Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 183 Chapter 182 Its deep love for the earth

Melinda, who once again held the steering wheel, turned her head several times to look at Li Feng. At the same time, her right hand seemed to be out of control, touching a certain switch from time to time.

Melinda knew the function of the switch. She had seen Li Feng flip the switch to put the RV into flight mode, which showed that the switch was inevitably related to the flight mode of the RV.

Li Feng, who was lying on the sofa and drinking heavily, looked at Melinda several times with his eyelids twitching slightly. Seeing that the other person's eyes were either threatening or pleading, Li Feng, who loved his general, sighed and said: "Beauty, you can't fly if you want, but My mana consumption is serious now and I need a good rest, so I really don’t have the energy to cast spells to fix the furniture. How about this, as long as you don’t do any flying stunts, I will let you fly once. "

On the side, Colson, whose mind was full of his last car ride experience, turned to look at Melinda, hesitated for a few seconds and then said with a slightly fearful tone: "Mei, I think what Austin said makes sense, you It's better to fly more smoothly," Colson pointed to the three pale-faced scientific researchers and said, "They have been working with us for several days, and they are already very tired. They originally thought that they could go home after completing the mission. Take a rest, it turns out that we are already on the way to the next mission, and they will also participate in this mission, so you can let them have a good rest before they arrive at the mission site."

Melinda curled her lips, turned on the flight switch, nodded slightly, and said with great reluctance: "I know."

As soon as she finished speaking, Melinda stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

Sure enough, Melinda didn't do any flying stunts this time, and the RV flew quite steadily, but Li Feng felt that he still had auditory hallucinations in his ears.

RV: Madan, the front of my car is flat-panel... Do you want my big face to rub against the wind at this speed so that you can grill the steak? It’s the kind that’s fully cooked…

Li Feng shook his head to shake the hallucination out of his head. He looked at the sudden burst of speed of the RV and the beer in the wine glass spilled out. He felt regretful in his heart and rolled his eyes at Melinda who was already in high spirits. He said: "Beautiful Mei, did you hear the conversation in my RV?"

Melinda, who was enjoying the flight, held the steering wheel with both hands and listened curiously to what the RV was saying, but she said she heard nothing except the sound of the engine.

Coulson, who was sitting next to Li Feng, was not much better. After listening with his ears straight to show that he heard nothing, he put his hands behind his ears to make a simple hearing aid. While listening, he asked curiously: "Are you sure?" Does the RV speak? What language does it speak? Is it infrasound or ultrasonic?”

Li Feng was stunned for a moment: Do you think my RV is a bat or a giraffe?

Rolling his eyes at Coulson, Li Feng tried hard to hold back his laughter and pretended to be surprised, and said: "People have their own language, dogs have their own dog language, and cars naturally have their own language,"

Seeing Coulson's attitude of being knowledgeable and asking for advice humbly, Li Feng, who couldn't hold it in anymore, pointed in the direction of the motorhome's engine and laughed: "Didn't you hear the engine saying, 'My heart can't stand it, please excuse me, Miss Mei' Take your foot off the gas and give me some life-saving pills?"

If Coulson still couldn't tell that Li Feng was playing tricks on him, he might as well jump off the RV without a parachute.

Colson ignored the laughing Li Feng, covered his face with his coat, and lay down on the sofa to take a nap.

Melinda hesitated for a moment, then relaxed the throttle slightly and stopped talking to Li Feng, focusing on enjoying her own flight.

The place where Mjolnir fell was not too far away from Li Feng at this time. In addition, the RV flew in a straight line. The group of people arrived near Mjolnir after flying for about half a day.

Melinda, who was sitting in the driver's seat, thought for a moment when she vaguely saw the big hole in front of her. She slowly landed the RV on the ground and drove towards the crowd using the speed and mode that a car should have.

There's no way around it. A lot of people have gathered near Mjolnir. If a flying RV suddenly appears among the crowd, there's no telling what reports will appear in tomorrow's newspapers.

Maybe the alien invasion of the earth was staged, and then citizens frantically grabbed supplies from supermarkets and desperately hoarded food and toilet paper.

If things get bigger, such as chaos or something, Fury will probably sneak Coulson or Melinda out into the public as soon as possible to resolve the crisis.

In response, Melinda said that the pot was too big, so she and Colson tied it together and carried it on their backs.

After a while, the RV stopped firmly next to the crater made by Mjolnir when he descended on the earth.

Li Feng knew that Thor would not appear in the crowd now, so he didn't bother to get out of the car to watch the excitement. He leisurely held a beer in one hand and pinched peanuts in the other, looking at Mjolnir through the car window.

On the side, Coulson, who had just woken up, stretched and adjusted his collar and sleeves while pressing his face against the car window. He watched curiously as an uncle in the distance tried to take Mjolnir home in a pickup truck.

Unfortunately, the head of Mjolnir's hammer was forged from the center of the planet that was about to decline. In addition, Odin applied a bunch of magic to the hammer with unknown effects. As a result, Mjolnir was not even moved by a pickup truck. Even being tied to a train might not make it move a step.

Therefore, the fate of the pickup truck that tried to pull Mjolnir could be imagined. The entire body of the truck was pulled off, okay?

But Coulson didn't know Mjolnir's secret. Seeing that such a small hammer could not even do anything to a pickup truck, Coulson immediately stared in disbelief.

Coincidentally, there was a wizard who knew Asgard in front of Coulson, who asked curiously: "Austin, do you know why this hammer cannot be moved?"

"Because it loves the earth deeply," Li Feng said casually: "It's rare for people to come to the earth, of course they have to get in touch with Mother Earth."

Colson: I don't believe you

Of course, joking aside, Li Feng still explained to Coulson why mortals can't lift Mjolnir while drinking.

As for Odin's promise that 'whoever picks up Mjolnir will have Thor's ability or become the mountain king of Asgard', Li Feng thought it was nonsense, so he didn't tell Coulson in detail, but just mentioned it vaguely. As for whether Coulson noticed it, Li Feng said it was not his business.

In fact, from Li Feng's point of view, the fundamental reason why no one except Thor could lift Mjolnir was Odin.

Mjolnir is a divine weapon after all. Would Odin really be generous enough to let anyone use it? Don't make a fuss.

Don't be fooled by Odin's kind appearance now, but he didn't get his current status by his handsome smile, but by his fists, fists as big as casseroles.

If anyone didn't obey Odin back then, Odin would definitely bring his army to your doorstep before dawn the next day, waving his fists to make you "convinced".

For such a big man who speaks with his fists, not only did he hand over the artifact to others casually, but he also handed over the throne to others? Isn't this thinking too much?

Even Captain America could only hold Mjolnir in one hand and Mjolnir in the other after Odin's death.

When Odin was alive before, Captain America could only shake Mjolnir slightly at best. This was obviously Odin's doing. Otherwise, why couldn't Captain America pick up Mjolnir at the beginning? You can't say that the captain at that time was not a righteous man of God, right?

Therefore, Li Feng dared to assert: Whoever can pick up Mjolnir, Odin will immediately come to the door with a gun, and the reasons are ready. If he can't even beat an old man like Odin, how can he talk about protecting Asgard?

It is also because of this that Li Feng never thought of trying to pick up Mjolnir from the beginning.

And Li Feng also knows himself.

Let’s not talk about his misdeeds in the other world, let’s talk about the Marvel world.

In order to get Hellfire, Li Feng directly hunted Carter Slay, who had a short life span and had already put down his butcher knife and determined to be a good person.

Obviously, he had the ability to subdue the abomination, and even thought of a way to restore the abomination’s sanity, but Li Feng directly made the other party into an obedient mummy, and the reason was just to try the effect of resurrection and want a strong and obedient bodyguard.

Let’s not talk about the rest of the things like keeping the soul-feeding Dementors around. Anyway, Li Feng never thought that he was a kind person. It’s more like saying that he is a righteous man of the devil.

Since he is not qualified to take the hammer and it is dangerous to take it, Li Feng would be stupid to touch Mjolnir.

The hammer head is the center of the planet that is about to decay? There is also the magic of God King Odin.

While thinking about how to deal with Mjolnir, Coulson put on his coat, hung his SHIELD ID on his chest, and ordered the SWAT team to persuade the people nearby to leave.

As for the reason for persuasion, of course, he used the excuse that the hammer had radiation.

Coulson said that he was very good at this excuse, and the effect was usually good. In addition, three researchers in biochemical suits had already walked towards Mjolnir with equipment, so he believed that the excuse of radiation would be more convincing.

After a while, the people who were watching Mjolnir left obediently under the guns of the SWAT team.

Seeing that only SHIELD people were left at the scene, Coulson immediately returned to the RV and said to Li Feng, who was watching Tom and Jerry and drinking, with a smile: "Austin, help me open the door."

"What door?" Li Feng, who saw his brain kicked off after watching the cartoon, looked up at Coulson in confusion and asked: "Which door do you want to open in my house?"

"The portal connecting to the Triskelion," Coulson pointed to the three researchers who were circling around Mjolnir and said, "There are only a few of us on the scene, and we don't have any materials. What do you think I can do?" How long will it take for you to build a facility to protect Mjolnir?"

Li Feng scratched his head, opened a portal to Fury's office, and said, "You still want to build a protective facility? Why not just cover Mjolnir with a piece of oilcloth?" After a pause, Li Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "You want to study Mjolnir before Thor comes to you?"

Coulson did not deny Li Feng's guess. In fact, Li Feng's guess was correct. He not only wanted to study Mjolnir, but if possible, he also wanted to collect some personal information about Thor, such as genes.

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