Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 446 You have to be careful

"Then there is no discussion! I hope you will survive in the end, because my father won't let me kill anyone!"

Dai Ken pursed his mouth, and the whole person immediately entered into a fighting state. With a strong wave of his big hand, two sharp claws immediately protruded from between his hand bones! Like a beast, it rushed towards Jiang Li, moving so fast that only afterimages were left behind!

"Hey, that's natural!"

Jiang Li also showed his big fist without hesitation, kicked the ground with both legs, and rushed directly towards Dekon!

Light and heavy rock Technique!

Covering his whole body with a layer of rock armor, Jiang Li immediately rushed to Dai Ken, ignoring the two sharp claws of this guy, Haki punched his xiong bore!

In this regard, Dai Ken, who has absolute confidence in his powerful bone claws, naturally cannot ask for it.

The surprise in his eyes flashed by, and he immediately swung his bone claws unceremoniously, to give Jiang Li a bitter taste first!

However, when the fists and claws of the two sides collided in the next moment, Dai Ken immediately changed his face, as if he had seen a ghost, his eyes were full of shock and incredible!

"What? How is this possible!"

With a loud bang, a huge backlash struck Deaken's bone claws, causing him to involuntarily retreat several steps backwards one after another.

At the moment when he collided with Jiang Li's fist, he actually had the feeling that his bones and claws were caught on the hardest-hard alloy! This is simply not a normal human power! It's beyond common sense!

Therefore, Rao Dao is that he who has already cultivated his xinxing to be as solid as a rock, has to be shaken for the first time because the opponent he is facing this time is Jiang Li!

"NO! Nothing is impossible in my dictionary!"

The next moment, Jiang Li's Ling Li's voice suddenly exploded above Daiken's head, and he had already reached behind him unconsciously, making Daiken burst into cold sweat!

"You have to be careful, boy!"

Leaf Hurricane!

A flying leg fell from the sky. Jiang Li kicked Daiken with a sweeping momentum, making the latter had to wave his arms to resist with all his strength, but his legs trembled and trembled, and he almost knelt on the ground. .

"Damn it! You are too much! Do your best if you have the kind, don't look down on me!"

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Daiken controlled the pheromone pheromone in his body with all his heart, and raised his strength to the extreme.

Because of Jiang Li's strength, he has already far exceeded his expectations, forcing him to go all out!

With a strong wave of his claws towards the sky, Dai Ken blocked Jiang Li's big feet, his figure flashed, and he swung his bone claws to attack Jiang Li fiercely, causing the whole room to flash with dazzling white light, even the air. Zhongdu was filled with a sense of solemnity.

Seeing this shocking scene, the ordinary people who originally wanted to watch a good show were also completely frightened. Where have they seen such a big battle? Immediately scrambling to file out, never dared to stay for a while!

"I don't mean to look down on you in the slightest, but today I have a reason to have to beat you! This is also the so-called fate!"

Jiang Li touched his nose, easily avoided Deakin's fierce attack, and said sincerely:

"So, I will trouble you to feel wronged, hehe!"

"Fart! I don't believe that I can't beat you!"

In the case of repeated defeats, Daiken had to let go. After forcibly holding Jiang Li's punches, he desperately threw himself on Jiang Li's body, and finally got his own bone claws as he wished. -Into the opponent's body!

However, Daiken soon realized that something was wrong, and a strong sense of crisis emerged in his heart, telling himself instinctively that he was fooled!


There was a soft sound, but it was not a bloody flower that flew up, and the floating sand in the sky above, Daiken hit only Jiang Li's sand duplication!

"Hey, it's a pity that now you have lost! Jiang is still hot, young man!"

Sand binding 柩 Technique!

Jiang Li stood upside down on the ceiling, grinning, showing a row of white teeth, but it was not good at all in Daiken's eyes...

At this moment, his whole body was tightly wrapped in a mass of impermeable sand, making him unable to move at all, even Roar became extremely difficult to suck, and his face was flushed red!

And this is still under Jiang Li's mercy, otherwise, the situation is undoubtedly much worse!

"You...what do you want to do? I tell you, I will never give in to you!"

Even in a dangerous situation, Dai Ken still refused to bow his head, and stared at Jiang Li with extremely determined and angry eyes, putting on a posture of swearing to the death.

Seeing Jiang Li couldn't help being surprised secretly, couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"Tsk tusk, I didn't expect you to be really spine, I like it!"

After all, Jiang Li raised his hand straight, and patted Daiken on the shoulder without hesitation, as if the two were already old friends.

"But don't worry, I will never hurt you! Because I and your father Wolverine are still good friends! Now you just have to surrender to me! Don't be embarrassed, after all, Wolverine has also been defeated in my hands!"

"Hmph! It's useless to say more, I will never surrender! You will die of this heart!"

Upon hearing this, the shock in Daiken's eyes only appeared for a short time, and was replaced by a monstrous anger of 0.6 and unwillingness, obviously not believing Jiang Li's words.

He simply raised his neck and closed his eyes, not too lazy to say anything.

"Oh, why don't you believe in uncle me? As expected, Wolverine and Wolverine are both virtues. They have a terrible temper and only admit death!" Jiang Li also helplessly spread his hands.

At the same time, seeing that time is running out, Jiang Li can only communicate with Athena:

Athena, you are the most impartial administrator, have you seen this situation now? I have already defeated Deakin. Isn't this still a completion of the task? Wouldn't you really want to force me to make this kid half alive?

[Well, master! I have turned in the situation, and I believe the system will be able to verify it soon! ].

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