Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 447 Support Natasha Romanoff

"Boy, I ask you one last time, are you still going to surrender?"

A sharp light shot from Jiang Li's eyes, once again increasing the restraint of the sand.


Before Deaken finished speaking, he rolled his eyes up and fainted, even foaming came out.

"Hey, I have to force Xiaoye to be cruel! Why do you bother?"

Seeing that Deaken had been completely defeated by himself, Jiang Li also directly disarmed the ninjutsu, and immediately, Athena's beautiful voice sounded.

[Congratulations to the master for successfully completing the task and gaining 80,000 points of system experience! The role of integrate is forty points! 】

very good! Athena, now add all the integration points of the role to Gaara's data packet. It should be full, right?

【Uh-huh! Now execute your master’s orders immediately! 】

【drop! Congratulations to the host, the character Gaara's data package has been fully integrated with Host, and now you can use his ninjutsu anytime, no need to switch again! 】

Wow! This feeling is really great!

After a quick and simple treatment for Daiken, Jiang Li strode away from the place 15 and was about to go home and relax.

"Om! Om!"

At this moment, Jiang Li's mobile phone shook quickly.

Seeing the caller ID, Jiang Li also answered immediately: "Hey, Tony, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

"Jiang Li, there is really an emergency situation. Now Banner, Wolverine and others can't get out of our bodies, we must ask you to help!"

Tony's voice sounded immediately, but his tone was obviously extremely nervous and anxious, and he told Jiang Li without a trace of concealment.

"Now Natasha Romanoff has encountered a large number of enemies while performing a mission outside! The situation is not optimistic!"

"What?! How could this be?"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Li couldn't help but cheer up, and asked nervously, "Tony, what's the specific situation now? Take your time to make it clear, tell me the location first, and this will be my responsibility!"

"Okay! Natasha Romanoff was about to complete the mission before, but was attacked by an unknown Mutant. The other party also used powerful signal jamming methods, so that we can't get in touch with Natasha Romanoff for the time being, and can only locate her when she last communicated. Where you are!"


After receiving the specific coordinates, Jiang Li used the High-speed movement without hesitation and immediately went to support Natasha Romanoff. Naturally, he could not let his beloved woman suffer any harm!

"Also, Jiang Li, according to our preliminary estimate, this is likely to be a long-planned conspiracy! You have to be careful!"

"Don't worry, I will come back safe and sound with Natasha Romanoff!"

Throwing the phone back into his pocket, knowing that At the moment, Jiang Li once again increased his speed, and in the blink of an eye he rushed across the sky, incredibly fast!

At the same time, Natasha Romanoff, who was surrounded by a jungle, was also engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with the enemy!

"Surrender! Black widow, you have no retreat. Those who know the current affairs are the best! I believe you should be a smart woman!"

Diamond Lil led a few Mutants rushing towards Black widow, while yelling arrogantly, with a playful smile on the corners of her mouth, as if she had already eaten Natasha Romanoff.

"Boom boom!"

However, what responded to them was a fierce shooting, and the bullets flew horizontally, as if they had long eyes, they hit the Mutants in front of them accurately and unmistakably.

The rest of the people around Lil felt tight, and instinctively scattered around, looking for cover.

"Don't waste your time! Our superhero will never give in to evil forces like you, and you can't help me at all!"

With a hit, Natasha Romanoff was not in love with the fight, and rushed straight into the deep forest stream, launching a strong counterattack, fighting and retreating.

At the same time, taking a look at the teammates who had already died, Natasha Romanoff also flashed an anger in his eyes, and shouted loudly:

"If you don't believe it, just rush forward and taste whether my bullet is hard or not!"

At the next moment, Natasha Romanoff leaped into the air, shooting with two guns in succession, bombarding Lil with bullets like a rainstorm, making a violent sound, and the flames splashed.

But what is surprising is that Lil has directly used a supernatural power to make his body as hard as a diamond-hard, without any harm at all!

"Hey! Is that enough?"

Lier simply stood still, letting the bullets fly, Roar, with a cold smile on his face, mocking Black widow:

"Oh! By the way, Black widow, I just forgot to tell you, I'm your nemesis! Let's catch it now, so as not to waste our time!"

After that, Lil waved his hand and caught the last few bullets out of thin air, threw them straight back towards Natasha Romanoff, kicked both legs suddenly, and rushed towards her arrogantly! The whole ground trembled-trembling!

"Damn it! Don't be too proud, I won't let your conspiracy succeed 073!"

Directly smashing two pistols with all shots at Lil, Natasha Romanoff jumped up and quickly dodged with a favorable environment. For a while, Lil and the others lost their target and couldn't keep up with Natasha Romanoff's amazingness. Skill and speed!

"What are you guys doing in a daze? Search me! Get her at all costs!"

Squeezing the grabbed pistol to pieces, Lil immediately sank his face, looking even more terrifying and cruel.


The remaining Mutants who cooperated with the execution of this operation naturally didn't dare to take a mouthful. They reacted one by one in an instant, spread out, and launched a carpet-like search.

"Hey, no need, she can't escape from my palm!"

At this moment, another powerful figure walked out of the corner, as if it had been lurking here all the time, but it made people unable to discover his existence at all.


Lil raised her brows, quickly turned around, and subconsciously aimed her diamond fist at the visitor.

But when he saw the big face with the alloy mask clearly, he immediately let go of his heart and proudly spread his arms to welcome him: "Dr. Scourge, I didn't expect you to come too!"

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