. When he was in this blue child, he gave up the plan because of this, but he didn't expect that Rocky's heart had changed like he never could.

But Ji Mei's words are not too dare to provoke ... because the most important thing is that Ji Mei is a bisexual, wrong, it is a pan-sexual love! ! !

Because his transforming magic can turn himself into any creature, his sexual orientation is quite colorful ...

Even Shiu Mori said in an interview that he used Rocky as a homosexual to play, so in addition to the jealousy in the thunder **** 1 in the original Thor ... It was indeed jealous! Wow! ! What a terrible thing ...

But even so, Watson still can't control his lost thoughts to know one of the idols who knew his past life (not to be skewed, Watson solemnly shows that he is normal and will stick to his bottom line of sexual orientation).

He walked to Loki and stretched out his hand: "I didn't know you well just now. In fact, I also like magic. If you don't dislike it, I have a gift for you. Because I don't know how Is Skard's understanding of magic correct? I think the release of magic consumes a little mental energy in addition to the energy in the body? "

Rocky hesitated a little while looking at his deep hand, and saw his mother's eyes and everyone's attention and he reached out and shook hands.

"Uh ... you are right."

"In that case, I also prepared a small gift for you. Although I don't want your brother's secret medicine, it should have a little effect on you."

Watson said that he took out a small endurance medicine from his backpack ... cough, Loki's meaning is good, after all, he will be beaten later.

Loki took the potion in Watson's hands and looked back and forth and asked with some uncertainty: "This should be regarded as a portable supplement magic potion?"

Watson replied with a smile: "Almost, but there are also some differences. It can keep your spirits from being consumed. It has remained energetic for a period of time. If for us, the magic (endurance bar) is here It wo n’t be consumed for a while. But for Asgard ’s magic, I ’m not sure if it will be so effective. I hope you do n’t dislike it. ”

"Of course not, thank you ~" Loki accepted this enhanced version of the potion with a smile. The innocent smile on his face made everyone except Friega and Watson unable to see his true thoughts.

On the other side, Friega saw this scene secretly and was relieved, with a smile on her face, she was well aware of Rocky's character. He was so sensitive, which is why she did n’t choose to tell Loki the truth, but the dragon prince was not bad, at least it did n’t make Loki feel too unfair.

Seeing this, Thor smiled happily and went to Watson to issue his first drink invitation: "Now there should be a moment before the beginning. Do we have a drink or a contest? Hahaha, just let Let me see your wine volume and strength ~ "

"Tor, the ceremony is about to begin, you should prepare."

"Mother, isn't the ceremony at noon? There should be some time now, anyway, we can come back with Watson's pets. I won't be late, let's go to my friends let's take the wind to Watson ~"

Rocky didn't want to wait any longer. The Frost Giant had entered Asgard through the secret passage. The longer he dragged on, the easier it was for his father to find him. Thinking of it, Rocky stopped Thor.

"Mother is right, my elder brother. It's noon now, and I want to give Watson the wind, but should we come in the same way?"

When Thor heard Loki's words, he stopped at the door, just wanting to say something, a golden guard walked in from the door, nodded to Thor and Watson in front of him, and walked to Odin on one knee. Ground.

"Your Majesty, everything is ready."

Seeing this, Friega said, "Tor, there will be a grand celebration party after the ceremony. People will celebrate with you at that time, and you can also celebrate the wine with Watson, but now you should prepare."

After listening, Thor nodded and patted Watson on the shoulder and said, "Then we will postpone it and have a drink tonight ~"

"Of course, no problem."

Seeing that Watson agreed happily, Thor walked out and went out. He also had to go to the 'red carpet' to accept the blessings of the people across the country.

Frigga watched Thor leave and turned around again, said: "Rocky ~ ~ you take them and Watson to prepare."

"Good mother, then let's go first."

And Odin was already sitting on the throne and quietly looking at everything below. After everyone left, he turned to Friega and said, "Ma'am, can you feel the child's heart?"

Frigga shook her head: "When he and Loki just met, Loki used magic on him. At that time, he showed the ability to resist magic, but he didn't break through Loki. However, When he just gave a gift to Thor, I could feel that his kindness was not false. "

"Well, that's fine. Let's go too, this day has finally arrived."

"It seems you are looking forward to ~"

"Hahahaha, I have been looking forward to it since I was born."

"And Rocky."

"Of course, I have never regretted Loki. He is also my son."


Watson walked out of the gate and found that Braised Egg and Lord Ban were standing beside them at the door.

"What are you two doing here?" Watson reluctantly covered his face. If the heroic warriors guarding the palace were high enough, they might not make you two look like.

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